属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 8529-3-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 8529-3-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 61183-1995
1 | 〞二乙基固醇:一种人造非类固醇物质,其组成为CHO,具有雌性激素的特性,曾经用于治疗月经失调.但由于它可能会导致用过该药的妇女的女儿患阴道癌,现已不再使用.〞 | DES:a synthetic nonsteroidal substance, CHO, having estrogenic properties and once used to treat menstrual disorders. It is no longer prescribed because of the incidence of certain vaginal cancers in the daughters of women so treated. | |
2 | 1960年代研发的一种疫苗后来证明不能保证终身免疫,而且该疫苗对热敏感,不宜在热带地区使用。如今麻疹在世界有复苏的迹象。人们正在研究开发一种更稳定的疫苗。 | A vaccine developed in the 1960s proved not to give permanent immunity and is too heat-sensitive for use in tropical areas. The worldwide incidence of measles continues to rise. Research is currently directed toward development of a more stable vaccine. | |
3 | 1970年代和1980年代,有的避孕器被禁止贩卖,因为发现它们的副作用是高危险性的骨盆炎症、异位妊娠和自发性败血性流产等疾病。 | Certain types were taken off the market in the 1970s and ’80s when it was found that their side effects included a high incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and spontaneous septic abortion. | |
4 | 1981及1991两年高雄市区头部外伤发生率原因及严重度之比较 | Comparison of the Incidence , Causes, and Severity of Head Injuries between 1981 and 1991 in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan | |
5 | X射线正入射显微镜及其在ICF中的应用 | X-ray Normal Incidence Microscope and Its Application in ICF | |
6 | 暴露在药剂橙之下,被认为是造成越南人对流产、皮肤病、癌症、遗传缺陷和先天畸形(常很显著且患儿奇形怪状)等疾病发病率异常升高的主因。许多美国、澳大利亚和纽西兰服役人员及其家属,也因长期接触药剂橙而出现一些癌症以及其它疾病。 | Exposure to Agent Orange has been blamed for an abnormally high incidence of miscarriages, skin diseases, cancers, birth defects, and malformations among Vietnamese and of cancers and other disorders in U.S., Australian, and New Zealand servicemen and their families. | |
7 | 本病较为罕见,故无法确定其发病率。 | The disease is infrequent, and this makes it impossible to determine its true incidence | |
8 | 比如,由于物质基础设施(比如卫生标准和饮用水供应状况)的薄弱和某些传染性疾病的蔓延,发展中国家的某些食品安全风险往往更高。 | Some food safety risks, for example, tend to be greater in developing countries due to weaknesses in physical infrastructure (for example standards of sanitation and access to potable water)and higher incidence of certain infectious diseases. | |
9 | 标准中子辐射.第3部分:区域及个人剂量计的校正和对中子能功能及入射角的反应测定 | Reference neutron radiations-Calibration of area and personal dosimeters and determination of their response as a function of neutron energy and angle of incidence | |
10 | 参考中子辐射.第3部分:区域及个人剂量计的校正和对中子能作用及入射角的反应测定 | Reference neutron radiations-Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosimeters and determination of their response as a function of neutron energy and angle of incidence | |
11 | 初次罹患急性心肌梗塞妇女病发的生病经验 | Illness Experiences of Women Following First Incidence of Acute Myocardial Infarction | |
12 | 传染病监测 指对特定环境、人群进行流行病学、血清学、病原学、临床症状以及其他有关影响因素的调查研究,预测有关传染病的发生、发展和流行。 | To monitor epidemic diseases" means to carry out survey in a specific environment and among specific groups of people on matters relating to epidemiology, serology, etiology, and clinical symptoms; and to make prognostication of the incidence , development and spread of an epidemic disease. | |
13 | 胆石症的发病率随年龄而逐渐增高。 | The incidence of gallstones increases progressively with age | |
14 | 当迫切需要发病率的信息,、但信息的可靠性又不能依据常规信息系统时,建立这一监测系统。 | It is organized when information on incidence is urgently needed but reliance cannot be placed on routine information systems. | |
15 | 第二百二十四条 订立合同时,被保险人已经知道或者应当知道保险标的已经因发生保险事故而遭受损失的,保险人不负赔偿责任。 | Article 224 Where the insured was aware or ought to be aware that the subject matter insured had suffered a loss due to the incidence of a peril insured against when the contract was concluded, the insurer shall not be liable for indemnification but shall have the right to the premium. | |
16 | 第十五条 在发生保险事故后,投保方有责任采取一切必要措施,避免扩大损失,并将事故发生的情况及时通知保险方。 | ARticle 15. Upon the incidence of an insured event, the Insured shall take all necessary measures to prevent aggravation of the loss and shall notify the Insurer immediately of full details of the event. | |
17 | 第四条 保险合同当事人根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》第五十条规定,向合同管理机关申请调解或仲裁,应从其知道或应当知道保险事故发生之日起一年内提出。 | Article 4. The parties to the contract of insurance applying to the organ for control of contracts for reconciliation or arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of the Economic Contract Law of the PRC shall make their submission within a period of one year from the date on which the incidence of an insured event is known or ought to be known by them. | |
18 | 电声学.声级计的无规入射声场及扩散声场的校正 | Electroacoustics-Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters | |
19 | 对于生长范围的控制,是靠促进因子和拮抗因子间的平衡来达到的。 | The controls over the incidence of growth are exercised by a balance of factors which promote and which antagonize | |
20 | 二乙基固醇一种人造非类固醇物质,其组成为C18H20O2,具有雌性激素的特性,曾经用于治疗月经失调。但由于它可能会导致用过该药的妇女的女儿患阴道癌,现已不再使用 | A synthetic nonsteroidal substance,C18H20O2,having estrogenic properties and once used to treat menstrual disorders.It is no longer prescribed because of the incidence of certain vaginal cancers in the daughters of women so treated. | |
21 | 发病率大大下降。 | The incidence of illness has fallen greatly. | |
22 | 发病率发生疾病的概率 | The rate of incidence of a disease. | |
23 | 犯罪率已达到前所未有的水平。 | The incidence of crime has reached unheard-of levels. | |
24 | 放线杆菌病通常是一种散发性疾病,但偶尔也有高的发病 | Commonly a sporadic disease, actinobacillosis occasionally occurs in high incidence | |
25 | 肺癌的高发病率 | A high incidence of lung cancer | |
26 | 该税由谁负担? | What is the incidence of the tax ? | |
27 | 高敏CRP对急性前壁心肌梗死患者左室血栓形成的预测价值 | High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein Prospectively Assesses the Incidence of Left Ventricular Thrombus after Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction | |
28 | 坏死后肝硬变及血色素沉着症引起的肝癌比门脉性肝硬变所引起者为多。 | It has a higher incidence in postnecrotic cirrhosis and hemochromatosis than in Laennec’s cirrhosis | |
29 | 灰色关联分析 | grey relational analysis, grey incidence analysis | |
30 | 基于局部关联矩阵的Petri网监控器的综合 | Petri Net Supervisors for DES Based on Local Incidence Matrix |