1 | 这税会落在谁的身上? | What is the incidence of the tax? | |
2 | 这一地区疟疾的患病率仍然很高。 | There’s still a high incidence of malaria in the area | |
3 | 这种污染容易引发一些慢性疾病,诸如肺气肿、支气管炎和其他呼吸道疾病,并且与其他原因的高死亡率有联系.如癌症和动脉硬化及心脏病。 | Such pollution contributes to the incidence of such chronic diseases as emphysema, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments, and has been linked to higher mortality rates from other causes such as cancer and arteriosclerotic heart disease | |
4 | 政府公共支出及其受益归宿研究的新进展 | The Comment on the Studies of Government Public Expenditure and Its Benefit Incidence | |
5 | 中国实施计划免疫工作以来取得了巨大成就,传染病大幅度下降。 | Since the implementation of China’s immunization program, great achievements have been made and the incidence of infectious diseases has sharply declined | |
6 | 中子参考辐射 第3部分:场所和个人剂量计的校准及中子能量响应和角响应的确定 | Reference neutron radiations-Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosimeters and determination of their response as a function of neutron energy and angle of incidence | |
7 | 中子参考辐射?第三部分:区域和个人剂量计的校准及它们与中子能量和入射角响应函数关系的确定 | Reference neutron radiation – Part 3: Calibrating of area and personal dosimeters and determination of their response as a function of neutron energy and angle of incidence ?? | |
8 | 重庆地区儿童肥胖症患病率及其与血压的关系 | An Investigation of Obesity in Chongqing Children: The Incidence and Its Correlation with Blood Pressure | |
9 | 自然倒位多型性的发生率在种间以及亚种间可能不同。 | Differences with regard to the incidence of natural inversion polymorphism are likely to exist between species as well as between sub-species | |
10 | 最新数据表明,在英国的发生率还不到原先高流行期的十分之一。当时的情况是每周有上千头牛被确诊为新发病例。 | The latest figures show that the incidence of the disease in Britain is less than a tenth what it was at the epidemic’s height, when more than a thousand new cases were being diagnosed in cattle every week. |