属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-价格分析 Parsing prices
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新任联邦储备局长 鸽派主政
1 | 暴涨的价格;导致通货膨胀的政策 | inflationary prices;inflationary policies. | |
2 | 除了低通货膨胀外,通过通货膨胀筹资来增加收入很可能只在短期内才有收效。 | Except at low levels of inflation, raising revenues by inflationary finance is likely to pay off only in the short run | |
3 | 当然我们的推论也许会不准确,目前的利率水准或可弥补通货膨胀所带来的损失,只是我们对于长期的债券仍报以持续的戒心。 | While recognizing the possibility that we may be wrong and that present interest rates may adequately compensate for the inflationary risk, we retain a general fear of long-term bonds. | |
4 | 恶性通货膨胀. | an inflationary spiral | |
5 | 而几乎无可避免的对于财政问题的处理耽搁将会造成通货膨胀的后果。 | And, almost inevitably, procrastination in facing up to fiscal problems will have inflationary consequences. | |
6 | 混沌暴涨模型的精确解 | Exact Solution to the Chaotic Inflationary Model | |
7 | 货币政策透明度、通胀偏差与预期成本 | Transparency of Monetary Policy, Inflationary Bias and Expectations Costs | |
8 | 见图2美国和欧洲先行指标的关系及其相关股票表现--更高的相关通货膨胀压力通常会造成股票的良好表现。 | See Figure 2 for the relationship between US and Europe’s leading inflation indicators and their relative stock performance-higher relative inflationary pressure is normally rewarded with stock outperformance. | |
9 | 她反对增加对公司征税,因为这种作法意味着通货膨胀。 | She argued against the increased tax imposed on companies, because it would be inflationary | |
10 | 金融发展、经济成长与通货膨胀的门坎效果 | Financial Development, Economic Growth, and Inflationary Threshold Effects | |
11 | 那位反对党的领袖声称,财政大臣的预算方案要就是通货膨胀,以此对他进行攻击。 | The opposition leader tried to do a hatchet job on the Chancellor’s budget plans by claiming that they were inflationary . | |
12 | 然而,在通货膨胀和通货紧缩时期货币计量单位是不稳定的。 | Unfortunately, the monetary unit of measurement is not a stable measure in times of inflationary or deflationary price changes. | |
13 | 他有充足的理由警告人们防止通货膨胀。 | He has good reason for his anti-inflationary warning. | |
14 | 通货膨胀缺口:指总支出(用于消费者、投资和政府的货物与服务的支出),超过稳定的与充分就业经济的支出水平。 | inflationary gap: A condition of excess aggregate spending (for consumer, investment and government goods and services)relative to the spending that would be consistent with a full-employment stable economy. | |
15 | 英国货币最近非常坚挺,这有助于减轻通胀压力。 | Sterling has recently been strong,which will help to abate inflationary pressures. | |
16 | 由于存在这种差距,国内就笼罩着通货膨胀的危险。 | The danger of inflation stalked the home front because of this "inflationary gap" | |
17 | 与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失. | Index-linked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases | |
18 | 在经济领域中通货膨胀的作用 | inflationary forces at work in the economy. | |
19 | 在通货膨胀的过程中,金融当局起了一种延退作用而不是主要作用。 | The monetary authorities are seen here as playing a lagging rather than a leading role in the inflationary process | |
20 | 在严重通货膨胀的经济状况下,银行必须提高利率,以吸引存款。 | In highly inflationary economies, banks must pay high interest rates to attract saving | |
21 | 这个公众可以得到和采用的估价,必须分析遵守规章所用代价,潜在的通货膨胀和价格暴跌的影响,竞争的影响,消费者的成本和使用能力。 | This assessment, which shall be available to the public, must analyze costs of compliance, potential inflationary or recessionary effects, and effects on competition, consumer costs, and energy use | |
22 | 这时,个人收入、政府支出、通货膨胀的压力都在增长。 | Meanwhile, personal incomes, governmental expenditures, and inflationary pressures continued to mount | |
23 | 这些权力能使该局影响贷款的有效性和费用,因而可以控制经济上通货膨胀或通货紧缩的趋势。 | Those powers enable the board to influence the availability and cost of money for loans, and thereby to check inflationary or deflationary trends in the economy | |
