1 | 将上盖打开对照装箱单查看附件是否齐全。 | Open the upper cover to check that all the parts mentioned in the packing list are included . | |
2 | 蒋介石是…第二次世界大战中四人集团的最后幸存者,这四人包括罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林新闻周刊) | Chiang Kai-shek was.the last survivor of the World War II quadrumvirate that included Roosevelt,Churchill and Stalin(Newsweek) | |
3 | 接受退货,是本公司的服务公约之一。 | Allowing the return of goods is one of the items included in the service pledge of our company. | |
4 | 她被列入邀请名单。 | She is included on the invitation list. | |
5 | 她创建庞大企业集团的活动包括收购几家比较小的公司。 | Her empire building activities have included the purchase of several smaller companies. | |
6 | 她满腔都是肥腻腻的营养,小孩子吸的想是加糖的溶化猪油。 | The woman’s breasts were big and heavy enough to have been included in baudelaire’s poems on the local customs of Belgium.The child must have been sucking melted lard with sugar | |
7 | 她现在知道,他家里有一位八十七岁,精神矍铄而惹人生气的母亲。 | His family, she now knew, included an abrasively vigorous mother of eighty-seven | |
8 | 她在电视上的表演包括主持一午夜访谈节目“伍皮·戈德堡访谈节目”、在许多电视特别节目中亮相以及连续6个季节出演电视系列剧《星际旅行:新一代》的一个角色。 | Her TV performances have included acting as host for a late-night talk show The Whoopi Goldberg Show, appearing in many television specials and having a role for six seasons in the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation | |
9 | 局外人,外来人被排斥在一群人之外的人;组织之外的人 | A person who is not included in a group;an outsider. | |
10 | 据本刊获得的保密的商务部出口控制文件说,购物清单中包括萨达姆的内政部所需的用计算机处理的数据库(估计被用来跟踪政治反对派) | According to confidential Commerce Department export control documents obtained by Newsweek, the shopping list included a computerized database for Saddam’s Interior Ministrypresumably to help keep track of political opponents | |
11 | 坎布尔还主张把精神健康护理包括在安康计划之内,并建议家庭专业人员(治疗学家、社会学家、家庭生活教育家)更加积极地介入增进健康的活动。 | Campbell also recommends that mental-health care be included in wellness programs and suggests that family professionals (therapists, sociologists, and family-life educators)become more actively involved in health promotion | |
12 | 可是纽约市交通局已经禁止在地铁车里乞讨,最高法院上周准许该禁令成立。判令里连篇累牍咬文嚼字地讨论乞讨是言论还是行为。 | But the New York City Transit Authority has banned begging on the subway,and the Supreme Court last week let stand that ban.The legal pavane included pages of discussion of whether begging is speech,or begging is behavior. | |
13 | 利穆赞的法国中部一历史地区,原为法国一省,位于奥弗涅山脉西部。1152年阿基坦的埃莉诺嫁给英王亨利二世时被作为嫁妆的一部分,但最后又被法国占领 | A historical region and former province of central France west of the Auvergne Mountains.It was included in the dowry given by Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry II of England in1152and was eventually reconquered by France(1370-1374. | |
14 | 连节日在内,你有11天假期。 | You will have eleven days, the feasts included . | |
15 | 连续晃过三个阻截铲断、让守门员措手不及的那次令人眼花缭乱的单刀赴会造就了这位足球巨星想要在世界杯赛上射进的那个梦幻入球。 | A sparkling solo run that included beating three tackles and wrong-footing the goal keeper, led to the kind of dream goal the superstar had wanted to score in the World Cup | |
16 | 美洲西半球的北美洲、南美洲、墨西哥和中美洲的陆地和岛屿 | The landmasses and islands of North America,South America,Mexico,and Central America included in the Western Hemisphere. | |
17 | 明显地包括在一专家系统考虑范围内的主题区域。包括在专家系统内的各方面的目标知识称为“在领域内”,在考虑范围之外的部分称为“在领域外”。 | The subject area explicitly included within the scope of an expert system.Aspects of the target knowledge included within the expert system are said to be"within the domain,portions outside its scope are"outside the domain. | |
18 | 内含保险费吗? | Is insurance included ? | |
19 | 农夫早上要干的杂活包括清扫马厩和给奶牛挤奶 | The farmer’s morning chores included cleaning the stables and milking the cows | |
20 | 农奴主可以任意打骂农奴,对农奴动用断手、剁脚、剜目、割耳、抽筋、割舌、投水、投崖等极为野蛮的刑罚。 | Serfowners could punish their serfs at will. The punishments included flogging, cutting off their hands or feet, gouging out their eyes, chopping off their ears or tongues, pulling out their tendons, drowning them and throwing them down from cliffs | |
21 | 其他的出口物品还有亚麻、纸莎草、雪花石膏以及各种各样的石头和有色玻璃--其中,有色玻璃是亚历山大市的珍品。 | Other exports included linen, papyrus, alabaster, various kinds of stone and coloured glass--a much prized product of Alexandria | |
22 | 清单的第二部分包括4个因同样原因将要修改或废止的部门规章;此清单包括法律、法规和部门规章的名称、修改或废止的理由以及实施时间。 | Part II of the list contained four department rules to be revised or abolished for the same reason; and this list included the names of laws, regulations and department rules, reasons for revision or abolishment, and dates of implementation | |
23 | 取材于三国魏曹植《洛神赋》原著载于《文选》。 | Its subject-matter, a rhapsody of the same title by Cao Zhi, a poet of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), is included in The Selections of Refined Literature by Xiao Tong | |
24 | 然而,也论及使用热释光材料的固体剂量学。 | However, solid state dosimetry with thermoluminescent materials is also included | |
25 | 如果我们一周花九十美元、租金一百里便包括在内了。 | If we apply the weekly rate of 90 dollars, 100 miles are included . | |
26 | 三等舱票51日元一张,不包括膳食。 | It’s 51.00 yen for the third-class, boarding not included . | |
27 | 伤者中包括一群儿童在内,这些儿童是被四散飞射的残骸击中而致受伤,救难人员已将他们紧急送医救治。 | The injured included some children, wounded by debris and rescuers sent them to hospital immediately | |
28 | 上述适配件中所含的软件任何部分继续受本条款和条件约束。 | Any part of the Software included in such adaptations will continue to be subject to these Terms and Conditions. | |
29 | 上述研究样品包括聚酰胺、聚烯烃,纤维素,含卤素等纤维,聚酯,聚丙烯腈和聚氨基甲酸纤维。 | The study included polyamides, polyolefins, cellulosics, halogenated fibers, polyesters, acrylics and polyurethanes | |
30 | 身为十亿元公司总裁,凯莱赫先生真是独一无二。他的不寻常而有趣的行为包括化装成普雷斯利(即猫王)和复活节兔子,数来宝,充当空中服务员、收票员以及行李服务员。 | For a chief executive of a billion dollar corporation,Mr.Kelleher is one of a kind.His antics have included dressing up a Elvis Presley and the Easter Bunny,delivering rap songs and serving as a flight attendant,ticket collector and baggage handler. |