属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴以 新常态
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
1 | 我想他可能不同意使用“无能”这个词。 | I think he might quarrel with the Use of the word "incompetence ". | |
2 | 现在使他生气的,倒是费小胡子的办事不敏捷,不实际。 | it was Fei Little Beard’s dithering and incompetence that made him so furious | |
3 | 心脏变时功能不全对冠心病的诊断价值 | Diagnostic Value of Chronotropic Incompetence in Coronary Heart Disease | |
4 | 因此清晰与条理是可以通过施以教诲得到,而表达技巧上的极端无能也可以部分地得到矫正。 | Therefore clearness and arrangement can be taught, sheer incompetence in the art of expression can be partly remedied. | |
5 | 因为不能胜任,他失掉了职位。 | He lost his job because of incompetence | |
6 | 由于阿连德领导无方,墨守信念,过分相信自己手腕高明,因此他从未认真对待这种左右为难的局面。 | Through incompetence , conviction, or overDconfidence in his manipulative skills, Allende never faced up to that dilemma | |
7 | 由于没有能力而被免职 | was dropped for incompetence | |
8 | 原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的外科治疗 | Surgical Treatment of Primary Deep Venous Valvular incompetence of Lower Limb | |
9 | 在《时代》杂志上,法耶德指控里斯-琼斯不称职并且缺乏敬业精神。 | Fayed accused him in Time magazine of incompetence and lack of professionalism | |
10 | 在后期,它是独裁、无能和腐化的代号。 | In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism, incompetence , and corruption | |
11 | 在一个月底,他因无能而被开除。 | At the end of a month he was fired for incompetence . | |
12 | 这次惨败更加坚定了肯尼迪认为富米毫无能力的看法。 | This fiasco confirmed Kennedy’s impression of Phoumi’s singular incompetence | |
13 | 这首先是因为掌握人类物品交换的统治者们的顽固和无能,他们承认失败而自动退位。 | Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence , have admitted their failure and abdicated | |
14 | 这样无能,简直令人无法忍受 | Can’t abide such incompetence . | |
15 | 这样无能,简直令人无法忍受参见 | can’t abide such incompetence .See Synonyms at bbear | |
16 | 这主要是因为主宰人类物资交换的统治者们失败了,他们固执己见而又无能为力,因而已经认定失败了,并撒手不管了。 | Primarily this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed,through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence ,have admitted their failure and have abdicated. | |
17 | 正常人腭咽闭合不全参数--X线头影测量研究 | The Normal People’s Parameters of the Velopharyngeal Incompetence (VPI)by Cephalometric Analysis | |
18 | 诸如在《给一个画家的最后告诫》里,他对国家无能的抨击这一类的诗,与他的早期作品截然不同。 | Poems such as his attack on the incompetence of the country in“The Last Instructions to a Painter”are a complete contrast to his earlier work | |
19 | ||1:马克斯·哈斯丁极为敬重两位德国陆军元帅:格特·冯·伦德施泰特(Gerd von Rundstedt)和埃里克·冯·曼施坦因(Eric von Manstein),相比之下他认为盟军的将领中却只有比尔·斯里姆(Bill Slim)和乔治·巴顿(George Patton)非泛泛之辈。||2:所幸,德日两国的战略水平远低于其战术素养,对美苏宣战在战略上筑成了大错。||3:更谦逊、见识更为广博的将领会意识到俄美两国都有足够的人力物力打赢一场消耗战。 | ||1:Mr Hastings excessively admires two German field-marshals: Gerd von Rundstedt and Eric von Manstein, whereas only Bill Slim and George Patton rise above the general mediocrity of Allied field commanders.||2:Luckily, the tactical virtuosity of the Germans and Japanese was more than matched by their strategic incompetence in declaring war against Russia and America.||3:Less hubristic and more informed leaders would have realised that both countries had the manpower and industrial resources to prevail in a war of attrition. | |
20 | ||1:双方激进分子的影响力很大,同时也很脆弱。||2:支持以色列的激进分子看到了粉碎哈马斯的希望,但由于自身无能和埃及新政府关闭了从西奈到加沙的隧道,导致在加沙的粉碎力量被削弱。||3:但是以色列的武力貌似更可能复燃哈马斯,而不是将其粉碎。||4:伊斯兰教徒可能会再次凝聚力量反对侵略者,阿巴斯则沦为配角。 | ||1:Such fragility is a symptom of the influence of extremists on both sides.||2:Some on the Israeli right see a chance to smash Hamas, which has been weakened in Gaza, both by its own incompetence and by Egypt’s new government closing the tunnels leading from Sinai into Gaza.||3:But Israeli force is more likely to revive Hamas than break it.||4:The Islamists would once again rally support as the main resistance to the hated occupiers, whilst leaving Mr Abbas looking more like the stooge. | |