24 | ||1:沃尔克未受到华尔街影响,毕其大半精力与之斡旋, 这或许是他最杰出的功绩。||2:希尔伯强调了沃尔克对金融改革所做的贡献,却未提及他更为尖锐的箴——即当代唯一有用的金融创新就是自动提款机。||3:对华尔街如此口出恶言,加之其与现任总统的关系,沃尔克即便有过多么光荣的反通胀传奇也无法成为保守主义运动中的伟人了吧。 | ||1:Perhaps the most remarkable fact about Mr Volcker is that he has spent much of his career dealing with Wall Street without being captured by its influence.||2:Mr Silber highlights his subject’s commitment to financial reform, but fails to mention one of his more pointed bon mots—that the only useful modern financial innovation has been the automated teller machine.||3:Such robust cynicism about Wall Street, along with his links to the current president, may explain why Mr Volcker is not a hero of the conservative movement, despite his anti-inflationary credentials. | |
25 | ||1:沃尔克未受到华尔街影响,毕其大半精力与之斡旋, 这或许是他最杰出的功绩。||2:希尔伯强调了沃尔克对金融改革所做的贡献,却未提及他更为尖锐的箴言——即当代唯一有用的金融创新就是自动提款机。||3:对华尔街如此口出恶言,加之其与现任总统的关系,沃尔克即便有过多么光荣的反通胀传奇也无法成为保守主义运动中的伟人了吧。 | ||1:Perhaps the most remarkable fact about Mr Volcker is that he has spent much of his career dealing with Wall Street without being captured by its influence.||2:Mr Silber highlights his subject’s commitment to financial reform, but fails to mention one of his more pointed bon mots—that the only useful modern financial innovation has been the automated teller machine.||3:Such robust cynicism about Wall Street, along with his links to the current president, may explain why Mr Volcker is not a hero of the conservative movement, despite his anti-inflationary credentials. | |
26 | ||1:印制过少货币的结果是“丑陋”的、通货紧缩的去杠杆化(比如希腊);印制过多则会导致类似德国魏玛的通货膨胀的去杠杆化。||2:Dalio说“我并不同意所有去杠杆化都要大量地印制货币,那么只要印制钞票就会万事大吉的观点。但是这(货币的印制)确实需要和其他政策均衡作用”。即使他说自己担心被人误解。 | ||1: Print too little money and the result is an ugly, deflationary deleveraging (see Greece); print too much and the deleveraging may become inflationary , as in Weimar Germany. ||2: Although Mr Dalio says he fears being misunderstood as saying “print a lot of money and everything will be OK, which I don’t believe, all deleveragings have ended with the printing of significant amounts of money. But it has to be in balance with other policies.” | |
27 | ||1:只有劳动力市场紧缩,企业利用全部产能,致使在更大范围的经济已经存在通胀压力时,这些“第二轮效应”才值得人们为之辗转反侧。||2:这种过热似乎对发达国家来说遥不可及。欧元区失业率达两位数,在美国超过9%,在英国超过7.9%。||3:工资涨幅不大,欧元区不到1%,而美国和英国在2%左右。 | ||1: These “second-round effects” are worth losing sleep over, but only when there is already inflationary pressure in the wider economy, from a tight labour market and firms running factories at full pelt. ||2: Such overheating seems some way off for advanced economies. The unemployment rate is in double digits in the euro area, above 9% in America and 7.9% in Britain. ||3: Wage growth has been weak, running below 1% in the euro zone and at around 2% in America and Britain. | |
28 | 总统为情况所迫曾任命鹰派强硬支持货币政策的Paul Volcker和Alan Greenspan确保市场运行良好,避免联邦储备局遭受来自政治体系的通货膨胀趋势。 | Presidents once felt compelled to appoint monetary-policy hawks such as Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan to reassure markets that the Fed would not succumb to the political system’s inflationary bias. | |
29 | “差旅买家们正感受到更大的压力,这是必然的,”NBTA表示。 | "Thus, inflationary pressures are certainly being felt by travel buyers, " according to the NBTA Foundation. | |
30 | “但在这种持续性缓慢成长和降低杠杆的环境下,整体通胀压力不高,”他称。 | "But general inflationary pressure is not high in this type of environment of continued slow growth and deleveraging, " he said. |