属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尼日利亚的退休金计划 少消耗多储蓄
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-随风而逝的破产银行 延迟的末日决战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理曼大帝 一个民主化的梦魇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-油气 残酷之海
1 | 政府设立了保护消费者机构。 | The government instituted a consumer protection agency. | |
2 | 政府设立了一个消费者保护机构。 | The government instituted a consumer protection agency | |
3 | 政府依第1512(e)(1)条规定一项官方程序“在犯罪发生时无须是未决的或即将发起的”来反驳任何联系因素。 | In resisting any nexus element, the Government relies on § 1512 (e)(l), which states that an official proceeding ″need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense″. | |
4 | 政府依第1512(e)(1)条规定一项官方程序“在犯罪发生时无须是未决的或即将发起的”来反驳任何联系因素。 | In resisting any type of nexus element, the Government relies heavily on§1512 (e)(l), which states that an official proceeding ″need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense.″ | |
5 | 中世纪为了防止鼠疫传播,威尼斯在入港的船只,以四十天为期进行隔离检疫。 | It derives from the 40-day (quarantina)isolation period instituted in an attempt to prevent spread of plague in the Middle Ages. | |
6 | 著作权侵权纠纷可以调解,调解不成或者调解达成协议后一方反悔的,可以向人民法院起诉。 | A dispute over copyright infringement may be settled by mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, or if one of the parties retracts from his promise after a mediation agreement is reached, proceedings may be instituted in a people’s court. | |
7 | 最终将实现人民币自由兑换 | The free convertibility of the Renminbi will eventually be instituted . | |
8 | 最终实现人民币的自由兑换 | the free convertibility of the RMB will evenly be instituted ;the RMB will finally become a convertible currency | |
9 | 最终实现人民币的自由兑换 | The free convertibility of the RMB will eventually be instituted ; The RMB will finally become a convertible currency | |
10 | ||1:许下承诺,无法实现;面对阻力,被迫让步;在去年三月,总统自食其言,重新允许在关塔那摩的特别军事法庭对在押战俘进行新一轮审判,并拟定相关条例无限期扣押某些战俘。||2:民权解放组织称总统此举为承认失败。||3:一家由政界人士创建,旨在评价政令履行程度的团队PolitiFact则宣称奥巴马先生在竞选期间做出的承诺已“随风逝去”。 | ||1: Succumbing to the obstacles placed in his path, in March last year the president lifted his moratorium on new military-commission trials at Guantánamo and instituted a system for holding some detainees indefinitely. ||2: Civil-liberties groups called it an admission of defeat. ||3: PolitiFact, an outfit that assesses the accuracy of statements made by politicians, declared Mr Obama’s campaign promise “broken”. | |
11 | ||1:这些都在2004年的改革中发生了变化。||2:他们给私人企业制定了强制养老保险计划,同时将政府的固定退休金制改为固定缴款制(低投资回报的风险由受益人承担,而不是发起人)。||3:这种政府制度的管理是外包的,是产业监督的一个校准器。||4:自从2005年起,退休金制度一年的资产平均增长率超过了25%,达到了4.2万亿奈拉(260亿美元)。 | ||1:All this changed with the reforms of 2004, which not only instituted mandatory pensions at most private firms, but also converted the government scheme from defined-benefit to defined-contribution (in which the risk of poor investment returns lies with the participants, not the sponsor).||2:The management of the government scheme was also outsourced, and a regulator created to oversee the industry.||3:Since 2005, pension schemes’ assets have grown by more than 25% a year on average, to about 4.||4:2 trillion naira (26 billion). | |
