1 | 如果在这些协议与条款与帐户产品和服务的协议与条款之间出现任何不一致,仅限于该等不一致的部分,则应以后者为准。 | Where there is any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions for Account Products and Services, the latter shall prevail, to the extent of any such inconsistency. | |
2 | 神话与科学:弗莱理论中的不协和 | Myth and Science: Inconsistency in Northrop Frye’s Critical Theory | |
3 | 使用行政指导;由于分配是根据政府所决定的地方各级供应和使用情况而不是根据消费者喜好和最终用户的需求进行的,从而使市场中出现扭曲;不能确定和公布每年的关税配额数量;国营贸易企业的限制贸易和非竞争性做法;以及大宗商品贸易中普遍存在的不确定性、不一致性和歧视性。 | use of administrative guidance; distortions introduced into the market due to allocations based on government determinations of sub?national supply and utilization rather than consumer preferences and end-user demand; failure to establish and publish annual TRQ quantities; trade-restrictive and non-competitive practices of state trading enterprises; and general uncertainty, inconsistency and discrimination in trade of bulk commodities. " | |
4 | 他的工作好坏的前后不一 | Inconsistency in the standard of his work | |
5 | 他的工作好坏的前后不一. | Inconsistency in the standard of his work | |
6 | 他的言行极不一致。 | There is a great inconsistency between what he says and what he does. | |
7 | 他对财政报告中前后矛盾的一处作了解释。 | He explained an inconsistency in the financial report | |
8 | 他详细阐述了自己最新的理论。 | He explained an inconsistency in the financial report | |
9 | 铁路货运规章的条款不一致问题及修改建议 | Inconsistency Problems of Railway Freight Transport Rules and the Improvement Suggestions | |
10 | 通过邮局或者银行汇付的,应当在送交国务院专利行政部门的汇单上写明正确的申请号或者专利号以及缴纳的费用名称。不符合本款规定的,视为未办理缴费手续。 | Where a fee is remitted by bank or post, the correct application number or patent number and the names of the paid fees shall be indicated in the remittance slip submitted to the administrative department for patent under the State Council. In case of any inconsistency with the provisions in this Paragraph, it shall be deemed that the payment formalities have not been fulfilled. | |
11 | 我们为了信条中有太多不一致和动摇的地方而感到苦恼。 | We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed | |
12 | 辛吉斯后来说塞莱斯是她事业生涯中遇到的最强劲的对手,但是世界3号选手塞莱斯由于动作不协调而输掉了比赛。 | Hinges later said that Seles had been the toughest competitor so far in her career, But it was the world number three’s inconsistency that really cost her the match. | |
13 | 信息反馈不一致导致习得无助机制的实验研究 | Experimental Study on the Learned Helplessness Mechanism Resulted from Inconsistency of Information Feedback | |
14 | 胸椎管狭窄症术中SEPs改变模式与术后神经功能状态的不一致性 | Inconsistency between the Changing Pattern of somatosensory-envoked Potentials and post-operative Neurological Function in Surgery for Thoracic Spinal Stenosis | |
15 | 一种复杂多智能体系统不一致性递推协调算法 | Recursive Inconsistency Coordination Algorithm for Complicated Multi-agent Systems | |
16 | 一种检测分布式数据库中不一致性的方法 | An Approach to Detect Inconsistency in Distributed Database | |
17 | 以及大宗商品贸易中普遍存在的不确定性、不一致性和歧视性。 | and general uncertainty, inconsistency and discrimination in trade of bulk commodities | |
18 | 以下各项不得由于与分发无偿债能力、破产或清盘的人的资产有关的法律有抵触,而在任何程序上被视为在法律上无效-- | None of the following shall be regarded as to any extent invalid at law on the ground of inconsistency with the law relating to the distribution of the assets of a person on insolvency, bankruptcy or winding-up, | |
19 | 英语语篇中时态不一致现象的“视角”分析 | "Perspective" Analysis of Tense Inconsistency in English Discourse | |
20 | 运用赋值相异生成高效率测试图形 | Using Assignment Inconsistency to Generate High Efficient Test Patterns | |
21 | 在过渡期内,一成员不得修改根据第1款进行通知的任何TRIM的条件,使之不同于《WTO协定》生效之日通行的条件,从而增加其与第2条规定不一致的程度。 | During the transition period, a Member shall not modify the terms of any TRIM which it notifies under paragraph 1 from those prevailing at the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement so as to increase the degree of inconsistency with the provisions of Article 2. | |
