属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-美国联邦调查局警告总统就职典礼前可能发生武装抗议活动
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-德约科维奇再度被取消签证面临被驱逐出境
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯和乌克兰 普京对乌克兰问题的态度转变
1 | (二)非法占据公共场所或者在公共场所煽动进行破坏活动的; | (2)persons who illegally occupy public places or incite destructive activities in public places; | |
2 | 促使…行动;诱发 | To goad to action;incite . | |
3 | 第四条《国家安全法》所称的 " 间谍组织代理人 " ,是指受间谍组织或者其成员的指使、委托、资助,进行或者授意、指使他人进行危害中华人民共和国国家安全活动的人。 | Article 4 An agent of an espionage organization" mentioned in the State Security Law refers to a person who is instigated, entrusted or financially supported by an espionage organization or its member to conduct, or incite and instigate other persons to conduct, activities endangering the State security of the PRC . | |
4 | 鼓动、煽动...激进的党员反党 | Stir,incite ,etc militant party members to revolt | |
5 | 红薯叶滋补酒的工艺研究 | The Research of Entire Liquid State to the Sweet Potato Leaf Incite the Tonic | |
6 | 激起,挑起激起愤怒或怨恨的情感 | To incite to anger or resentment. | |
7 | 激起促进…的发展;激励 | To promote the growth of;incite . | |
8 | 几句话一激,他就会干。 | Just a few words will incite him into action | |
9 | 那些想搞动乱的人,知道香港有中国军队,他就要考虑。 | Knowing that there were Chinese troops present, people who intended to incite disturbances would have to think twice about it. | |
10 | 驱动的,推进的有力量或权力驱使或煽动的;有力的 | Having force or power to impel or incite ;forceful. | |
11 | 煽动 [唆使] 某人做某事 | incite sb. to do sth. | |
12 | 煽动 [唆使] 某人做某事 | incite sb. to sth. | |
13 | 煽动暴乱的捣乱分子;鼓动工人罢工 | Troublemakers who incite riots;inciting workers to strike. | |
14 | 煽动某人采取某一行动(干某件事). | incite sb to an action (to do sth) | |
15 | 煽动群众暴动 | incite a crowd to riot | |
16 | 煽动推翻国家政权 | incite the overthrow of state power | |
17 | 他们的领袖试图煽动持不同政见者推翻政府。指构思或鼓励通常是罪恶或不合法的行动计划的实施 | Their leader tried to incite the dissidents to overthrow the government.Toinstigate is to conceive and encourage the implementation of a plan of action,usually an evil or illegal one | |
18 | 他只需几句话一将,就会干。 | Just a few words will incite him into action. | |
19 | 我必须强调,我不是要激起任何社会纠纷。 | I must stress that I’m not trying to incite any social disharmony here. | |
20 | 我不想问你什么鬼使神差,会唆使我们的克劳德干这种可怕的事。 | I will not ask you what devilish impulse moved you incite our Claude to do this awful deed | |
21 | 我从未图谋杀人、叛国、毁坏私有财产或鼓励、煽动奴隶谋反作乱。 | I never did intend murder, or treason, or the destruction of property, or to excite or incite slaves to rebellion, or to make insurrection | |
22 | 我想说明他曾是一个非常出色的演讲家,非常会调动群众的情绪。 | I wanted to point out he was a very good speaker, and could incite a crowd. | |
23 | 侮辱激起愤恨. | Insults incite s resentment. | |
24 | 侮辱引起愤恨。 | Insults incite resentment. | |
25 | 邪教组织的为首分子或歪曲宗教教义,制造邪说,蒙骗群众,抗拒国家法律、法令的实施,煽动推翻政府 | Some of the heads of these pseudo-religions distort religious doctrines, create heresies, deceive the masses, refuse to obey the State’s laws and decrees, and incite people to overthrow the government | |
26 | 一个人若是对另一个人或一样东西没有感情,就应该有自由充分表达自己的不满,只要不打算搞暴力,不助长、不煽动暴力行动即可。 | If one has no affection for a person or thing one should be free to give the fullest expression to his disaffection so long as he does not contemplate, promote or incite to violence | |
27 | 有些人在搞煽动,使用的语言很恶毒。 | Certain individuals have made exceedingly pernicious statements, trying to incite people to action. | |
28 | 联邦调查局对美国之音表示,它正在调查表明有团体或个人可能煽动与计划中的总统权力移交有关暴乱的证据。 | The FBI told VOA it is examining evidence suggesting that groups or individuals may be looking to incite violence in connection with the planned handover of presidential power. | |
29 | 塞尔维亚法律团队称这一决定“不合理”。他们说,霍克曾辩称,允许德约科维奇留下来会在该国激起反疫苗接种的情绪。德约科维奇公开反对接种疫苗的要求。他曾经获得进入澳大利亚的医疗豁免。 | The Serbian legal team called the decision "irrational." They said Hawke had argued that permitting Djokovic to stay would incite anti-vaccination feelings in the country. Djokovic has publicly opposed the vaccine requirement. And he had received a medical pardon, or exemption, from vaccination to enter Australia. | |
30 | ||1:出发点在于衡量普京能否说到做到。||2:他曾承诺在功亏一篑前撤走俄罗斯军队,这一次的撤军需要更加明确。||3:在乌克兰的行动同样也需如此。||4:与其继续煽动亲俄分裂分子,普京更应该利用其影响力去促成和平。||5:俄罗斯媒体最能真实地考验他的真诚,他们已经通过宣传反乌克兰为克里姆林宫做出了自己的贡献。||6:现在,他们必须停止无休止的挑衅行为。 | ||1:The starting point is to gauge whether Mr Putin means what he says.||2:He has promised Russian troop withdrawals before only to fall short: this time the retreat will need to be unambiguous.||3:Actions in Ukraine count, too.||4:Rather than continuing to incite the pro-Russian separatists, Mr Putin must be seen to use his influence to broker peace.||5:But the most revealing test of his sincerity will be Russia’s media, which have been doing their bit for the Kremlin by pouring out anti-Ukrainian propaganda.||6:They must now cease their relentless warmongering. |