12 | ||相比之下,一个简短的缓冲或许能够给监管者留出时间来通过强制他们(银行)卖出依旧完善的那部分挽救上市银行。自危机以来美国以及欧洲已经创立了延期偿付的方案,但这些并不适用于跨境交易。不过全球规则已经逐渐扩展到资产管理人以及其他人之中。|| | By contrast, a brief stay might give regulators time to right a listing bank, by forcing it to sell off still-healthy units, say.|| America and Europe have instituted such moratoriums since the crisis, but these do not apply to cross-border deals. Global rules which extend the principle to asset managers and others are in the pipeline.|| | |
13 | 与会人数比1979年欧盟议会刚成立的时候还少。 | Turnout has fallen ever since they were instituted in 1979. | |
14 | 这个决定看起来莫名其妙。弗里德曼先生创立了被相关人士称为”腰带和背带(双重策略)“的保障措施,万一受到了新的制裁,可以用来保护产品。第一年,所有权自动返回到了RWE那里。在那之后,被一个荷兰基金会接管。 | The decision seems odd. Mr Fridman had instituted what someone close to the deal calls “belt and braces” safeguards to protect production in the event of new sanctions. For the first year, ownership reverts automatically to RWE. After that, a Dutch foundation takes over. | |
15 | 1474年,在巴塞尔有人提起诉讼,指控一只为了巫术而生蛋的公鸡。 | In 1474, legal proceedings were instituted at Basel against a rooster accused of laying an egg for purposes of witchcraft. | |
16 | 1993年,我开创了亚太经合组织领导人会议;而今,我高兴地看到该组织的壮大及其所完成的工作。 | I had instituted the APEC leaders meeting back in 1993, and I was pleased with the expansion of the group and the work done since then. | |
17 | 2004年,亚洲海啸单在印度尼西亚就造成了168,000人死亡,之后,就建立了代价不菲的预警机制。 | The expensive warning system was instituted after the 2004 Asian tsunami, which killed at least 168, 000 people in Indonesia alone. | |
18 | 埃内斯托.塞迪略也开始着手了他承诺的改革。 | Ernesto Zedillo had also instituted the reforms he had promised. | |
19 | 不管怎样,由于备战2008奥运会,北京花了几百万来改进公共厕所,而且中国创造了一套星级制度。 | However, in preparation for the 2008 Olympics, the city spent millions to improve its bathrooms, and China instituted a star-rating system. | |
20 | 长久以来,查理曼大帝一直被誉为“欧洲之父”(他甚至还发行过一套欧洲流通货币),然而作为一个象征人物,他其实并不十全十美。 | Charlemagne has long been called "the father of Europe" (he even instituted a common currency). Yet he is a flawed symbol. | |
21 | 此前,自去年9月以来,欧佩克已进行两轮减产,减产幅度累计达每日420万桶。 | Any such move would add to the cumulative cuts of 4. 2m barrels per day that Opec has instituted in two rounds since September. | |
22 | 此外,23个州制定了电子产品回收法用以防止电子垃圾的产生。 | Moreover, 23 states have also instituted electronics recycling laws to stop e-waste before it starts. | |
23 | 此外,协会应将已进行的处罚程序(参看第七章)及结果通知国际足联。 | Furthermore, the association shall alsoinform FIFA of any sanction proceedings (cf. Chapter VII) that are instituted andtheir outcome. | |
24 | 但是,我们不期望在奥巴马治下会实行军事戒严。 | We do not, however, expect that martial law will be instituted under Obama. | |
25 | 但是,自继承开始之日起超过二十年的,不得再提起诉讼。 | No legal proceedings, however, may be instituted after the expiration of a period of 20 years from the day succession began. | |
26 | 但是一年多后,公司仍未有任何改变。 | But more than a year later, the company had not instituted a single change. | |
27 | 当哈克特于2003年12月执掌帅印时,他制定了每周与高级经理开会一到两次的制度。 | When he took the reins in December 2003, Mr Hackett instituted once- or twice-weekly meetings with senior managers. | |
28 | 当酒店管理者掌握必要的信息,并且员工对此有了很准确的理解时,动态定价法就可以被建立了。 | With the right information and the staff to interpret it, accurate, yet flexible pricing can be instituted . | |
29 | 帝国海军发现高恩特肉的好处后,就马上开始计划高恩特养殖加工项目以改善部队伙食。 | Upon discovery of the benefits of gornt meat, the Imperial Navy instituted breeding and processing programs to feed its ranks. | |
30 | 对粮食、食用植物油等重要商品实施临时价格干预措施。 | We instituted temporary measures to hold down the prices of grain, edible vegetable oil and other important commodities. |