1 | 基于遗传算法的图关联着色算法 | Algorithm for Graph Incidence Coloring Base on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm | |
2 | 监测的目的在于能迅速提供信息。这些信息能用于分析以决定确定频率(通常为发病率),回答各种问题:何人?何地?何时? | Surveillance aims to provide information quickly which can be analysed to determine frequency (usually incidence ), and to answer the questions: who? Where? And when? | |
3 | 减少某疾病的发病率 | Decrease the incidence of a disease | |
4 | 鉴定调查和追踪的病例;评估某一卫生问题的大小,跟踪其发病率和分布的趁势 | to identify cases for investigation and follow-up;to estimate the magnitude of a health problem and follow trends in its incidence and distribution | |
5 | 接着于数年的时间内对疾病的发生进行连续观察,以测定其发生率和死亡率的变化、记录其地理分布的变异等;有助于辨识新的症候群,或者找出在疾病与危险因子之间尚未被认识的关联。 | follows changes or variations in its incidence or mortality over time and in different locations, and helps identify syndromes or suggest associations with risk factors. | |
6 | 结节性硬化症诊断标准中不同临床表现发生率的研究 | Incidence of Different Clinical Features in Diagnostic Criteria for Tuberous Sclerosis | |
7 | 近50年来,癌症的发病率一直处于上升趋势。专家认为,这与生活方式,饮食有关。 | The incidence of cancer has been on the rise in the past 50 years, and experts believe that this has to do with life style and diet. | |
8 | 近几年这种病的发病率大大降低了。 | The incidence of this disease has dropped considerably in the past few years | |
9 | 据报导,高血压伴有胚胎性肾瘤的发病率变动极大。 | hypertension has been reported with widely varying incidence in embryonal nephroma | |
10 | 据文献报道,胶质瘤术后反应性强化的发生率是65.7%,肿瘤残存发生率是34.3%, | Sources have it that the incidence rate of intracranial gliomas postoperative reactional enhancement is 65.7%, whereas that of tumor residual is 34.3%. | |
11 | 口腔鳞癌颈淋巴结微转移的检测及临床意义 | Micrometastasis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Incidence and Clinical Implication | |
12 | 溃疡性结肠类与结肠和直肠的多发性腺癌的发生率增高有联系。 | Ulcertitive colitis is associated with an incidence of multiple adenocarcinomas of the colon and rectum | |
13 | 利用专利产品奶瓶防胀气装置避免胀气引起的腹痛、吐奶或打嗝 | To avoid incidence of colic, spit-up, or hiccups with the patented Colic Reducing Unit | |
14 | 林州营养干预试验人群恶性肿瘤发病前瞻纵向研究 | A Prospective Study on the Relationship between Nutrition Intervention and Incidence of Malignant Tumors in Lin County, China | |
15 | 掠射x射线望远镜 | Grazing incidence X-ray telescope | |
16 | 麻疹和流感就是可以显示发病率随季节和年份而显著变动的另外两种疾病。 | Measles and influenza are two other diseases that can show marked seasonal and annual variations in incidence . | |
17 | 麻醉镇痛药的治疗用途主要是镇痛。大多数国家都限制生产、销售和使用麻醉镇痛药,因为它们有使人上瘾的特性和有害的效果,还可能发生滥用药物的情况。 | The main therapeutic use of narcotics is for pain relief. Most countries limit the production, sale, and use of narcotics because of their addictive properties and detrimental effects and the incidence of drug abuse. | |
18 | 美国国家科学院的报告中有一项建议,主张对判过犯有强暴罪行,尤其是强奸罪的重罪犯,建立一个全国性的DNA资料数据库,因为这种罪的重犯率高。 | One of the recommendations by the US National Academy of Sciences in its report was for the creation of a national DNA database of information on felons convicted of violent crimes, particularly rapes, where there is a high incidence of re-offending | |
19 | 某地出现二例鼠疫就可能构成一次流行,而在腹泻季节顶峰期间,腹泻病韵高发病率可能被认为是正常的。 | The appearance of two cases of plague on an area may constitute an epidemic, whereas a high incidence of diarrhoeal diseases during the peak diarrhoeal season may be considered the normal frequency. | |
20 | 那儿的患病率很高。 | There’s a high incidence of disease there. | |
21 | 那个地方心脏病的发病率很高。 | There’s a high incidence of heart disease there. | |
22 | 那里食道癌发病率估计相当高。 | There the incidence of the cancer of the esophagus was suspected to be pretty high. | |
23 | 皮肤色浅的人种,如果持续的暴露在太阳光线时,皮肤癌的发病率要增加。 | Continued exposure to sunlight of people whose skin is not strongly pigmented is related to an increased incidence of skin cancer | |
24 | 贫血还会使婴儿中低体重儿、贫血与蛋白质-能量营养不良的病例增加。 | It also increases the incidence of low birth weight, anemia find protein-energy malnutrition among infants | |
25 | 平面电磁波理想金属表面散射场分布及粗糙度参数关系的理论分析 | Theoretical Analysis: Relationships of the Rough Parameters and the Scattering Distribution of Plane Incidence Electromagnetic Wave on Ideal Metal Surfaces | |
26 | 苹果、梨、菜花和葡萄柚,都能特别有效地防止肺癌的发生。其原因尚不清楚(虽然科学家认为类胡萝卜素可能是强有力的抗癌原)。 | Apples, pears, cauliflower and grapefruit were particularly active against the incidence of lung cancer for reasons that are still unclear (although scientists suspect carotenoids may be powerful anticarcinogens) | |
27 | 普通感冒的发病率以秋季最高。治疗是缓解症状,结合休息及充足的液体补给。偶给抗生素以预防继发感染。 | Incidence peaks in the fall. Treatment involves rest, adequate fluid intake, and over-the-counter remedies for the symptoms. Antibiotics do not combat the virus but may be given if secondary infections develop. | |
28 | 其余部分能量随入射角的变化,或被折射沿该界面传播,或被折射进入下伏介质中。 | Depending on the angle of incidence , some of the energy may be refracted along the interface between the two media or may be refracted into the lower medium | |
29 | 气候和现有技术(从冷冻技术到辐射技术)的不同也影响到食品安全和农业卫生危害的范围。 | Differences in climate and in the available technology (from refrigeration to irradiation)affect the incidence of different food safety and agricultural health hazards. | |
30 | 强奸案的发案率在去年有所增加工厂。 | The incidence of cases of rape have increase over the last year. |