21 | ||1:这其中包含了很多不同的趋势。||2:在印度与巴基斯坦,坚定又独立的司法部门有悠久的激进做派传统。||3:相对于公众心目中陈腐,无能,又阴险的政治家,法院的这一形象更受民众欢迎。||4:公益起诉的资格与独立作出裁决的能力使得印度最高法院乐于干预环境与社会政策。||5:它已经让德里的巴士、的士、嘟嘟车都抛弃了落后的燃料,换上液化天然气,并且接管了全印度的树木。||6:法院的绿色诉求或许能取悦自由派,不过他们也为去年十二月印度最高法院推翻了德里高级法院给同性恋禁令松绑的裁决而感到惋惜。||7:巴基斯坦的法院正对打倒穆沙拉夫有功,不过随后的五年总统任期中,他们又盯上了穆沙拉夫那位文职的总统继任者,阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里。 | ||1:Various trends are at work.||2:One, evident in India and Pakistan, is an enduring tradition of activism by a robustly independent judiciary.||3:Often this has made the courts popular by comparison with the perceived lethargy, incompetence or malice of politicians.||4:Public-interest litigation and its ability to make rulings suo moto (off its own bat) have encouraged India’s Supreme Court to meddle in environmental and social policy.||5:It has forced Delhi’s buses, taxis and tuk-tuks to convert to compressed natural gas from dirtier fuels and has taken charge of India’s trees.||6:The court’s green interests might please liberals, but they rued a ruling last December that overturned a Delhi High Court decision lifting a ban on homosexuality.||7:In Pakistan the courts helped bring down Mr Musharraf, but then proceeded to hound his civilian successor, Asif Ali Zardari, through his five-year term. | |
22 | ||1:最终,人们的忍耐到了极限。||2:20世纪80年代时,卡扎菲在中东附近采购核弹,资助恐怖团体,为了“扩大利比亚”事业入侵乍得,派遣特工炸毁苏格兰洛克比镇泛美航空公司客机。从此,他开始遭人唾弃,罗纳德?里根抨击他为“中东的疯狗”,宣誓将他炸得跪地求饶。||3:但是进入新世纪后,他开始迎合献媚。||4:他正确评价基地组织,主动提出接受核计划检查,答应于2003年放弃核计划,给洛克比提供补偿金。显然,他开始后悔自己军力不强,似乎忘却了曾夸夸其谈的泛阿拉伯与泛伊斯兰梦想。||5:在危险的伊斯兰主义者骤然升温的世界里,他远远谈不上是最危险的。||6:2009年G8峰会上他与奥巴马握手示好。||7:同年,他获准在联合国发言一个多小时。结果,他当场撕毁联合国宪章中讲述民主的章节,来报答联合国的宽容。 | ||1: Eventually tolerance snapped. ||2: In the 1980s, as Colonel Qaddafi shopped round the Far East for nuclear bombs, sponsored terror groups, invaded Chad in the cause of a “Greater Libya” and sent agents to blow up a Pan Am airliner over Lockerbie in Scotland, he became a pariah: Ronald Reagan’s “mad dog”, to be bombed until he whimpered. ||3: But by the new century he was ingratiating himself. ||4: He said the right things about al-Qaeda; offered his nuclear programme for inspection, and in 2003 abandoned it; paid compensation for Lockerbie; and, apparently chastened by his own military incompetence , seemed to have forgotten his windy pan-Arab and pan-Islamist dreams. ||5: In a world suddenly teeming with dangerous Islamists, he was now far from the worst. ||6: At the G8 in 2009 he shook hands with Barack Obama. ||7: The same year he was allowed to speak for more than an hour at the UN, repaying its tolerance by tearing from the UN Charter the pages that talked about democracy. | |
23 | 加利福利亚的一位法官裁决任期规则让解雇伤害穷学生的坏老师变得不可能,并且该规则也违反了州宪法。尽管该决议得到教育部长阿恩·邓肯赞同,但是教授工会对此表示失望。当前,加州每125000教师中只有有一位因为无能而被解雇。 | A judge in California decided that tenure rules which make it nearly impossible to sack bad teachers harm poor pupils and breach the state’s constitution. Teachers unions were dismayed, though the education secretary, Arne Duncan, approved.|| A teacher in California currently has a one in 125,000 chance each year of being fired for incompetence .|| | |
24 | (今天,政府无能的水准进入了最佳境界)。 | Today, the level of incompetence has reached its optimum | |
25 | “爆炸后不久这么快的冲刷犯罪现场的的行为不仅仅是单纯的无能,”该报告称。 | "Hosing down the crime scene so soon after the blast goes beyond mere incompetence , " the report says. | |
26 | 保守党称,这“充分显示出布朗在经济决策方面很无能”。 | The Conservatives have called it a "spectacular display of economic incompetence . " | |
27 | 不妙的是,总统显然能够在任何时间以能力不足(不管是真不足还是假不足)的理由,自由地解雇他的总理。 | Ominously, the president is apparently free to fire his prime minister at any time for alleged incompetence , real or imagined. | |
28 | 不希望参与某项工作的人往往会用一种保护性的能力不足来作推脱。 | People who don’t want to get dragged into some kind of work often develop a protective incompetence at it. | |
29 | 采取这种方式会带来三个问题:你将不得不在相当长的一段时间内忍受她的懒惰和无能; | There are three problems with this approach: you will have to put up with her laziness and incompetence for quite a while longer; | |
30 | 长期以来贪污腐败、经营不力和国家干预一直制约着俄罗斯天然气工业的发展。 | Corruption, incompetence and state interference have long held backRussia’s gas industry. |