属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿富汗选举 有效的转折
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高飞的承诺 The big promise
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-云计算 Cloud computing
1 | 在曼德拉生平陈列中心的揭幕仪式上,前狱警唐纳德·卡德将日记本物归原主。 | They were handed back by former policeman Donald Card at a ceremony marking the inauguration of an archive of Mr Mandela’s life. | |
2 | 在总统就职仪式上,联邦最高法院总检察长主持了新总统宣誓就职。 | At the inauguration , the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President | |
3 | 自从里根先生就任总统以来,白宫始终认为以色列越过黎巴嫩边界的攻击是正当的“紧追”和“自卫”。 | Ever since Mr Reagan’s inauguration , the White House has consistently regarded Israeli attacks across the Lebanese border as justifiable "hot pursuit" s and "self defence" | |
4 | ||1:巴拉克?奥巴马同阿卜杜拉联系,威胁称美国将停止所有军事和经济援助。||2:阿卜杜拉做退缩了。作为回报,美国已承诺对投票过程进行完全的国际监督审查。||3:新总统的就职典礼已从8月2日推迟到这个月底,事实上,还不清楚在审查过程中会发现多少舞弊行为。||4:但两位候选人都承诺接受结果,这比实际数字更重要。 | ||1: Barack Obama called Dr Abdullah and threatened to stop all American military and financial aid. ||2: Dr Abdullah backed down. In return, America has promised a full, internationally supervised audit of every vote cast. ||3: The inauguration of a new president has been postponed from August 2nd to the end of the month. In truth it is not at all clear how much fraud an audit will pick up. ||4: But both candidates have promised to accept the result, and that matters more than the actual tally. | |
5 | ||1:格伦沃尔德的这本书做了细致入微的研究,让人们对当年选举前、特别是在漫长的过渡时期中的奥巴马团队先进思想有了更多的了解。||2:在2008年最后一个季度,布什时代最后的三个月里,美国经济萎缩了8.9%,令人惊讶。||3:截至2009年早期,失业人数达到每月80万人。||4:政府也加大了应对政策的力度。||5:早在奥巴马就职日之前,预估价值为3000亿美元的早期计划就提高到了约8000亿美元。||6:格伦沃尔德表明,甚至连这个数目都大大低于奥巴马经济学家的预期。 | ||1: Mr Grunwald’s book does a meticulous job, casting much new light on the advance thinking of Mr Obama’s team, both before the election and, especially, during the long transition. ||2: In the last quarter of 2008, the final three months of the Bush era, the American economy contracted by an astonishing 8.9%. ||3: By early 2009 job losses hit 800,000 a month. ||4: The size of the policy response grew too. ||5: An early plan, calculated at $300 billion, grew, long before inauguration day, to around $800 billion. ||6: And that, as Mr Grunwald makes clear, was very much at the low end of what Mr Obama’s economists thought was required. | |
6 | ||1:叙利亚反对派的流亡伞状组织——叙利亚全国联盟——在七月六日迎来了一位新主席,而这场就职典礼却未成为叙利亚人关注的焦点。但这也情有可原。||2: 新任主席为艾哈迈德·贾尔巴(Ahmed Jarba),他是强大的舍麦尔部族(Shammar tribe)的首领,此部族势力强大,一直延伸至叙利亚、伊拉克以及沙特阿拉伯。 ||3:他出生于叙利亚东北部的哈塞克镇(Hasaka),曾经是一名政治犯。 | ||1: SYRIANS can be forgiven for paying scant attention to the inauguration on July 6th of a new president of the Syrian National Coalition, the political opposition’s umbrella group in exile. ||2: The new man, Ahmed Jarba, is a leader of the powerful Shammar tribe, which has branches in Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. ||3: A former political prisoner, he hails from the north-eastern Syrian town of Hasaka. | |
7 | ||1:在杰拉尔德·福特就职时,她参照《新版圣经》的训诫,整个早晨都“保持缄默”。||2:但即使入住白宫,她也没有改变从前的生活方式,这一点很明确。||3:她和杰拉瑞德保持从前的作息时间(白宫没有双人床,他们的床只不过拼起来的一对小床加上一个双人床床板,不过拼床和弄进一个双人床进来一样都挺麻烦的),“只要有机会就做爱”。||4:她为给自己的豪华轿车做了一面旗子,蓝色缎子打底,上面画着一条显眼的大号白棉布灯笼裤,只因为她自己的姓氏是布鲁姆(Bloomer:灯笼裤)。||5:1975年做客“60分”节目,她一头膨松的美发恰到好处,脸上始终挂着笑容。直言吸大麻的感觉像“当年初尝啤酒时”一样美妙,还有,如果她18岁得女儿苏珊在谈恋爱,她也不会觉得诧异。||6:杰拉尔德开玩笑道:“亲爱的,你刚刚让我失去了2000万张选票”,但贝蒂自己的人气却在飙升。 | ||1: On Jerry’s inauguration day she kept quiet, because she had taken advice from her Living Bible that morning to “put a muzzle on your mouth”. ||2: But she made it clear that she didn’t intend to change the candid habits of a lifetime just because she was in the White House. ||3: Jerry and she were going to keep their sleeping arrangements (not really a double bed, just twins that swung out from one headboard, but the fuss was the same), in which they would have sex “as often as possible!” ||4: The flag she had made for her limousine featured a pair of voluminous calico knickers on a blue satin ground, because her maiden name was Bloomer. ||5: On “60 Minutes” in 1975, her bouffant hair perfect and her warm smile ever ready, she declared that smoking marijuana was like “having a first beer” and that she wouldn’t be surprised if her 18-year-old daughter Susan had an affair. ||6: Jerry said: “Honey, you just lost me 20m votes.” Her own ratings soared. | |
