属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济学史 Centuries of trial and
1 | 昨天我们通过无线电听了总统的就职演说。 | We listened to the President’s inaugural speech on the radio yesterday. | |
2 | ||1:1994年,他与中国文化书院的三位同事共同创建了“自然之友”组织,这是中国首个合法的非政府组织,也是首个致力于保护环境的组织。||2:“自然之友”成立仪式上,只吸引了60名成员,而今已近1万。||3:就像梁先生自豪宣告的那样,人人皆是“自然之友”:家庭主妇、学生、市场上的售食小贩,甚至首钢工人。每年一月,梁先生都会在首钢用塑料瓶收集积雪,为的是向学童们展示——雪中已污染了黑色微粒。 | ||1:Friends of Nature, founded by him in 1994 with three colleagues from the Academy for Chinese Culture, was China’s first legal NGO and the first committed to protecting the country’s environment.||2:At its inaugural meeting it drew 60 members; there are now around 10,000.||3:As Mr Liang proudly said, it was for everybody: housewives, students, food-sellers in the market, even workers from the Capital Steel Corporation factory where Mr Liang, each January, would gather snow in plastic bottles to show schoolchildren the little black specks of pollution in it. | |
3 | ||1:但是演出大获成功不代表这部歌剧有利可图。||2:事实证明,很少有歌剧能赚钱,而“爱因斯塔”正是一个奇特的典型——尽管它经常被形容为“极简主义”的里程碑。||3:这部歌剧的首演或许让格拉斯先生和威尔逊先生声名大噪,却也让他们潦倒破产。||4:在大都会歌剧院演出取得巨大成功后不久,格拉斯先生回到纽约开起了出租车,努力维持日常开销。||5:这种艰苦的生活,再加上这部歌剧对表演者和观众的要求极高,使得“爱因斯坦”的演出次数非常少。 | ||1:But the opera’s success did not mean it was profitable.||2:As it happens, few operas make money and “Einstein” is quite a spectacle—even though it is often described as a landmark of minimalism.||3:Its inaugural run may have made Messrs Glass and Wilson famous, but it also left them bankrupt.||4:Not long after their Met triumph, Mr Glass went back to cab-driving in New York, struggling to make ends meet.||5:This ordeal, together with the fact that this opera is uniquely demanding on performers and audience-members alike, has ensured that “Einstein” productions are rare. | |
4 | ||1:国务院发展研究中心计划把新加坡国有企业控股公司淡马锡公司作为一个可能的模型。||2:淡马锡公司成立于1974年,它从新加坡财政部手中接手了35家国有企业。||3:它成立的投资组合包括几个使得裕廊引人注目的公司,包括其造船厂和飞禽公园(如图)。||4:从那时起后四十年,裕廊的投资组合不仅迅速增加(它现在价值2150亿新加坡币,约合1720亿美元),还不断发展:只有30%的控股还在新加坡手上。||5:其国内股份集中在新加坡称为“国联企业”手中,例如新加坡航空(控股56%),电信公司SingTel(52%)。 | ||1: The DRC’s plan named Temasek, a holding company for SOEs in Singapore, as a potential model. ||2: It was created in 1974, when it inherited 35 companies from the finance ministry. ||3: Its inaugural portfolio contained several of the firms that made Jurong eye-catching, including its shipyard and its birdpark (pictured). ||4: In the four decades since, Temasek’s portfolio has both multiplied (it is now worth S$215 billion, or $172 billion) and gone forth: only 30% of its holdings remain in Singapore itself. ||5: Its domestic holdings are concentrated in what Singapore calls “government-linked companies” (GLCs), such as Singapore Airlines (of which it owns 56%) and SingTel, a telecoms company (52%). | |
5 | ||查尔斯·狄更斯曾经办了一本颇受欢迎的杂志,叫《家常话》,1854年,在创刊号上,他给经济学家提出了一项挑战,即要让经济学更人性化,他说,“没有一点人性为其蔽体、充实其血肉,政治经济学就是一具骷髅。要有一点人性才能让它开花,让它有温度。”|| | In an essay in his popular magazine, Household Words, Charles Dickens issued a challenge to economists to humanise their discipline.|| “Political economy is a mere skeleton unless it has a little human covering and filling out,” he wrote in the inaugural issue in 1854. “A little human bloom upon it, and a little human warmth in it.”|| | |
6 | 它成立的投资组合包括几个使得裕廊引人注目的公司,包括其造船厂和飞禽公园。 | Its inaugural portfolio contained several of the firms that made Jurong eye-catching, including its shipyard and its birdpark. | |
7 | “我们需要恢复日本的青春活力,”菅直人在他上月就职的新闻发布会上说。 | "We need to revive an energetic Japan, " Mr Kan said at his inaugural news conference in June. | |
