属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-星巴克 亏损巨头靠速溶咖啡来提神
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-叙利亚内战 艰难时刻
1 | (2)签订本协议之后变成众所周知的或可通过公开途径自然得到的信息 | (ii)becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no action or inaction of the receiving party | |
2 | 巴勃罗老是按兵不动,把我们拖烂啦。 | Pablo has rotted us here with inaction | |
3 | 保密期限规定:机密信息的接收方有责任一直保密到此保密信息变成了公开信息或通过公开途径可得到的信息。 | Term. The obligations of each receiving party hereunder shall survive until such time as all Confidential Information disclosed hereunder becomes publicly known and made generally available through no action or inaction of the receiving party. | |
4 | 不慌不忙地作决定就会使人猜测是打算不了了之。 | A leisurely process of decision-making creates a presumption in favor of eventual inaction | |
5 | 不活动,除非作为激烈活动之间恢复体力的措施,对于健康的肌体来说,是件痛苦而危险的事。 | Inaction , save as a measure of recuperation between bursts of activity, is painful and dangerous to the healthy organism | |
6 | 从清静无为到奋发进取-《淮南子》思想研究 | From Quiet and Inaction to Energetic and Promising-A Study on Huainanzi | |
7 | 对某地的不活跃感到不耐烦. | grow impatient of the inaction of a place | |
8 | 对他来说,这一次休息却是一个致命伤。 | For him it was a fatal inaction | |
9 | 反对党的演讲者作了一次生动的演讲,抨击了政府最近的无所作为。 | The opposition speaker made a lively speech, lacing into the government for its recent inaction . | |
10 | 反对党过去一直向选民们宣传政府无所作为,但是就在选举前,政府做了几件得人心的事,使反对党的论点站不住脚。 | The Opposition had been telling the voters about the Government’s inaction , but the Government then cut ground from under their feet by doing the right things just before the election | |
11 | 反之,赫斯渥太太却决不肯坐失良机。 | Mrs. Hurstwood, on the contrary, had decided not to lose her advantage by inaction | |
12 | 给公私财产造成重大损失,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑 事责任。 | If their action or inaction causes severe harm to state and public interests and constitute crimes, they shall be investigated for their criminal responsibility. | |
13 | 即不要保持沉默也不能按兵不动。 | Neither silence nor inaction is necessary | |
14 | 科学伦理的源始与终结-以道家无为思想论自然概念的变迁 | The Source and End of Science Ethics: Explore the Change of "Nature" Conception from Taoism Inaction Thought | |
15 | 如果取消谈判而又不能继以军事行动,其结果只能是公开张扬尼克松连私下也不想承认的一件事。 | cancellation of the talks followed by military inaction would merely advertise what Nixon could not admit even to himself | |
16 | 他因强制不许活动而感到烦躁恼怒。 | He chafed at the forced inaction | |
17 | 搪塞怠工的借口;借口 | A pretext for inaction ;an excuse. | |
18 | 我们迟疑不决,无所作为就能积聚力量吗? | Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction ? | |
19 | 行动者总会击败不行动者。 | Action always beats inaction . | |
20 | 一篇强烈谴责政府无所事事的社论 | an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction . | |
21 | 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地 | With irregular intervals of action and inaction ;intermittently. | |
22 | 暂时的不活动期 | a season of inaction | |
23 | ||1:“伊斯兰国”的崛起也反映了美国政策的失误。||2:第一桩错是乔治·W·布什的种种轻率行为:其标志就是2003年5月在迎接其从伊拉克凯旋的林肯号上公然写着“使命完结”的大幅标语。||3:第二桩错是奥巴马政府的不作为:叙利亚人民奋起反抗巴沙尔·阿萨德政权时,奥巴马总统退居幕后,指望事情能自己好转起来—他的不作为使得阿萨德更加肆意妄为,践踏百姓。||4:甚至在阿萨德动用化学武器的行为已然越界时,美国这个超级大国都没有对其严惩。||5:他的做法导致约20万叙利亚人民死亡,超过1000万人被驱逐出境。||6:没有美国及时的帮助,温和的叙利亚反对派分崩离析,令这个国家陷入精心组织、残暴无情的“伊斯兰国”控制之下。 | ||1:Its rise has also reflected American policy.||2:First, the poorly thought-out intervention of George W. Bush, typified by the rash “Mission Accomplished” banner that greeted him on the USS Abraham Lincoln in May 2003 after his invasion of Iraq.||3:Then Mr Obama’s studious inaction . When Syrians rose up against the regime of Bashar Assad, the president stood back in the hope that things would sort themselves out—leaving Mr Assad free to commit atrocities against his own people.||4:Even when Mr Assad crossed “the red line” of using chemical weapons, the superpower did not punish him.||5:About 200,000 Syrians have died and 10m have been driven from their homes.||6:Denied early American support, the moderate Syrian opposition has fragmented, leaving the field to the ruthless and well-organised IS. | |
