1 | (三)情况紧急,不立即作出海事强制令将造成损害或者使损害扩大。 | (3)In case of emergency, failure to make a maritime injunction immediately will cause damage or expand damage. | |
2 | 埃莉诺细细领会每一句叫她不抱信心的暗示,同样告诫自己不要作过奢的指望。 | Elinor, conning over every injunction of distrust, told herself likewise not to hope | |
3 | 按照“格伦代尔城第一英国福音派路德教堂”的原则,土地所有人不仅被授予了禁令使用权用以抵制法令实施,而且还享有领地法与禁令较量过程中的损失补偿。 | Under First English, the land owner is entitled not only to an injunction against enforcement of the ordinance, but also to damages for the temporary restriction on development between the ordinance’s passage and the injunction invalidating it | |
4 | 裁定作出海事强制令的,应当立即执行;对不符合海事强制令条件的,裁定驳回其申请。 | If an order is made for making a maritime injunction , it shall be executed immediately; if the conditions for a maritime injunction are not fulfilled, an order shall be made to reject the application. | |
5 | 从蛋糕专利诉讼谈专利范围之建构与初期禁制令之准驳 | Claim construction and preliminary injunction study from a cake-making patent litigation case | |
6 | 当事人申请海事强制令的,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交海事纠纷发生地的海事法院;当事人在仲裁程序开始前申请海事强制令的,应当依照《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定,直接向海事纠纷发生地的海事法院提出。 | When a party applies for a maritime injunction , the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party’s application to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute arises. Where a party applies for a maritime injunction before the commencement of the arbitration proceedings, he shall, according to the provisions of "Maritime Procedure Law of the PRC ", submit his application directly to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute arises. | |
7 | 当事人逾期不履行海关的处罚决定又不申请复议或者向人民法院起诉的,作出处罚决定的海关可以将其保证金没收或者将其被扣留的货物、物品、运输工具变价抵缴,也可以申请人民法院强制执行。 | If the person concerned refuses to carry out the Customs decision and fails to apply for a reconsideration of the case to the People’s Court within the time-limit, the Customs making the decision may confiscate the deposit of the person concerned, sell off his goods, articles and means of transport detained, or apply to the People’s Court for an injunction to enforce the execution of the decision. | |
8 | 第六十条海事请求人申请海事强制令错误的,应当赔偿被请求人或者利害关系人因此所遭受的损失。 | Article 60 A maritime claimant wrongfully submitting an application for a maritime injunction shall compensate losses incurred by the party who opposes the claim or an interested party. | |
9 | 第六十一条海事强制令执行后,有关海事纠纷未进入诉讼或者仲裁程序的,当事人就该海事请求,可以向作出海事强制令的海事法院或者其他有管辖权的海事法院提起诉讼,但当事人之间订有诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的除外。 | Article 61 If no litigation or arbitration procedures start for relevant maritime disputes after the execution of the maritime injunction , the parties may bring a law suit for this maritime claim to the maritime court making the maritime injunction or the other maritime court having jurisdiction, except that a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement has been concluded between the parties. | |
10 | 第七十三条海事担保包括本法规定的海事请求保全、海事强制令、海事证据保全等程序中所涉及的担保。 | Article 73 Maritime guarantee includes guarantee involved in procedures provided in this Law such as maritime claim preservation, maritime injunction , maritime evidence preservation. | |
11 | 第五十二条当事人在起诉前申请海事强制令,应当向海事纠纷发生地海事法院提出。 | Article 52 An interested party applying for a maritime injunction before bringing a law suit shall refer to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute occurred. | |
12 | 第五十九条被请求人拒不执行海事强制令的,海事法院可以根据情节轻重处以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 59 If the party who opposes the claim refuses to obey a maritime injunction , the maritime court may impose a fine or detain him in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances; if a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to the law. | |
13 | 第五十六条作出海事强制令,应当具备下列条件: | Article 56 To make a maritime injunction , the following conditions shall be fulfilled: | |
14 | 第五十三条海事强制令不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。 | Article 53 A maritime injunction shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties. | |
15 | 第五十四条海事请求人申请海事强制令,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。 | Article 54 A maritime claimant applying for a maritime injunction shall submit a written application to a maritime court. | |
16 | 第五十条 著作权行政管理部门对著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为,可给予警告、责令停止制作和发行侵权复制品、没收非法所得、没收侵权复制品及制作设备和罚款的行政处罚。 | Article 50. Infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law shall be liable to the administrative sanctions to be imposed by copyright administrative authority in the form of public warning, injunction in relation to the production and distribution of infringing copies, confiscation of unlawful gains and seizure of infringing copies and equipments used for making infringing copies, as well as fine. | |
17 | 第五十五条海事法院受理海事强制令申请,可以责令海事请求人提供担保。 | Article 55 A maritime court accepting an application for a maritime injunction may order the maritime claimant to provide guarantee. | |
18 | 第五十一条海事强制令是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,为使其合法权益免受侵害,责令被请求人作为或者不作为的强制措施。 | Article 51 A maritime injunction means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court, on application by a maritime claimant, orders an act or omission by the party who opposes the claim, in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of the maritime claimant against any infringement. | |
19 | 对处罚决定不服而逾期又不起诉的,原处理机关可向人民法院申请强制执行。 | if, upon the expiration of this period, the party has neither complied with the sanction nor has brought a suit before a people’s court, the authorities that impose the sanction shall request the people’s court to issue an injunction for compulsory enforcement. | |
20 | 法院颁布了一项不得设置罢工纠察队的禁止令。 | The court issued an injunction that picketing (should)not take place. | |
21 | 法院命令,法院指令 | mandatory injunction ;injunction | |
22 | 法院已经发布了禁止他们罢工一个月的禁令。 | The court has issued an injunction forbidding them to strike for a month | |
23 | 衡平法院可以,例如,签发禁制令,禁止某些特定的行为以防止进一步的伤害行为,或者它可以判决特定履行,命令履行某项义务。 | The court could, for example, issue an injunction , forbidding specified acts in order to prevent further injury, or it could decree specific performance, ordering performance of an obligation. | |
24 | 环境侵权侵害排除责任研究 | A Study on Injunction of the Environmental Tort Liability | |
25 | 加利福尼亚州立即起诉,把这一地带从出租计划中删除。 | The State of California promptly sued and obtained an injunction directing that certain tracts within the basin be excluded from the sale | |
26 | 勒 [强] 令某人(做某事) | lay a strict injunction on sb. | |
27 | 勒[强]令某人(做某事) | Lay a strict injunction on sb.to do sth. | |
28 | 利害关系人对海事强制令提出异议,海事法院经审查,认为理由成立的,应当裁定撤销海事强制令。 | If an interested party lodges an objection to a maritime injunction , the maritime court shall order to cancel the maritime injunction if it deems the causes are tenable through investigation. | |
29 | 邻居们要求政府颁布一条禁令,禁止这种污染活动并要求为已经遭受的伤害赔偿。 | The neighbors sought an injunction against continuation of the polluting activities, and compensatory damages for injuries already suffered | |
30 | 另外,正如坎贝尔一案中法院所指出的,如果违背诉讼程序会导致环境破坏,通常的做法是,为执行联邦政策,需要禁止令。 | On the other hand, as the Gambell Court pointed out, where a procedural violation results in environmental harm, generally an injunction will be required to effectuate federal policy |