22 | 这位年轻的农庄主人,脾气急躁,生性固执,动不动喜欢吵架,竟然会始终对这诗人唯命是听,真是一个无从解释的矛盾。 | Why the young rancher, irascible, obstinate, belligerent, should invariably defer to the poet, was an inconsistency never to be explained | |
23 | 转型期以来我国经济增长与就业增长相偏离现象分析 | Inconsistency between Economic Growth and Employment Growth in the Transition Period of China | |
24 | (二)交易标的(如股权)涉及的资产净额(同时存在账面值和评估值的,以高者为准)占公司最近一期经审计净资产的50%以上,且绝对金额超过5000万元; | (2) The net assets involved in the transaction subject matter (such as equity) (In case of Inconsistency between book value and assessed value, the higher shall prevail) account for more than 50% of the Company’s latest audited net assets, and the absolute amount exceeds 50 million yuan; | |
25 | (一)交易涉及的资产总额(同时存在账面值和评估值的,以高者为准)占公司最近一期经审计总资产的10%以上; | (1) The total amount of asset involved in the transaction (In case of Inconsistency between book value and assessed value, the higher shall prevail) accounts for more than 10% of the Company’s latest audited total assets; | |
26 | (一)交易涉及的资产总额(同时存在账面值和评估值的,以高者为准)占公司最近一期经审计总资产的50%以上; | (1) The total amount of assets involved in the transaction (In case of Inconsistency between book value and assessed value, the higher shall prevail) accounts for more than 50% of the Company’s latest audited total assets; | |
27 | ||1:公众对他的研究很感兴趣,但施奈德先生刚参加工作时曾同为同事的气象学家们却不大认同他的工作,因为这些气象学家认为计算机模拟气候本身就值得怀疑。||2:施奈德先生还坚持认为这将和生物学家感兴趣的生态系统跨学科互动,其后果可能使生态系统变得更糟糕;同时产生跨学科互动还有社会学家所关心的人体反应。||3:一在美国科学促进会演讲完后他就回到了办公室,他发现纽约时报的一篇文章中以公告栏的形式引用了他当年戏谑马克吐温的话,同时在文字上方印有“一派胡言”等字。||4:接下来他在一个名为“今晚翰尼?卡森与你相约”的节目中亮相,可是在保守的同事面前他的个人名声状况基本上也没有多大改观。||5:虽然有前期的挫折,但是这些并没有使他放弃先前的想法:即大气中污染物带来的冷却效应要超过二氧化碳带来的温室效应。||6:在接下来的几年里,施奈德先生和他的同事将气候变化,尤其是温室效应,推上了大会议程。由于他在冷却效应上态度的急转,人们急于制定一系列的法令,结果很多人控告他的个人思想过于固执,结果导致大家并没有将其视为致力于改进模型的气象学家,最终这令他改变了自己的初衷。 | ||1:Public interest in his work outstripped its acceptance by the academic meteorologists Mr Schneider was working with at the beginning of his career.||2:They found computer modelling of the climate suspicious enough in itself, and Mr Schneider’s insistence that it should lead to interdisciplinary interactions with biologists interested in ecosystems—and even social scientists interested in human responses—made things worse.||3:When he returned to his office after the AAAS talk, he found a New York Times article that quoted his Twain gag pinned up on a noticeboard with “Bullshit” stamped across it.||4:His subsequent appearances on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” probably did little to improve his reputation with conservative colleagues.||5:Nor did his fairly rapid dismissal of his early belief that cooling caused by pollution might outstrip warming due to carbon dioxide.||6:In later years, when he and his colleagues had pushed climate change, and in particular greenhouse warming, on to the agenda, people keen to ensure a lack of action made much of his about-face over cooling, preferring to accuse him of modish inconsistency than to see him as someone who had worked to improve his models, and as a result had changed his mind. | |
28 | 一位零件制造商抱怨规则的应用和解释不一致”, | One parts-maker grouses about "inconsistency in the application and interpretation of the rules", | |
29 | DrCohen解释道这一矛盾可能反映了大脑中不同中枢神经系统的影响。 | C---Dr Cohen reasoned that this inconsistency might reflect the influence of different neural systems in the brain. | |
30 | 按劳分配原则与市场经济的内在矛盾分析 | Analysis on the Inconsistency between the Principia of Distribution According to Work and Market Economy |