1 | 另外,公众也应该有机会接受教育、肯定自己和发挥理想。 | These institutions of education, affirmation and inspiration should rise where the people live | |
2 | 另有明代茶花一株,品名“早桃红”。诗人郭沫若有《游黑龙潭诗》一首,描写这里的景色 | From these two and the third, a camellia of Ming of a variety known as "early pink" the poet Guo Moruo once drew inspiration for the following poem | |
3 | 麻柳刺绣以其十字花形针法而著称。风格夸张,图案常依现有丝线和即时灵感而定。 | Maliu embroidery is known for its cross-stitch work and embroidery. The style is very exaggerated, and patterns are based on the inspiration of the moment and the kinds of thread on hand. | |
4 | 玛莎小姐此时灵机一动,及时地抓住了这个大赐良机。 | Struck with sudden inspiration , Miss Martha seized the occasion so opportunely offered | |
5 | 麦克梯格忽然心血来潮想出一个主意,这倒真是个好主意。 | All at once McTeague had an idea, a veritable inspiration | |
6 | 没有灵感我写不出东西。 | I cannot write without inspiration . | |
7 | 那是官僚主义者的命运,而不是政治家的灵感。 | That is the fate of the bureaucrats, not the inspiration of statesmen | |
8 | 你能吸气扩张你的胸部吗? | Can you expand your chest by inspiration ? | |
9 | 你是想成为社会上有责任感的成员呢,还是想当一个没有志向,没有干劲的游手好闲的人? | Do you want to be a responsible member of the community, or do you want to be a loafer, with no Inspiration or Pep? | |
10 | 气功包含身心两部份活动,并从天、地、人的关系中获得启示。 | The exercise, involving both physical and mental activity, drew inspiration from the relationship between heaven, earth and man. | |
11 | 让我们互相支持,互相鼓励。 | Let’s give mutual support and inspiration to each other | |
12 | 入院查体:体温39.8℃。轻度呼吸困难。右后下胸部叩诊有浊音,听诊于吸气未闻湿啰音。 | Physical examination on admission. Body temperature 39.8℃.She was found t0 be slightly dyspnea. The right lower posterior chest showed dullness on percussion with moist rales at the end of inspiration on auscultation. | |
13 | 深向慢慢呼吸、屏息和气道阻塞,有助于周边沉降。 | Peripheral deposition is favored by deep inspiration , slow respiratory rate, breath-holding, and airways obstruction | |
14 | 神学家总是宣称验证《圣经》中神灵的启示有赖于奇迹和预言。 | The theologians used to assert that the proof the divine inspiration of the Bible rested on miracles and prophecies | |
15 | 诗人与艺术家往往由自然得到灵感。 | Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature. | |
16 | 什么是艺术之母,是什么力量鼓舞了那些诗人、爱国者、哲学家,以及那些经时济世的传人--是的,除了爱还有什么能鼓舞他们去奋斗呢 | What is the mother of art, the inspiration of the poet, the patriot, the philosopher, and the great man of affairs-yes, what inspires their every effort save Love? | |
17 | 实用而给人以激情的设计要求作大量敏锐的观察、分析、研究、推敲和再推敲,外加一定的灵感和独创性。 | Designs that work well and affect our emotions require a great deal of sensitive observation,analysis, studying/thinking and restudying as well as some degree of inspiration and creativity. | |
18 | 是由于中国人民从优秀的民族文化传统与时代精神的结合中获得了强大的精神动力 | It can also be attributed to the inspiration that the Chinese nation has drawn from its fine tradition and culture as well as the spirit of the new era | |
19 | 书法学习者可以从任何一方入手。但至少有这样两种基本的倾向。 | Later calligraphy students learned from either system,thus developing styles that drew on both sources of inspiration . | |
20 | 他从自然中获得灵感。 | He draws his inspiration from nature | |
21 | 他的精力--或者毋宁说,那个支撑着他传达完神圣的福音并由上天借此赋予他该福音本身的力量的神启--在他忠诚地克尽厥责之后,已经被撤回去了。 | The energy-or say, rather, the inspiration which had held him up, until he should have delivered the sacred message that brought its own strength along with it from heaven-was withdrawn, now that it had so faithfully performed its office. | |
22 | 他的妻子经常鼓励他。 | His wife was a constant inspiration to him | |
23 | 他的英雄事迹对我们将永远是一个鼓舞。 | His heroic deeds will always be an inspiration to us. | |
24 | 他美美睡了一夜后想到一个绝妙的主意。 | after a good night’s sleep, he had a brilliant inspiration . | |
25 | 他们可能是从这些话中得到了启发。 | They might have derived inspiration from these words. | |
26 | 他们似乎喜欢我们唱歌,我们也是。于是我意识到我没能成为一个好主人。他们并不懂我们所唱的任何一首歌。我想了想。灵感来了。 | They seemed to like the singing. We did. Then I realized I was failing to be a good host. They didn’t know any of the songs. I thought for a moment. Inspiration ! | |
27 | 他们异口同声地断言,从来没有淮象他今天这样讲得如此睿智、如此祟高、如此神圣;也没有哪个凡人的口中能够象他这样吐出如此鲜明的启示。 | According to their united testimony, never had man spoken in so wise, so high, and so holy a spirit, as he that spake this day; nor had inspiration ever breathed through mortal lips more evidently than it did through his. | |
28 | 他们有一个或两个角色;他们急切不安,被当做是寻求灵感,他们全都承认一旦动笔,目标就急速改变。 | They have a character, perhaps two, they are in that condition of eager discomfort which passes for inspiration , all admit radical changes of destination once the journey has begun. | |
29 | 他妻子是不断鼓舞他前进的人。 | His wife was a constant inspiration to him. | |
30 | 他山之石,可以攻玉―浅论图式理论时大学英语听力教学的启示 | Taking Appropriate Strategy to Solve Language Learning Problem-An Inspiration to the Improvement of University Students’ Listening Ability with Schema Theory |