1 | 科学技术对经济社会发展的决定作用越来越明显,极大地改变着当今世界的生产和生活方式。 | Science and technology are playing an increasingly significant role in socioeconomic development, and are changing the mode of production and lifestyle of the present world considerably | |
2 | 可是有一粒沙子仍留在他的鞋里,在他以后的路程中,那粒沙子磨着他的脚,使他走一步,痛一步。 | Unfortunately a grain of sand remained rubbing the sole and became increasingly telling so that each step meant a twinge of pain | |
3 | 可以预计、持续不断和日益有保证的基础上 | predictable, continuous and increasingly assured basis | |
4 | 老年人中动脉硬化越来越多。 | arteriosclerosis affects an increasingly broad segment of the older population | |
5 | 例如该公司已获悉多年,它的顾客正逐渐愈来愈依赖电视--尽管公司的第一次上电视的冒险尝试只能算是一次侥辛幸成功。 | The company has known for years, for example, that its customers increasingly were turning to television although the company’s first small-screen venture was little more than a fluke | |
6 | 连年不断的而且愈演愈剧烈的内战和农村骚动,在某一意义上已经加强了有钱人们的镇定力,虽则他们对于脚底下有地雷轰发起来的恐怖心理也是逐渐的加强。 | The long years of increasingly violent civil war and peasant unrest had, in a way, trained the rich in the virtue of keeping calm-although their fear of finding themselves involved in a sudden upheaval also grew with each passing day | |
7 | 另一方面当国际间的距离越变越小时,拥有第二外语能力极为有利。 | On the other hand, in a world growing increasingly smaller, second language skills can be a great boon | |
8 | 矛盾日益尖锐。 | The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute. | |
9 | 每年都有几千名申请者,经过愈来愈激烈的竞争,只有几百人被各个学院录取。 | Every year, among thousands of applicants, only a few hundred are chosen by each college through an increasingly competitive process | |
10 | 每年有数百人死于高速[警匪]追逐,情况越来越令人警惕。全国各地警察单位,各州以及联邦立法机关,正在限制疯狂的好莱坞式的追逐……。 | Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year,police departments around the country,as well as state and Federal lawmakers,are clamping down on the wild,Hollywood-style chases… | |
11 | 美国的农场越来越成为农业综合企业。 | American farms are increasingly agribusinesses | |
12 | 那次“上涨”不可能立竿见影--当然,不是因为封建专制的加强。 | But that "surge" was unlikely to be swift enough-certainly not to the increasingly autocratic | |
13 | 那是使洛德博士极为恼火的一件事,时间越长越是恼火。 | That was something which infuriated Dr. Lord, increasingly as time went on | |
14 | 那些发现Windows软件市场越来越拥挤、越来越无利可图的编程员们现在看到了新的机会,可以利用Java一举成功。 | Programmers who find the market for Windows software increasingly crowded and unprofitable see fresh opportunities to make their mark in Java | |
15 | 去年《纽约时报》青年论坛有过这样的报导:“有一群高中学生说,青少年对于权威愈来愈存在反抗心理了,特别反抗的是父母的权威。 | Of a New York Times Youth Forum last year it was reported:" A group of high school students said that teenagers were increasingly rebellious toward authority----especially parental authority | |
16 | 人们对污染越来越感到忧虑。 | People are becoming increasingly worried about pollution. | |
17 | 如此等等,一个名字接一个名字,除了那倒霉的十九家大户以外,人人都沉浸在越来越舒心的欢乐时光之中。 | And so on, and so on, name after name, and everybody had an increasingly and gloriously good time except the wretched Nineteen | |
18 | 桑普森接受的不是以外科手术为主加几周放射治疗的疗法,而是选择了越来越受欢迎的门诊治疗,他接受的疗法是将小剂量放射性“种子”植入前列腺,当天晚上就可回家。 | Instead of major surgery or weeks of radiation therapy, Sampson chose to undergo an increasingly popular outpatient procedure, receiving implants of scores of tiny radioactive "seeds" into his prostate gland, and went home that evening | |
19 | 世界范围内趋激烈的经济竞争和综合国和的较量,归根结底是科技和人才的竞争 | The increasingly acute worldwide economic competition and overall competition between nations is, in the final analysis competition in science and technology and for competent people | |
20 | 世界经济加速下滑,对各国的影响逐步显现。 | The impact of the quickened slowdown of the world economy on various countries has become increasingly noticeable | |
21 | 世界经济日益走向一体化,跨国公司影响越来越广泛,知识经济、网络经济时代正在到来 | The world economy is increasingly integrated with each passing day. Transnational corporations have exerted more and more extensive influence and the age of knowledge-based economy and on-line economy is looming near | |
22 | 示踪剂逐渐地扩散。 | The tracer becomes increasingly dispersed | |
23 | 随着经济结构调整的加速,长期积累的企业经营机制等矛盾日益显露,出现了企业大量富余人员下岗的情况。 | With the speeding up of the economic restructuring, the long-accumulated contradictions in the operating mechanism of enterprises have become increasingly apparent, and large numbers of redundant employees in enterprises have been laid off | |
24 | 随着年龄的增长,我变得越来越健忘了。偶尔这些词可用来代替unmindful,该词主要用于指有意的疏忽、心不在焉或漫不经心等,而将应该记住的事忘了 | As I grow older I become increasingly forgetful.Less often the word is used as the equivalent of unmindful,which applies principally to failure to keep in mind what should be remembered,as through deliberate oversight,heedlessness,or inattentiveness | |
25 | 他从妻子死後越来越孤僻了 | He’ s become increasingly withdrawn since his wife’ s death | |
26 | 他的话愈加生硬,甚至听起来刺耳(罗伯特·派尔) | His language has become increasingly stark,to the point of sounding strident(Robert Pear) | |
27 | 他对维多利亚变得越来越简慢。 | He became increasingly offhand with Victoria. | |
28 | 他们的研究结果出现在这样一个时代:年轻的英国人日益滥饮,而这严重影响健康。 | Its findings come at a time when young Britons are increasingly binge drinking, which has serious health risks | |
29 | 他们日子越来越不好过。 | They are having an increasingly difficult time. | |
30 | 他们越来越孤立。 | They are getting increasingly isolated. |