24 | ||1:第三,对意外后果的恐惧将成为分开的刹车。||2:沃伦的计划在一定程度上受到了法律学者莉娜?可汗的启发。她在2017年发表了一篇颇具影响力的论文,题为《亚马逊的反垄断悖论》。||3:但在最近的一篇论文中,她列出了严厉监管的几个弊端。||4:快速发展的技术可能让分裂变得过时。||5:因为它们带来了摩擦,可能导致价格更高。||6:如果它们的能力有限,平台可能会削减投资,从而减缓创新。||7:尽管她指出了这些缺陷,但她表示,这“不是无所作为的有力理由”。 | ||1:Third, the fear of unintended consequences will act as a brake on break-ups.||2:Ms Warren’s plan was in part inspired by Lina Khan, a legal scholar, who in 2017 published an influential paper entitled “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox” and now advises the antitrust subcommittee of the House of Representatives in its investigation of Big Tech.||3:But in a more recent paper she lists several drawbacks to heavy regulation.||4:Quickly evolving technology can make break-ups obsolete.||5:Because they introduce friction, they could lead to higher prices.||6:If they are limited in what they can do, platforms may cut investment, thus slowing innovation.||7:Although she identifies these drawbacks she says they are “not a compelling argument for inaction ”. | |
25 | ||1:培尼亚派人公正的说,不能强求墨西哥的法治一夜之间有所改变。||2:但是,这并不是不采取行动的理由。||3:伊瓜拉并不是唯一一个警察与罪犯勾结的城市,在这些地方,联邦政府应采取使用临时的警察并且加强政府的控制。||4:培尼亚应该努力清理国家警察部队和地方法院。||5:一项法案使总检察长办公室独立且创建一个反腐机构,这些应该会很快就能见效。||6:同时,墨西哥的联邦制也应该改变。州和市政当局筹集的几乎没有其自己的资金,且政府应该不承担为他们支出的责任。||7:在培尼亚的改革条例中有一个对于三个主要政党的公诉,而主要负责的政客们还尚未同意。 | ||1:Mr Peaa’s people rightly say that the rule of law cannot be imposed in Mexico overnight.||2:But that is no excuse for inaction today.||3:Iguala is not the only town where criminals run the police: in such places, the federal government should take temporary control of the police and administration.||4:Mr Peaa should lead an effort to clean up state police forces and local courts.||5:A bill to make the attorney-general’s office independent and to create an anti-corruption agency should be fast-tracked.||6:Federalism in Mexico needs change, too: states and municipalities raise almost no funds of their own and are not held to account for their spending.||7:It is an indictment of all three main political parties that the elements in Mr Peaa’s reform pact to make politicians accountable have yet to be approved. | |
26 | 没有人可以指责重回星巴克的首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨的无所作为, | NO ONE can accuse Howard Schultz of inaction since he returned as chief executive of Starbucks, | |
27 | 于外交来说,这一招妙不可言,但却使不作为获得了许可,而且代价在叙利亚伤亡中显而易见。 | That may be deft diplomacy, but it is a licence for inaction , and the price is counted in Syrian suffering. | |
28 | “弃婴箱是应该拆除,但现在政府对救助婴儿不管不顾,而且不关心。” | "[The] baby box should go, but right now there is only inaction and lack of concern. " | |
29 | “危机是人类作为和不作为行为的结果,不是大自然或计算机模式失控造成的”报告中说。 | "The crisis was the result of human action and inaction , not of Mother Nature or computer models gone haywire, " the report states. | |
30 | 巴拉克奥巴马在六月份的国会上说到,“在因对抗全球变暖而步履维艰的情势下,我唯一不能接受的态度便是什么努力都不做。” | "THE one approach I will not accept, " said Barack Obama in June of Congress’s faltering efforts to fight global warming, "is inaction . " |