属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN ISO 9692-3-2001
1 | 焊接和相关工艺.接头的准备.铝及其合金的金属极惰性气体保护焊和钨极惰性气体保护焊 | Welding and allied processes-Joint preparation-Metal inert gas welding and tungsten inert gas welding of aluminium and its alloys | |
2 | 焊接中,氩作为保护气防止金属氧化。惰性气体焊接是连接几种含铁和不含铁的合金的首选方法。 | Argon serves as a shielding gas to protect metals from oxidation during welding. Inert gas welding is the preferred method of joining several ferrous and nonferrous alloys. | |
3 | 极谱分析通常用滴汞电极作为惰性电极。 | The inert electrode used for polarographic analysis is usually a dropping mercury electrode | |
4 | 将诸如氩那样的惰性气体充入灯泡中,以减少灯丝的蒸发。 | An inert gas such as argon is introduced to reduce evaporation of the filament | |
5 | 她躺在那儿一动不动,我想她一定死了. | She lay there inert ;I thought she must be dead. | |
6 | 尽管氮无毒且很大程度上不活泼,通过取代空气中的氧,使之下降到维持生命所必须的水平以下它可以为简单的窒息物。 | Although nitrogen is nontoxic and largely inert , it can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing the oxygen in air to levels below that required to support life. | |
7 | 氪:一种化学元素,化学符号Kr,原子序数36。它是一种稀有气体,无色、无臭、无味且相当稳定,只有在十分严格的条件下才只与氟化合。 | Krypton: Chemical element, chemical symbol Kr, atomic number 36. One of the noble gases, it is colourless, odourless, tasteless, and almost totally inert , combining only with fluorine under very rigourous conditions. | |
8 | 昆虫的激素被认为是另一种不同的种类。杀虫剂可影响到神经系统,抑制重要的或防止幼体成熟(例如保幼激素)。有的是胃毒剂,有的是吸入性的毒剂,而其它则是接触性的毒剂。类似机械用的油可阻断呼吸孔。 | Insect hormones may be included as a class. Insecticides may affect the nervous system, inhibit essential enzymes, or prevent larvae from maturing (e.g., juvenile hormone). Some are stomach poisons, some inhalation poisons, and others contact poisons. Agents such as inert oils act mechanically, simply blocking the breathing pores. | |
9 | 卤素灯:白热灯的一种。它用钨丝辐射光线。为了抵受同时产生的热力,灯管用石英造成内置卤素(溴或碘)和惰性气体。 | Halogen lamp: A type of incandescent lamps.Tungsten filament are used to radiate light.To with-stand the heat generated at the same time,the tube is made of quartz and filled with halogen (bromide or iodine)and inert gases. | |
10 | 没有生存能力的;无生命的或不活泼的. | Not having the capacity to live; inanimate or inert . | |
11 | 每一电极是一灯丝,它发射电子,以通过惰性气体来维持放电。 | Each electrode is a filament for providing electrons to maintain an electric discharge through an inert gas | |
12 | 钼化学分析方法惰气熔融库仑滴定法测定氧量 | Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The inert gas fusion-coulometric titration method for the determination of oxygen content | |
13 | 那位猎人,一边等待着主人的辞退,一边端详地、无遗地注视着这一切,当他看见康妮把克利福的两条死腿抱起来放到轮椅里去时,他恐怖得脸色苍白起来。他觉得惊骇了。 | The keeper, waiting at attention to be dismissed, watched everything narrowly, missing nothing. He went pale, with a sort of fear, when he saw Connie lifting the inert legs of the man in her arms, into the other chair, Clifford pivoting round as she did so. He was frightened. | |
14 | 能源介质设计(到接点):燃气、保护气、冷却水、压缩空气和废水 | design for energy fluids: fuel gas, inert gas, cooling water, compressed air and waste water | |
15 | 您的外貌当然一点都没有改变,但您已不再是以前的您了,您以前象吃过灵芝草的羚羊,但这时却变成了一块呆木头,就象那受了酷刑的卡立班[莎士比亚名剧《暴风雨》中的人物。- | You are still yourself as now, and yet you are yourself no longer; you who, like Ariel, verge on the angelic, are but an inert mass, which, like Caliban, verges on the brutal | |
16 | 排出的含有二甲基甲酰胺溶剂的空气或惰性气体被连续送到回收系统,通过冷却或吸收的方式被回收。 | Exhaust air or inert gas containing the DMF is continuously sent to a recovery system where the solvent is recovered by condensation or absorption. | |
