属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦之味 Scent of dreams
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-局外旁观 On the Outside Looking
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-冢本幼稚园 种族歧视的低龄化(2)
1 | 为了海峡两岸同胞的基本利益,我们要尽最大可能以和平方式解决台湾问题,当然前提是在坚持一个中国的原则下 | For the fundamental interests of compatriots across the Straits, we will exert our utmost and greatest possibility to resolve the Taiwan issue through peaceful means, but of course, under the premise of insistence in the one-China principle. | |
2 | 为了与紫禁城的修建时代同步,他坚持服装要按明代而不是唐代的款式重新制作,仅此一项就增加了33万美元的开支。 | His insistence that costumes be remade in Ming rather than Tang dynasty style, in keeping with the Forbidden City’s vintage, added $330,000 to the tab | |
3 | 我们对你执意让人立即偿还债款的要求感到气恼。 | We resent your insistence that the debt(shall)is paid at once. | |
4 | 我们首先考虑的是:坚持合众国国内的各种因素之间、合众国各个部分之间的互相依赖关系--承认体现美国拓荒精神具有传统的和永远重要的价值。 | It is the insistence , as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States--a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer | |
5 | 我是初造尊府的,本也不晓得什么,但是我们冯大爷务必叫小弟过来看看,小弟所以不得不来. | This is my first visit to your honourable mansion, and being quite unqualified I would not have come but for Mr. Feng’s insistence . | |
6 | 我所以做是由于你坚持的原故. | I did it,but only at your insistence . | |
7 | 我再一次认识到--自从做了母亲后我已多次意识到--做母亲的"该做些什么"这样的想法有多危险,而社会坚持如何做好母亲的惟一标准又有多大的毁灭性。 | Once again, as I had so often realized since I had become a mother, I understood how dangerous are the " shoulds" of motherhood, how destructive is society’s insistence on one right way to be a good mother | |
8 | 我做了这件事,只因是你的坚决要求。 | I did it,but only at your insistence . | |
9 | 现在,她正在协助博士完成一本冰川学著作,并且在她的坚持下,博士对梅格德雷那冰川做了专门的调查,--而不是阿尔卑斯山其它的冰川。 | She was assisting him with a book about them, and at her insistence he was making a special study of the Magdelena, rather than any other alpine glacier | |
10 | 星期五的土耳其报纸报道,说由于土坚持派军队进驻北伊拉克才导致美土双方未能就该议案达成一致。 | Turkish newspapers reported Friday that Turkish insistence on sending its troopssintosnorthern Iraq has prevented an agreement on the use of Turkish airspace | |
11 | 一种学院式的苛求精神 | An academic insistence on precision | |
12 | 以育人为本,以师德为魂,助大学生成人成才 | The Insistence Nurtures Artificially, Take the Teacher’s Ethics as the Soul, Helps the University Student Adult to Mature | |
13 | 用以表示施事者执意要做的事 | Insistence on the part of the subject | |
14 | 由于希特勒的坚持,在整个战争期间,民用品生产的数字仍大得惊人,这显然是为了维系民心。 | At Hitler’s insistence the production of civilian goods had been maintained at a surprisingly large figure throughout the war--ostensibly to keep up morale | |
15 | 与此同时,过度强调的立场,积累的误解,视而不见的分化,以及狭隘的排他心理,都是导致族群失和的点滴障碍。 | At the same time, we would do well to remind ourselves that over-insistence on any particular stand, misconceptions that are not clarified and allowed to fester, turning a blind eye to divisive forces, and an attitude of exclusion, are all obstacles to racial harmony. | |
16 | 在某人坚决要求下 | at sb.’s insistence | |
17 | 在他们的坚持下,把“坚决争取修改关税”条款与进了共和党的政纲。 | At their insistence , a plank declaring "unequivocally for the revision of the tariff" was written in the Republican platform | |
18 | 这冯公子必待好日期来接,可知必不以丫鬟相看. | Mr. Feng’s insistence on waiting for a lucky days is proof that he won’t be treating you like a servant. | |
