属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏格兰可再生能源崛起 或因独立遭受重击
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-优化浪漫 恋爱中的经济学(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能卡片取代现金 人们无处可去?(1)
1 | 当一个可怜的人要失去他唯一的孩子时,他希望事先得到一个暗示。 | When a poor man is to lose his only child, he likes to have an inkling of it beforehand | |
2 | 对她丈夫取得这张票的动机,她一无所知。 | She had the slightest inkling of her husband’s motive in obtaining this ticket | |
3 | 对真正的原因一无所知. | get no inkling as to the real cause | |
4 | 反过来,英语也吸收了来自印度语、马来语的数百个词,如loot(抢劫)、tank(坦克)等词,如今已完全融入了英语,以至于几乎没有哪个英国人或美国人对它们来源于亚洲有略微的了解。 | English, in turn, has absorbed hundreds of words from Indian languages and Malay-with some like "loot" and "tank" now so utterly at home in English that few Britons or Americans have any inkling of their Asian origin | |
5 | 给某人一点暗示 | to give sb.an inkling | |
6 | 给某人一些暗示 | give sb. an inkling of | |
7 | 给某人一些暗示 | give sb. some inkling of | |
8 | 给某人一些关于某事的暗示. | give sb an inkling of sth | |
9 | 股票价格一跌落,我就开始察觉到情况有些不妙 | The first inkling I had that all was not well was when the share prices began to fall | |
10 | 她万万料不到荪甫去找姑老爷是为了公债事情,她总以为荪甫是要去把姑奶奶拉出来一同去找四小姐回家。 | She had not the slightest inkling that Sun-fu was going to see Tu Chu-chai on business, but naturally assumed that he was going to pick up his sister Fu-fang and take her with him to help persuade Huei-fang to come home | |
11 | 你会对宇航员必须应付的情况略知一二。 | You may get an inkling of what the astronauts have to deal with | |
12 | 你要知道上帝的实际性质的任何迹象,你必须到他新创造的世界里去。 | You have to go to the world which he has created to get any inkling of his actual character | |
13 | 清早6点时,她从自己睡觉的地方睡眼惺忪地瞥见汉生在外面吃饭间闷声不响地吃早饭,她开始有点理解汉生过的是什么样的生活了。 | She gained some inkling of the character of Hanson’s life when, half asleep, she looked out into the dining-room at six o’clock and saw him silently finishing his breakfast. | |
14 | 稍稍知道这件事. | have an inkling of the matter | |
15 | 他对困难略有所知。 | He had some inkling of the difficulties. | |
16 | 他对困难一无所知。 | He had no inkling of the difficulties. | |
17 | 我本该心里有数,有这种专注的决心,那个年轻人将会无往而不胜。 | I should have had an inkling such focused determination would take that young man wherever he wanted to go | |
18 | 我对目前发生的事略有所知。 | I’ve got an inkling of what is happening. | |
19 | 我略知[不知道]他打算做什么。 | I had an [no] inkling of what he intended to do. | |
20 | 我略知他打算做什么。 | I had an inkling of what he intended to do. | |
21 | 我朋友暗示他有意离开这家公司。 | My friend gave an inkling of his intention to leave the company. | |
22 | 我现在对移民们所面临的来自当局方面问题的确有所了解了。 | I do now have an inkling of what the immigrants face from the authorities. | |
23 | 现在有什么情况,你能告诉我一点儿吗? | Can you give me some inkling of what is going on? | |
24 | 向某人暗示他的失败 | Give a person an inkling of his failure | |
25 | 向某人暗示他已失败(的事) | Give a person an inkling that he has failed | |
26 | 有点伤风的征候. | have some inkling of a cold | |
27 | ||1:2011年,可再生能源的发电量第一次占据了苏格兰总发电量的27%,成为苏格兰电力的第二大来源——位于核电之后,煤气电力之前;而在英格兰,可再生能源的发电量只占据了6%。||2:如果你置身于伊格尔沙姆沼泽,也许就能对其原因略窥一二了,全欧洲的风能大约有四分之一是从苏格兰的陆地和周围水域穿过的。||3:正是因为有它潜在的潮汐能和波能,再加上能将北海里的油气资源转移到绿色产业中的专利技术,苏格兰被称为“可再生能源中的沙特阿拉伯”也就不难理解了。 | ||1:In 2011, for the first time, renewables were the second-biggest source of electricity generated in Scotland, accounting for 27%, behind nuclear power but ahead of coal and gas; in England, renewables generated only 6% of the total.||2:Stand, buffeted, on Eaglesham Moor and you get an inkling of why: around a quarter of all Europe’s wind energy crosses Scotland’s land mass and surrounding waters.||3:Factor in its potential in tidal and wave energy, plus an expertise in North Sea oil and gas that can be transferred to greener industries, and the notion of Scotland as a “Saudi Arabia of renewables” does not seem too far-fetched. | |
28 | ||1:正如梅所解释的,人们相信这些难捉摸的粒子就是所谓的希格斯场的物质证明,而在大爆炸后不久希格斯场就开始遍及宇宙了。||2:起初,所有的粒子都是没有质量的。||3:正如任何一位物理学家都会告诉你的,这等于是说它们以光速四处飞过;相比之下,就定义来看一个有质量的粒子缓慢多了。||4:不过,当宇宙温度降至低于1万亿度左右,它经历了一个相变:希格斯场突然翻转,一些粒子开始与希格斯玻色子相互作用,而其它粒子则不与希格斯玻色子相互作用。参与相互作用的那些粒子慢了下来。||5:换句话说,它们获得了质量。||6:因此,用物理学家的行话说,某种原始的对称性“自发破坏了”。||7:如果这听起来很深奥,那么梅就展示了它如何导致了复杂原子的形成,从而形成了所有的生命,这点解释了为什么有些人称希格斯介子为“上帝粒子”。||8:笔者还以初等代数的方式提供了基础数学的端倪。(不过梅或他的编辑本可对读者更有信心,而不是把这端倪归进附录)。 | ||1: As Mr Mee explains, the elusive particle is believed to be the physical manifestation of the so-called Higgs field, which has pervaded the universe since shortly after the Big Bang. ||2: In the beginning, all particles were massless. ||3: This, as any physicist will tell you, is the same as saying they zipped around at the speed of light; a massive particle, by contrast, is by definition more sluggish. ||4: When the universe’s temperature dropped below 1 trillion degrees or so, though, it underwent a phase transition: suddenly the Higgs field flipped on and some particles, but not others, began interacting with Higgs bosons. Those that did slowed down. ||5: In other words, they gained mass. ||6: As a consequence, some kind of primordial symmetry was, to use physicists’ jargon, “spontaneously broken”. ||7: If this sounds abstruse, Mr Mee shows how it led to the formation of complex atoms, and thus all of life—which explains why some call the Higgs the “god particle”. ||8: The author also offers an inkling of the underlying maths in terms of elementary algebra. (Though he or his editor could have had more faith in readers and not relegated this to an appendix.) | |
29 | 即便没有数字的帮助,人们通常也会对双方的共同之处有个大概的认识。 | Even without digital help, people usually have some inkling of how much they have in common. | |
30 | 有时,乘客得在画满涂鸦的站牌下,等候着不知什么时候到站的巴士。 | Passengers sometimes wait ages at stops scrawled with graffiti with no inkling of when the next bus will arrive. |