1 | 1960年代,诺贝尔发明了黄色炸药,他使用一种惰性的多孔材料(减速剂),像木炭或硅藻土,这样才可能安全使用硝化甘油来做炸药。硝化甘油也用于飞弹燃料混合物中。在医学上用来扩张血管,尤其用以缓解心绞痛。 | Its safe use as a blasting explosive became possible after Alfred P. Nobel developed dynamite in the 1860s with an inert porous material (moderator)such as charcoal or diatomaceous earth. Nitroglycerin is also used in a mixture in rocket propellants. In medicine, it is used to dilate blood vessels, especially to ease angina pectoris. | |
2 | 锕射气氡的一种放射性的,惰性的和气态的同位素,其半衰期为3.92秒 | A radioactive, inert , gaseous isotope of radon, with a half-life of3.92 seconds. | |
3 | 爱德蒙一听到神甫那痛苦挣扎的声音,就不禁打了个寒颤。 | his leg was inert , and he could no longer make use of one arm | |
4 | 白炽灯:电灯的通称;它有着玻璃或石英圆壳,充满惰性气体,其中的金属丝常用的是钨丝通过电流加热至白炽而发出光量。 | Incandescent lamp: A general term for electric lamp which consists essentially of a glass or quartz bulb, filled with an inert gas, in which a filament, commonly of tungsten, gives off light when it is heated to incandescence by an electric current. | |
5 | 不起化学反应的只有在特殊的或极端的状态下才起化学反应的;惰性的 | Unreactive except under special or extreme conditions;inert . | |
6 | 大部分是两种或更多化学品的混合,活性成分提供了想要的效果,堕性成分使活性成分稳定或保存下来,或者有助于应用。 | Most are mixtures of two or more chemicals; active ingredients provide the desired effects, and inert ingredients stabilize or preserve the active ingredients or aid in application. | |
7 | 氮构成了大气的大部分(体积比78.03,重量比75.5%)。气态氮是不活泼的,无色,无嗅,无味,无毒,无腐蚀性,不可燃。 | Nitrogen makes up the major portion of the atmosphere (78.03% by volume, 75.5% by weight). Gaseous nitrogen is inert , colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic, non corrosive, and nonflammable. | |
8 | 氮是不活泼的,不支持燃烧;但是它不是维持生命的必要元素。 | Nitrogen is inert and will not support combustion; however, it is not life supporting. | |
9 | 当钢瓶内的产品是氧化剂、惰性气体、易燃压缩气体或这些气体的混合物时,发生在阀门区域的泄漏一般非常小,而且正常情况下不会改变大小。 | Leaks in the valve area are generally very small and do not normally change in size when the product in the cylinder is an oxidant, inert , or flammable compressed gas, or a mixture of these gases. | |
10 | 当释放出足够数量时,能够取代空气中的氧气,从而带来窒息的危险。 | Inert gases, when released in sufficient quantity, can displace the oxygen in the atmosphere and introduce the potential hazard of asphyxiation. | |
11 | 当有必要把钢瓶供应压力降到较低的使用压力时,下文对于用于易燃、氧化剂、腐蚀性、惰性或毒性气体的压力调整器是可以适用的。 | The following is applicable to pressure regulators used with flammable, oxidant, corrosive, inert , or toxic gases, when it is necessary to reduce cylinder supply pressure to a lower use pressure. | |
12 | 电子白炽灯(即灯泡)中的钨丝是被罩在一个玻璃壳内,内部抽空空气或灌满惰性气体。 | In an electric incandescent lamp, or lightbulb, a filament is enclosed in a glass shell that is either evacuated or filled with an inert gas. | |
13 | 对设备抽真空,然后充入不活泼气体,如氮。如果设备不允许抽真空,用不活泼气体来净化。 | Evacuate the equipment and break vacuum with an inert gas, such as nitrogen. Purge with an inert gas if equipment design does not permit evacuation. | |
14 | 对作家来说,传统决不是毫不生气的和累赘的。 | Tradition is far from being inert or burdensome for the writer | |
15 | 惰气裂变产物 | inert -gas fission products | |
16 | 惰性气体保护熔炼(法) | inert gas shielded melting | |
17 | 惰性气体保护碳弧焊接 | inert gas carbon-arc weld | |
18 | 惰性气体是在常温和常压下非常稳定且反应率极低的气体。涉及惰性气体时存在两个主要的危险:窒息和压力。 | An inert gas is one that exhibits great stability and extremely low reaction rates under normal temperature and pressure conditions. Two principal hazards exist in dealing with inert gases: asphyxiation and pressure. | |
19 | 反应活性与室温下的氧相似。在常温常压下NF3是相对不活泼的,显示出很低的反应活性。 | Reactivity is similar to that of oxygen at room temperature. NF3 is relatively inert at ambient temperature and pressure conditions and exhibits little, if any, reactivity. | |
20 | 赋形剂用作药物的稀释剂或赋形剂的一种掺入物质 | An inert substance used as a diluent or vehicle for a drug. | |
21 | 钢和铁 氮含量的测定 惰性气体流中熔解物的热传导法 | Steel and iron-Determination of nitrogen content-Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas | |
22 | 钢和铁 镍含量的测定 惰性气体融合后热电导测量法(常规方法) | Steel and iron-Determination of nitrogen content-Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas (Routine method) | |
23 | 钢铁及合金化学分析方法脉冲加热惰气熔融库仑滴定法测定氧量 | Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The pulse heating inert gas fusion-coulometric titration method for the determination of oxygen content | |
24 | 高碳铬轴承钢化学分析法脉冲加热惰气熔融-红外线吸收法测定氧量 | Methods for chemical analysis of high carbon chromium bearing steel The pulse heating inert gas fusion-infrared absorption method for the determination of oxygen content | |
25 | 锆及锆合金化学分析方法惰气熔融库仑法测定氧量 | Zirconium and zirconium alloys--Determination of oxygen content--Inert gas fusion coulometric method | |
26 | 管子被整个地漫浸在流动的氮或氩等惰性气体中。 | The tube is blanketed in an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon | |
27 | 硅酮通常都很稳定,属惰性聚合物。硅酮液体常被用作液压剂组成成分和乳液分层剂,并可被用黏合剂、润滑剂、防水剂和保护层。 | Silicones in general are exceptionally stable and inert . Silicone fluids are used in hydraulic fluids, emulsion-breaking compositions, and breast implants and as adhesives, lubricants, water repellents, and protective coatings. | |
28 | 氦和氖为惰性气体。 | helium and neon are inert gases | |
29 | 氦是由放射性衰变形成的,可用于氦年代测定法。还可当作一种惰性气体应用于电弧焊接、火箭推进、气球飞行、高压室、深海潜水、气相色层分析法、发光讯号和低温技术。 | It is the product of radioactive decay (see radioactivity)and is used in helium dating. It is used as an inert gas in welding, rocket propulsion, balloon flight, hyperbaric chambers, deep-sea diving (see nitrogen narcosis), gas chromatography, luminous signs, and cryogenics. | |
30 | 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法惰气熔融库仑法测定氧量 | Sponge titanium,titanium and titanium alloys--Determination of oxygen content--Inert gas fusion coulometric method |