1 | 它们的电子构型十分稳定,没有可被分享的不配对电子,这使它们极端地不活泼,因此也就 | "Their stable electronic configurations, with no unpaired electrons to share, make them extremely unreactive-hence "noble" (i.e., aloof)or inert -though the three heaviest, with outer electrons held less firmly, can form compounds (mainly with fluorine). These gases absorb and give off electromagnetic radiation in a much less complex way than other substances, a property exploited in their use in fluorescent lighting devices and discharge lamps." | |
2 | 它是单原子,极不活泼,没有已知的化合物。 | It is monatomic and extremely inert , forming no known chemical compounds. | |
3 | 它是最丰富的稀有气体,占地球空气的约1%。它是单原子,极不活泼,没有已知的化合物。 | It is the most plentiful of the rare gases making up approximately 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. It is monatomic and extremely inert , forming no known chemical compounds. | |
4 | 它是最稳定的双原子分子N2,可用来产生惰性的气体氛围,或用于稀释气体。商业上通过液化空气的蒸馏来生产氮气。自然界通过土壤里的微生物可达成固定氮作用,而在工业上则利用哈伯-博施法将它转化成可溶于水的化合物(包括氨和硝酸盐)。 | As the nearly unreactive diatomic molecule N2, it is useful as an inert atmosphere or to dilute other gases. Nitrogen is commercially produced by distillation of liquefied air. Nitrogen fixation, achieved naturally by soil microbes and industrially by the Haber-Bosch process, converts it to water-soluble compounds (including ammonia and nitrates). | |
5 | 同往常一样,这些黑猩猩自己对外界的这些激烈争论毫无反应,就算是在喂食的时间,24岁的古斯塔还是在栖木上打瞌睡,而22岁的卡瑞尔则懒洋洋地躺在旁边。 | True to form, the chimps themselves failed to react to the furor, even at feeding time, with 24-year-old Gusta dozing on a perch and 22-year-old Karel lying inert nearby | |
6 | 推荐使用氟浓度为5%到10%的惰性气体里钝化系统,为系统使用做好准备。在钝化程序之前,彻底地清洁和干燥系统。 | Passivation of the system using concentrations of 5-10% fluorine in an inert gas is recommended to prepare the system. Thoroughly clean and dry the system prior to passivation procedures. | |
7 | 退降宇宙中物质和能量降值惰性均匀状态的一种假设性趋势 | A hypothetical tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity. | |
8 | 烷烃一般说来对离子型试剂是不活泼的。 | The alkanes are generally inert to ionic reagents | |
9 | 位于平伏键的甲氧基,则没有这种可能,因而不发生反应。 | An equatorial methoxy group was completely inert to the Grignard reagent | |
10 | 我弟弟有一台42英寸直角平面显像管的落地式电视机。 | My brother has a console model with a 42-inert flat square picture tube. | |
11 | 我呼吁那些奋斗在一线的教师要经受良好的训练。这样,把死板知识灌注到学生们的头脑当中是没问题的。 | I appeal to you, as practical teachers. With good discipline, it is always possible to pump into the minds of a class a certain quantity of inert knowledge. | |
12 | 钨的化学性质相对不活泼,但已经知道它有化合物(其中钨有各种原子价)。最重要的是碳化钨,以它的硬度著称,用来增强铸铁以及工具切割刀口的耐磨能力。 | Tungsten is relatively inert , but compounds (in which it has various valences)are known. The most important, tungsten carbide, noted for its hardness, is used to increase the wear-resistance of cast iron and of tools’ cutting edges. | |
13 | 钨化学分析方法惰气熔融库仑滴定法测定氧量 | Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The inert gas fusion-coulometric titration method for the determination of oxygen content | |
14 | 无生命的没有生存能力的;无生命的或不活泼的 | Not having the capacity to live;inanimate or inert . | |
15 | 稀释剂一种惰性物质 | An inert substance used to dilute. | |
16 | 稀有气体(亦称惰性气体):通常排列在周期律中最右边一族的六种化学元素:氦、氖、氩、氪、氙和氡。 | Noble gas( or inert gas):Any of the six chemical elements that make up the rightmost group of the periodic table as usually arranged: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. | |