8 | 新任总统在参选之初就郑重保证,将尊重穆斯林,并把美国的友好传达给所有愿意松开拳头的伊朗人。他的就职演讲给伊朗乃至整个穆斯林世界带来了一丝希望,新的开始仿佛就在眼前。(伊朗人还认为,奥巴马是“和我们站在一起的”) | The inauguration of a new president who from the start promised the Muslim world respect and who offered the hand of American friendship to those willing to unclench their fist, prompted stirrings of hope, both in Iran and beyond, that this could be a new start. (Farsi speakers also noted that Obama means “He is with us”.) | |
9 | “不要问你的国家能够为你做些什么,而要问问你自己能够为你的国家做些什么”肯尼迪总统在他1961年的就职典礼上如是说。 | "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country, " President Kennedy proclaimed at his inauguration in 1961. | |
10 | “我们已经做好准备,统计数据将轻松超越奥巴马的就职典礼。”Facebook的营销总监兰蒂‧扎克伯格说到。 | "We are preparing for numbers that easily outweigh the inauguration , " said Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook’s marketing director. | |
11 | 09年1月11日,国会山庄。一个导演就职仪式的预演过程中“复习”笔记。 | A director reviews his notes during a rehearsal for the Inauguration Ceremony January 11, 2009 at the US Capitol. | |
12 | 1931年,为举行落成典礼,通过铁路把它运送到2343英尺高的山上。 | A railway carried it up the 2, 343-foot mountain for the 1931 inauguration . | |
13 | 1983年1月11日,在一大群民众面前,我第二次宣誓任职州长,在我们阿肯色州,有这么多人参加州长的就职典礼,还是头一回。 | On January 11, 1983, I took the oath of office for the second time, before the largest crowd ever to attend an inauguration in our state. | |
14 | 1998年总统就职典礼上,金大中与夫人李姬镐在一起。 | Mr. Kim at his presidential inauguration in 1998 with his wife, Lee Hee-Ho. | |
15 | 2006年10月3日亚典耀大学孔子学院正式揭幕成立,中方合作伙伴为中山大学。 | The formal inauguration was held on October 3, 2006 with Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) in Guangzhou as the partner university. | |
16 | 2012.4.9.在平壤,几千名市民在金正日马赛克肖像的揭幕式鼓掌欢呼。 | Thousands of residents applaud at a square during the inauguration of a mosaic portrait of Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang, April 9, 2012. | |
17 | Clinton参加BarackObama就职典礼时身穿蓝色外套,蓝色是她参加2008年大选的标志性颜色。 | Clinton attended Barack Obama’s inauguration in a blue coat, a signature color from her 2008 campaign. | |
18 | 奥巴马出现在他的就职典礼上 | Obama arrives for his inauguration ceremony | |
19 | 奥巴马上任之际,全球为之雀跃,人们对其寄予厚望。 | Barack Obama’s inauguration was marked by global jubilation and stratospheric expectations. | |
20 | 奥巴马总统上任不久,网上就有了以图形符号方式表现的他21分钟演讲的文字云。 | Soon after President Obama’s inauguration a word cloud with a graphical-semiotic representation of his 21-minute speech appeared on the web. | |
21 | 巴拉克.奥巴马打算在他的就职典礼上缅怀这位美国第十六任总统,他是他的政治偶像之一。 | Barack Obama plans to honor the sixteenth president, one of his political heroes, at his own inauguration . | |
22 | 本文仅通过美国总统布什第二次就职演说辞中应用到的特殊修辞资源-修辞人格展开简短分析,以此展示修辞人格的不同修辞力量。 | This paper will show some totally different rhetorical power by briefly analyzing the Ethos in Bush’s second inauguration speech. | |
23 | 比较一下奥巴马总统的高级幕僚在其就职前夕所做出的承诺,以及总统当前的表态,这之间的巨大反差值得深思。 | Consider the contrast between what Mr. Obama’s advisers were saying on the eve of his inauguration , and what he himself is saying now. | |
24 | 从上任起,奥巴马就是一直认为经济陷入现在困境责任在于前总统布什。 | Ever since his inauguration , Obama has nurtured the idea that responsibility for grim economic conditions rested with former President Bush. | |
25 | 大批民众参加总统就职典礼。 | A crowd of great magnitude attended the President’s inauguration . | |
26 | 但是,共和党议员要求推迟表决,以便对这项计划进行评析,因此这项议案不大可能在宣誓就职日之前得到通过。 | But some Republicans have urged a delay to review the plan, and the legislation is not likely to pass before Inauguration Day. | |
27 | 但是李明博在就职典礼上同样承诺支持那些透明的、廉洁勤恳地工作着的企业家们。 | But at his inauguration Mr Lee also promised to back "business leaders who are transparent and put in an honest day’s work" . | |
28 | 但是在就职典礼上,罗伯茨却说成了“我必履行合众国总统职务忠实地”。 | At the inauguration , Roberts instead said: "that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully. " | |
29 | 当时,老布什总统的国家安全顾问布伦特.斯考克罗夫特将军曾告诉桑迪.伯杰,说部队在我举行总统就职典礼前就可以回国。 | At the time, Bush’s national security advisor, General Brent Scowcroft, had told Sandy Berger they would be home before my inauguration . | |
30 | 当他1998最终当选总统时,在就职典礼上他专门邀请了那些曾想置他于死地的政敌,并宽恕了他们。 | That was why when he at last became president, in 1998, he invited to his inauguration the men who had wanted him dead, and forgave them. |