1 | 有下列情形之一的,遗产中的有关部分按照法定继承办理:遗嘱继承人放弃继承或者受遗赠人放弃受遗赠的;遗嘱继承人丧失继承权的 | Under any of the following circumstances, the part of the estate affected shall be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession: where inheritance is disclaimed by a testamentary successor or the legacy is disclaimed by a legatee; or where a testamentary successor is disinherited; | |
2 | 这份遗产超出了我最漫无边际的梦想 | The inheritance passed my wildest dreams. | |
3 | 这里的王朝遗产好象得天独厚、非常富饶。 | Here the dynastic inheritance seemed to have been blessed with riches | |
4 | 这头衔按世袭传给长子 | The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son. | |
5 | 这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。 | These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens | |
6 | 至于名誉--你知道啦--那是中世纪以来的大好遗产,对此,女人们从未有所领略。 | As to honour-you know-it’s very fine mediaeval inheritance which women never get hold of.It is not theirs. | |
7 | 中国公民继承在中华人民共和国境外的遗产或者继承在中华人民共和国境内的外国人的遗产,动产适用被继承人住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。 | For inheritance by a Chinese citizen of an estate outside the People’s Republic of China or of an estate of a foreigner within the People’s Republic of China, the law of the place of domicile of the decedent shall apply in the case of movable property; in the case of immovable property, the law of the place where the property is located shall apply. | |
8 | 中华人民共和国与外国订有条约、协定的,按照条约、协定办理。 | Where treaties or agreements exist between the People’s Republic of China and foreign countries, matters of inheritance shall be handled in accordance with such treaties or agreements. | |
9 | 昨天这人在赌博中把他的遗产输掉了。 | The man gambled away his inheritance yesterday | |
10 | 作为这个家庭的一个朋友,他自然没有继承遗产的权利。 | His position as a friend of the family doesn’t entitle him automatically to a share of the inheritance . |