17 | 气态氮是不活泼的,无色,无嗅,无味,无毒,无腐蚀性,不可燃。氮是不活泼的,不支持燃烧;但是它不是维持生命的必要元素。 | Gaseous nitrogen is inert , colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic, non corrosive, and nonflammable. Nitrogen is inert and will not support combustion; however, it is not life supporting. | |
18 | 气态氦极不活泼,无色,无嗅,无腐蚀性,不可燃。氦是最轻的稀有气体。它是单原子惰性气体。一般情况下不同其它元素或化合物反应。 | Gaseous helium is inert , colorless, odorless, non corrosive, and nonflammable. Helium is the lightest rare gas. Helium is a monatomic chemically inert gas. It will not react with other elements or compounds under ordinary conditions. | |
19 | 气态氩无味,无色,无嗅,无腐蚀性,不可燃。氩属于稀有惰性气体家族。 | Gaseous argon is tasteless, colorless, odorless, non corrosive, and nonflammable. Argon belongs to the family of rare inert gases. | |
20 | 气态氩无味,无色,无嗅,无腐蚀性,不可燃。氩属于稀有惰性气体家族。它是最丰富的稀有气体,占地球空气的约1%。 | Gaseous argon is tasteless, colorless, odorless, non corrosive, and nonflammable. Argon belongs to the family of rare inert gases. It is the most plentiful of the rare gases making up approximately 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. | |
21 | 汽车朝他开来时,他还呆呆地站着。 | He stood inert as the car came towards him. | |
22 | 人类没有能够探测到氩的存在的官能。氩无毒且不活泼。通过取代空气中的氧,使之下降到维持生命所必须的水平以下,它可以成为简单的窒息物。 | Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of argon. Argon is non-toxic and inert . It can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing the oxygen in air to levels below that required to support life. | |
23 | 熔纺包括尼龙在惰性气体中的熔化、控制熔融体挤出和固化、卷绕挤出的长丝等几个过程。 | Melt spinning involves melting the nylon in an inert atmosphere, controlling the extrusion and solidification of the melt, and collecting the extruded filaments. | |
24 | 如果管道系统范围宽或很复杂,先用惰性气体连续排气,最后用氢是最可靠的。 | If the piping systems are extensive or complicated, successive evacuations broken first by an inert gas and finally with hydrogen are most reliable. | |
25 | 如果在用户的系统里发生了泄露,关闭阀门并排出残余产品。在试图修理之前,用惰性气体净化管道。使用合适的防护装备(SCBA)。 | If a leak develops in a customer system, close the cylinder valve and vent residual product, and purge the lines with inert gas before attempting repairs. Use appropriate protective equipment (SCBA). | |
26 | 石头是一块无生命的物体。 | Stone is an inert mass of matter | |
27 | 使用前用惰性气体对管道和设备检漏。 | Leak-test lines and equipment with an inert gas before using. | |
28 | 树林里,一切都是毫无生命似地静息着。仅有无叶的树枝上落下来的雨滴,发着空洞的微音,在老树丛中,只有无边的灰色,绝望的静止,寂默,虚无。 | In the wood all was utterly inert and motionless, only great drops fell from the bare boughs, with a hollow little crash. For the rest, among the old trees was depth within depth of grey, hopeless inertia, silence, nothingness. | |
29 | 他刚抓住节奏,配合好想像,打算随它翱翔,那轻快的节奏却在一片对他毫无意义的混乱的喧嚣中消失了。于是他的想像便化作惰性物体,摔到了地上。 | Just as he caught the swing of them and started, his imagination attuned in flight, always they vanished away in a chaotic scramble of sounds that was meaningless to him, and that dropped his imagination, an inert weight, back to earth | |
30 | 它们的电子构型十分稳定,没有可被分享的不配对电子,这使它们极端地不活泼,因此也就 | "Their stable electronic configurations, with no unpaired electrons to share, make them extremely unreactive-hence "noble" (i.e., aloof)or inert -though the three heaviest, with outer electrons held less firmly, can form compounds (mainly with fluorine). These gases absorb and give off electromagnetic radiation in a much less complex way than other substances, a property exploited in their use in fluorescent lighting devices and discharge lamps." |