8 | 09年1月17日,华盛顿特区。一条沿宪法大街而下的蓝线标示着就职典礼游行的路线。 | A blue line down Constitution Avenue indicates the route of the Inaugural Parade January 17, 2009 in Washington, DC. | |
9 | 09年1月18日,华盛顿特区。参加林肯纪念堂前的“我们是一家”的就职典礼庆典的人群挤满了广场。 | Crowds fill the Mall as they attend the the "We are One" Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial January 18, 2009 in Washington, DC. | |
10 | 2009年3月招收的第一个班级吸引了40名学员,第二年吸引了42名学生。 | The inaugural class in March 2009 attracted 40 students, with a further 42 students in the second year. | |
11 | 8月14日,新加坡迎来世界各地的年轻运动员,拉开首届青年奥运会的帷幕。 | On Saturday, Singapore welcomed young athletes from around the world in a ceremony opening the inaugural Youth Olympic Games. | |
12 | 奥巴马就职演说没给“希望”和“改变”太多位置 | Barack Obama finds little room for hope or change in his inaugural address | |
13 | 奥巴马在就职演说里宣布他将向那些不愿放开手掌的国家伸出和解之手。 | In his inaugural address, Mr Obama said he would extend a hand to those willing to unclench their fist. | |
14 | 澳大利亚于1998年首夺冠军,他们在悉尼和布里斯班以45-3和33-3战胜对手。 | Australia won the inaugural series in 1998, beating Scotland 45-3 and 33-3 in Sydney and Brisbane respectively. | |
15 | 巴拉克·奥巴马可以利用他就职后的中国首访来推动全球低碳经济改革。 | Barack Obama can use his inaugural China visit to jump-start the transformation to a global low-carbon economy. | |
16 | 本周,坐立不安的对冲基金经理聚集在纽约时代华纳中心召开首届“价值投资大会”(ValueInvestingCongress)。 | They held the inaugural Value Investing Congress, a gathering of antsy hedge fund managers, at the Time Warner Centre in New York this week. | |
17 | 比较肯尼迪就职演说词的两种中译文 | A Critique of Two Versions of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: A Comparative Approach | |
18 | 并将于11月28日,在中国首度推出姚明.纳帕谷赤霞珠葡萄酒。 | Yao will release the inaugural vintage of Yao Ming Napa Valley Cabernet in China on Nov. | |
19 | 不论你是否同意他的政治观点,富兰克林·罗斯福在他的就职演说上确实提出了一些深刻的见解。 | Whether you agree with his political views or not, Franklin D. Roosevelt hit on something profound in his first inaugural address. | |
20 | 超过新对撞机的科学潜力,它的开张运行也代表了各种类型物理的欧洲回归。 | Beyond the new collider’s scientific potential, its inaugural run also represents a homecoming of sorts for physics in Europe. | |
21 | 潮水般的人群随杰克逊总统一起来到了白宫,参加就职宴会。 | The crowd followed him to the White House to take part in the inaugural celebration. | |
22 | 除了表达演讲内容的词语,你是不可能想象盖提斯堡演讲和第二次就职演说的语言的。 | You cannot imagine the Gettysburg Address or the Second Inaugural in words other than those in which they are conveyed. | |
23 | 除了传统的就职舞会,我们还举办了一场被称为“钻石与细帆布”的阿肯色州招待晚会。 | In addition to the traditional inaugural ball, we hosted a night of Arkansas entertainment called Diamonds and Denim. | |
24 | 从就职演说词翻译看交际语境分析的意义 | Communicative Context Analysis in Inaugural Address Translation | |
25 | 丹尼尔.韦伯斯特在没有得到邀请的情况下就为新总统写好了就职演说词。 | Daniel Webster, without even being asked, wrote an inaugural speech for the new president. | |
26 | 但是,比开馆展更有趣的是谢赫.哈桑将如何操纵博物馆项目。 | More interesting than the inaugural exhibitions, though, is what Sheikh Hassan is trying to do with the Mathaf project. | |
27 | 当他开始多数党领袖就职演说时,其他议员竟没有注意到他,还是底下窃窃私语。 | When he started his inaugural address as majority leader, his fellow senators at first did not notice and carried on chatting. | |
28 | 当希拉里-克林顿(HillaryClinton)把东京作为她出任国务卿后首次外交出访的第一站时,传达出同样的公开慰藉之意。 | Hillary Clinton offered the same public reassurance when she made Tokyo the first stop on her inaugural trip as secretary of state. | |
29 | 地球之友创立于人类首次漫步月球的那一年,首届地球日诞生于一年以后。 | Friends of the Earth was founded in the same year that man first walked on the Moon. The inaugural Earth Day happened a year later. | |
30 | 对肯尼迪《就职演说》的文体分析 | Stylistic Analysis of Kennedy’s Inaugural Address |