17 | 氙化学元素,化学符号,Xe原子序数54。周期表0族(稀有气体)极为稀少的重气体,而且是第一个被发现能生成真正化合物的稀有气体。无色、无臭、无味,存在于地球中的气体中,是用液体空气分馏法小规模生产的。用于频闪仪和高摄影术所用的极短促而强烈的闪光灯中。氙闪光灯已用于活化红宝石的激光器。仅与氟和氧化合生成。 | Xenon Chemical element, chemical symbol Xe, atomic number 54. One of the noble gases, it is colourless, odourless, tasteless, and nearly inert , combining only with fluorine and oxygen and in complexes. Xenon occurs in slight traces in Earth’s atmosphere and in rocks. Obtained by fractional distillation of liquefied air, it is used in luminescent tubes (see electric discharge lamp), flash lamps, lasers, and tracer studies and as an anesthetic. | |
18 | 压缩气体被压缩的惰性气体,比如碳氟化合物,这种气体充当喷撒器中物质的载体 | A compressed inert gas,such as a fluorocarbon,that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol container. | |
19 | 氩是以液态空气分馏法大规模分离制备的,已用于为电灯泡、电子管和盖格计数器充气。因为它是稀有天然放射性同位素钾衰变而产生的,所以可以用来测定十万年以上的岩石年龄和采样。 | Argon provides an inert gas shield in welding and brazing, in lightbulbs and lasers, in Geiger counters, and in the production and fabrication of certain metals. Because a radioactive form of argon is produced by decay of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium isotope, it can be used to date rocks and samples more than 100,000 years old. | |
20 | 要把任何正在泄漏的惰性气体钢瓶隔离在通风良好的区域。只有确信安全时才能移动正在泄漏的钢瓶。一旦泄漏的钢瓶被隔离,马上同供应商联系,请他们帮助解决问题。 | Isolate any leaking cylinders of inert gases in a well-ventilated area. Move leaking cylinders only if it can be done safely. Once the leaking cylinder is isolated, contact your supplier for help in resolving the problem. | |
21 | 液态氮是惰性的,无色,无嗅,无腐蚀性,不可燃,温度极低。氮构成了大气的大部分(体积比78.03%,重量比75.5%)。 | Liquid nitrogen is inert , colorless, odorless, non corrosive, nonflammable, and extremely cold. Nitrogen makes up the major portion of the atmosphere (78.03% by volume, 75.5% by weight). | |
22 | 一般情况下,氮是不活泼的的。当加热到非常高的温度时它会同更加活泼的金属,如锂和镁反应生成氮化物。 | Nitrogen is inert except when heated to very high temperatures, where it combines with some of the more active metals, such as lithium and magnesium, to form nitrides. | |
23 | 一片无活性的土壤);用于人,意味着无生气或懒惰的,尤指在心态或精神上 | an inert mass of soil;applied to persons,it implies lethargy or sluggishness,especially of mind or spirit | |
24 | 一些钢瓶配备了两个阀门:一个有全长排放管,用于液体提取;另一个没有排放管,用于气体提取或惰性气体填充(见图2和液相提取部分) | Some cylinders are equipped with two valves: one having a full-length eductor tube for liquid withdrawal and the other a valve without an eductor tube for gas withdrawal or inert gas padding (see Fig. 2 and section on liquid-phase withdrawal). | |
25 | 依然处于液状的长丝,靠自重通过纺丝仓,然后经过一个竖直的管道,在管道中流过温度达400℃的空气流或惰性气体气流。 | The filaments, still in the liquid form, fall by gravity through the spinning cell, and a verticle tube through which a current of air or inert gas passes at a temperature as high as 400℃. | |
26 | 易燃气体既有同惰性气体一样的潜在危险,如压力和窒息,又有起火和/或爆炸的潜在危险。 | Flammable gases have the potential for the same hazards as the inert gases, for example, pressure and asphyxiation, plus the potential for fire and/or explosion. | |
27 | 用薄的衬里缝制一个窄的直筒装羽骨。塞进羽骨,封住两端。 | Make a narrow tube to fit over the boning from lightweight lining. Inert the boning, and finish the open end. | |
28 | 由于干燥的二氧化碳是相对不活泼的气体,不要求特殊的建材。 | Since dry carbon dioxide is a relatively inert gas, special materials of construction are not required. | |
29 | 由于这些复合材料具有惰性,所以由它们制成的膜具有应用范围广的操作条件(温度、pH值)。 | Due to the inert nature of the composite materials, membranes made from these materials have a wide range of operating conditions(temperature, pH). | |
30 | 元素氮是一个十分不活跃的惰性物质。 | elemental nitrogen is a very unreactive and inert material |