19 | 这个想法固执地坚持着,不肯退去。 | The thought returned with a dogged insistence . | |
20 | 政府坚持冻结物价 | The government’s insistence on a price freeze | |
21 | ||1:公众对他的研究很感兴趣,但施奈德先生刚参加工作时曾同为同事的气象学家们却不大认同他的工作,因为这些气象学家认为计算机模拟气候本身就值得怀疑。||2:施奈德先生还坚持认为这将和生物学家感兴趣的生态系统跨学科互动,其后果可能使生态系统变得更糟糕;同时产生跨学科互动还有社会学家所关心的人体反应。||3:一在美国科学促进会演讲完后他就回到了办公室,他发现纽约时报的一篇文章中以公告栏的形式引用了他当年戏谑马克吐温的话,同时在文字上方印有“一派胡言”等字。||4:接下来他在一个名为“今晚翰尼?卡森与你相约”的节目中亮相,可是在保守的同事面前他的个人名声状况基本上也没有多大改观。||5:虽然有前期的挫折,但是这些并没有使他放弃先前的想法:即大气中污染物带来的冷却效应要超过二氧化碳带来的温室效应。||6:在接下来的几年里,施奈德先生和他的同事将气候变化,尤其是温室效应,推上了大会议程。由于他在冷却效应上态度的急转,人们急于制定一系列的法令,结果很多人控告他的个人思想过于固执,结果导致大家并没有将其视为致力于改进模型的气象学家,最终这令他改变了自己的初衷。 | ||1:Public interest in his work outstripped its acceptance by the academic meteorologists Mr Schneider was working with at the beginning of his career.||2:They found computer modelling of the climate suspicious enough in itself, and Mr Schneider’s insistence that it should lead to interdisciplinary interactions with biologists interested in ecosystems—and even social scientists interested in human responses—made things worse.||3:When he returned to his office after the AAAS talk, he found a New York Times article that quoted his Twain gag pinned up on a noticeboard with “Bullshit” stamped across it.||4:His subsequent appearances on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” probably did little to improve his reputation with conservative colleagues.||5:Nor did his fairly rapid dismissal of his early belief that cooling caused by pollution might outstrip warming due to carbon dioxide.||6:In later years, when he and his colleagues had pushed climate change, and in particular greenhouse warming, on to the agenda, people keen to ensure a lack of action made much of his about-face over cooling, preferring to accuse him of modish inconsistency than to see him as someone who had worked to improve his models, and as a result had changed his mind. | |
22 | ||1:穆里德·巴尔古提在他的回忆录《我在那里出生,我出生在这里》中唤起了这一切。这本回忆录是他2003年的作品《我看到了拉马拉》的续篇。||2:他驱车前往杰里科时经过橄榄树田,橄榄树“被连根拔起,抛却在露天下,就象没有尊严的尸体”,它们周围的田地是“露天的集体坟墓”。||3:从约旦穿越边界,“在巴勒斯坦的门槛”,他必须在检查站里等几个小时,检查站里“汗水粘乎乎地不断淌出来”,空气热浪灼人。||4:这些影像没有让他们的辛酸失去,或是让这种熟悉的辛酸所凝聚的力量失去。||5:相反,它们把流亡的巴勒斯坦人的经历提炼成实实在在的东西。 | ||1: Mourid Barghouti evokes them all in his memoir, “I Was Born There, I Was Born Here”, which continues the story begun in his 2003 work, “I Saw Ramallah”. ||2: Driving to Jericho, he passes fields of olive trees, “uprooted and thrown over under the open sky like dishonoured corpses”, the fields around them an “open collective grave”. ||3: Crossing the border from Jordan, “at the threshold of Palestine”, he must wait for hours at checkpoints where “sweat oozes with sticky insistence ” and the air is fried. ||4: These images lose none of their poignancy or power in this familiarity. ||5: Instead they distil the Palestinian experience of exile into something real. | |
