属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-麦肯锡的未来 居于管理咨询的顶端
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-1913年的世界 天塌之前的平静之年
1 | 我也不再感到惶惑不安,我已经经历了生活的无数艰辛,对自己越来越充满信心。 | I no longer had the feeling of uncertainty and insecurity since I had gone through so much in life and had become more confident | |
2 | 消除他们长期的不安全感 | assuage their chronic insecurity . | |
3 | 引导她脱离不安全的处境. | guide her out of her morass of insecurity | |
4 | 有的公墓(塔陵园)单位利用墓穴和骨灰存放格位进行传销和炒买炒卖等不正当营销活动,损害了群众的利益,引发出一些不安定因素。 | some units operating cemeteries (or pagoda cemeteries)conduct illegal marketing activities such as pyramid sales of and speculation in graves and cells for the storage of ashes, which have infringed on the interests of the masses and produced some factors of insecurity . | |
5 | 有的公墓单位为牟取暴利,把骨灰存放格位混同一般产品,以增值为诱饵,欺骗群众竞相购买,大肆进行传销和炒买炒卖等不正当营销活动,损害了群众的利益,引发出一些不安定因素。 | Some units operating cemeteries, for the purpose of seeking illegitimate profits, confuse cells for the storage of ashes with general commodities, use appreciation as bait, deceive the masses into scrambling for the cells by purchase, unscrupulously conduct illegal marketing activities of pyramid sales and speculation, which have infringed on the interests of the masses and produced some factors of insecurity . | |
6 | 在普遍贫困、收入无保障的环境里,大家庭有无经济上的意义? | Do large families make economic sense in an environment of widespread poverty and financial insecurity ? | |
7 | 在这部小说里,他描述了一个出身于新英格兰世家的男子如何由于为安全问题担忧而背弃了他的理想主义。 | In the novel, he told the story of a man from a distinguished New England family who betrayed his idealism through fear of insecurity . | |
8 | 这让他觉得,敢情当今时世真正典型的问题,倒不在它太嫌残酷无情,毫不安全。这时代枯燥乏味,暗无天日,疲塌懈怠,这才是它的问题所在。 | It struck him that the truly characteristic thing about modern life was not its cruelty and insecurity , but simply its bareness, its dinginess, its listlessness | |
9 | 争执的关键是钱由谁来控制。当我年轻的时候,我想去控制是出于恐惧,是缺乏信任和不安全感。 | The key issue is: who is going to be in control? When I was younger, my need to control arose out of fear, a lack of trust, insecurity . | |
10 | 组织变革下警察人员之工作危机感、组织公民行为、与知识分享意愿间关系之研究 | The Relationships among Job Insecurity , OCB, and Willingness of Knowledge Sharing among Police Officers under Organizational Change | |
11 | ||1:中国海外直接投资的一种转变正在进行之中,其增速虽快,相比海外对华投资,仍然相形见绌(见图)。||2:第一波投资主要涉及国有企业,被用来获取贫困国家的能源,煤矿以及土地。||3:资源不安尚有残余,本周一国企购买了一块大型巴西近海油田Libra的20%股份就足以说明这一点,但资源不再是推动力,新的推动因素正酝酿着第二波投资。 | ||1: A shift is under way in China’s overseas direct investment (ODI), which is growing fast but is still dwarfed by foreign investment into China (see chart). ||2: The first wave largely involved state-owned firms, and was directed at acquiring energy, minerals and land in poor countries. ||3: Resource insecurity lingers—witness the 20% stake taken this week by Chinese state firms in Libra, a giant Brazilian offshore oilfield—but it is no longer the driving force. New motives propel the second wave. | |
12 | 辍学者将要过着经济困难的不安定生活。 | School dropouts will have to cope with a life of cash-strapped insecurity . | |
13 | 但安全依然是个问题。 | One problem is insecurity . | |
14 | 全球统治阶级正在被一种混合的痴迷状态和不安全状态困扰, | The global ruling class is seized with a toxic combination of status-obsession and status-insecurity . | |
15 | ||虽然1913年世界存在的一些特征似乎很奇怪—这包括阿根廷的富裕—但大部分特征都是人们所熟悉的。随之而来的是一种令人感到困恼的推断。目前是对欧洲统一体的测验,是对民族独立的重新坚持,是对大国崛起造成的不安全感的再次断言,这个过程中,2013年的世界与1913年的世界颇有几分类似,另人感到不安。|| | Though some features of the world in 1913 seem strange—including the riches of Argentina—most are familiar. Yet with that comes a troubling corollary.|| In the current testing of European unity, the reassertion of the nation state and insecurity engendered by rising powers, the world in 2013 looks a bit discomfitingly like that of 1913.|| | |
16 | “(它们)使得社会和政治产生断层,可能进而发展至社会不安及动荡”。 | create social and political fractures that can develop into social unrest and insecurity . | |
17 | 2010年,联合国(UN)要求各国为埃塞俄比亚、索马里和肯尼亚提供5亿美元资金用于解决食物危机问题,但最终只筹到一半的资金。 | The UN asked for $500m to address food insecurity in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya in 2010, but received only half that amount. | |
18 | Zobel说最初害怕告诉别人自己的病情来源于作为一个女性企业家心中根深蒂固的不安全感。 | Zobel says her initial fear about telling people came down to a deeply ingrained insecurity as a woman entrepreneur. | |
19 | 帮助听众处理不安和对死亡的恐惧。让他们对生活有更深的体会并充满着希望。 | Help the audience deal with feelings of insecurity and mortality and help them improve their outlook on life. | |
20 | 毕竟,每当他们走在机场时都会不自觉地担忧自己的安全。 | After all, everyone gets reminded of the global insecurity that resulted whenever they go to the airport. | |
21 | 不安全感按程度剥夺--这个程度根深蒂固于它对这个人生活的影响力程度上。 | Insecurity robs by degrees - the degree it is entrenched is the degree of power it has in the person’s life. | |
22 | 不安全食品价值链的经济激励是供应链上厂商集体失信的诱因。 | Economic incentives for the insecurity in the food value chain induced the collective trust losing for the manufacturer in supply chain. | |
23 | 不断增加的绑架案使得市民的不安感越来越强烈,即使保护严密的人也一样。 | The increase in kidnapping has heightened the feeling of insecurity , even among those with protection. | |
24 | 不管他们年龄多大,今天多数人面临的未来前景就是一辈子的不安全感。 | Whatever their age, the prospect facing most people today is a lifetime of insecurity . | |
25 | 不过,日本对美国意图的不安,既折射出超出其控制范围的局势,也反映出日本自身的矛盾与犹豫。 | Yet Japan’s insecurity about US intent mirrors its own ambivalences and hesitations as much as events beyond its control. | |
26 | 不是要为了逃避生活中的某样东西,例如恐惧,孤独或不安全感而结婚。 | Don’t get married to escape something in your life like fear, loneliness or insecurity . | |
27 | 不要等到病了才缓和这种不安全感。 | Do not wait to be sick before temper this sense of insecurity . | |
28 | 布卢姆认为,虽然随着企业减少投资和招聘而产生的渐强的不安感会一直经济增长,但它的影响只是暂时的。 | While heightened insecurity can depress growth as companies put off investment and hiring, says Bloom, the effect is only temporary. | |
29 | 产科护理不安全因素的分析与防范对策 | Analysis of the insecurity factors and countermeasure in obstetric nursing | |
30 | 常发短信是心神不定的征兆、自恋,还是两者都是? | Is Constant Texting a Sign of Insecurity , Narcissism or Both? |