23 | ||1:那年12月份签署的代顿和平协议使作为外交官的霍尔布鲁克声名鹊起。||2:他很现实也很会平衡各方利益,例如,他坚持新的波斯尼亚应该是一个多民族的国家,尽管已经有了塞尔维亚共和国。||3:1968年在巴黎举行的越南和谈会议用了两个多月时间讨论怎样对待越共,一回想起这个,他就要求要举行一个不包括波斯尼亚人和塞尔维亚人的谈判会议。||4:他唯一愿意打交道的塞尔维亚人是斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇,他能够容忍这个“暴徒”是因为他自己本人也可能是一个暴徒。||5:在树林里谈话,散步,喝下一两瓶梨白兰地酒,这些当然不是不道德的,如果这些能够拯救无数生命的话。||6:结果证明,他确实拯救了很多人。 | ||1:The Dayton peace accords, signed that December, sealed Mr Holbrooke’s fame as a diplomat.||2:Signs of his balance and realism were everywhere, for example his insistence that the new Bosnia, despite including a Serbian republic, should be a properly multi-ethnic state.||3:Recalling first-hand the 1968 Vietnam peace talks in Paris, held up for two months over how to seat the Vietcong, he demanded a table that would seat nine people only, not including the Bosnian Serbs.||4:The only Serb he would deal with was Slobodan Milosevic, a “thug” he tolerated because he could be a thug himself.||5:It was surely not immoral to talk, walk in the woods, down a pear brandy or two together, if it saved lives.||6:As it turned out, he saved many thousands. | |
24 | ||1:然而究其一生,在比威廉姆斯年长、事业更成功的朋友艾泽拉·庞德看来,威廉姆斯永远都只是“小比尔”。庞德嘲笑他留在卢瑟福镇的执着。||2:作为从未加入美国国籍的移民者之子,威廉姆斯对美国的衷心从未减退,尽管这个国家一再地令他失望。||3:充斥在他的诗歌间的是“护士和妓女,警察和宗教狂热分子,农夫和鱼贩,醉鬼…布鲁斯歌手和理发师”,威廉姆斯意图用他简短有力的诗句来描绘整个国家的世间百态。||4:有时他成功了,比如他描写棒球比赛上的欢快人群,或者当他瞥见“一位硕大的年轻女子不戴帽子/穿着围裙”,在人行道上俯身擦去她鞋子上的一片指甲。||5:他以医生的视角记录那些平凡的事和被忽视的人。||6:他首创了“文中无意,寓境于物”的格言。||7:对威廉姆斯的批评家来说,这个说法暴露了他不是一位智者,或者说,他只不过是一位开创了“美语吠叫诗歌”的诗人。 | ||1: During his lifetime, however, Williams was “lil Bill” to his bigger, more successful friend Ezra Pound, who laughed at his insistence on staying in Rutherford. ||2: The son of immigrants who never naturalised, Williams’s dedication to America did not flag, though it was a country that often disappointed him. ||3: Peopling his poems with “nurses and prostitutes, policemen and religious fanatics, farmers and fish peddlers, drunkards…blues singers and barbers”, Williams wanted to pin down the whole messy country with his short, punchy lines of poetry. ||4: Sometimes he succeeded, as when he describes the euphoric crowds at a baseball game, or when he catches a glimpse of “A big young bareheaded woman/in an apron” on the pavement, bending down to remove a nail from her shoe. ||5: With the eyes of a doctor, he recorded the quotidian and the overlooked. ||6: He coined the maxim “no ideas but in things”. ||7: To his critics, the saying exposed him as an anti-intellectual, or as a poet who could only create “American speech barking at song.” | |
25 | 他和他妻子都因帮助了该幼儿园而惹上了烦恼。他坚称,是幼儿园的校长YasunoriKagoike利用了他的名字来筹钱,“尽管我一直劝他不要这么做”。 | He and his wife were badgered into helping the kindergarten, he insists, by its head teacher, YasunoriKagoike, who had used his name to raise money “despite my repeated insistence he should not do so”. | |
26 | “变”与“不变”的选择与坚持——访北京农村商业银行行长金维虹 | "To Change" and "Not to Change" : Beijing Rural Commercial Bank’s Choice and Insistence | |
27 | “三个代表”本质在坚持执政为民 | Nature of "Three Representatives" Is Insistence on Being in Power for the People | |
28 | 奥巴马的幕僚长拉姆伊.曼纽尔,软化了总统之前对这一计划的坚持并作出一个妥协。 | Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s chief of staff, softened the president’s previous insistence on such a plan by floating a compromise. | |
29 | 澳大利亚国庆日这一天被很多人视为冲突分裂的标志,主要是由于当地的毛利人的“坚持”,他们为自己而进行了抵抗。 | It’sa day many see as marked by divisiveness, mainly due to the "insistence " of the indigenous Maori to stand up for themselves. | |
30 | 鲍尔森的措施都因为其本身的复杂和矛盾,以及鲍尔森本人对借贷双方必须为自己的错误买单的坚持,而变得收效甚微。 | Mr Paulson’s remedies were often blunted by complexity, inconsistency and his insistence that lenders and borrowers pay for their mistakes. |