1 | 期满不起诉又不履行的,著作权行政管理部门可以申请人民法院执行。 | If the party neither institutes proceedings nor executes the decision within the time limit, the copyright administration department may apply to a people’s court for execution. | |
2 | 其下属科研机构仍按文件要求予以认定。 | The qualification of the subordinate scientific research institutes thereof shall still be determined pursuant to the requirements of the documents. | |
3 | 企业化、社会化方向发展 | (institutes of design should gradually)turn themselves into community-oriented enterprises | |
4 | 侵权人期满不起诉又不停止侵权行为的,国务院知识产权行政部门可以请求人民法院强制执行。 | Where the infringer neither institutes legal proceedings, nor stops the infringing act, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council may request the People’s Court for compulsory enforcement. | |
5 | 全国妇女协会联盟 | The National Federation of Women’s Institutes | |
6 | 上海是我国大学、科研最为集中的城市之一 | Shanghai is one of the Chinese cities with a large concentration of universities and research institutes | |
7 | 上述毕业学校须为我国政府立案之学校,或经我国教育部所认可之外国学校,否则恕不受理申请。 | Those institutes from which applicants graduated must be accredited schools or sanctioned by the Ministry of Education of R.O.C.;otherwise, the application will not be accepted. | |
8 | 事实胜于雄辩。过去的20年问恢复和修葺了大量的寺观教堂,开办了一批神学院培养神职人员。基督教、佛教、道教、伊斯兰教都建立了这样的机构。 | Yes, facts speak louder than arguments. In the past two decades, temples and churches have been restored and renovated. Theological Institutes of religion have been set up to train priests. Now there are institutions of this kind for all religions, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam. | |
9 | 受到罚款处罚,不申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼,又不履行处罚决定的,作出处罚决定的司法行政部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。 | If a person who has been fined neither applies for reconsideration, institutes administrative proceedings, nor performs the penalty decision, the judicial administration department that rendered the penalty decision may apply to a People’s Court for enforcement. | |
10 | 硕士研究生毕业或者具有同等学力的,经考试合格,由实施相应学历教育的高等学校或者经批准承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构录取,取得博士研究生入学资格。 | Graduates of master’s post graduate course or those with equivalent educational level shall, upon passing the examination, be admitted by institutions of higher learning imparting corresponding curricula education or scientific research institutes approved to undertake the task of post graduate education and obtain the qualification for admission as doctoral post graduate students. | |
11 | 他对一公司起诉。 | He institutes a suit against a firm. | |
12 | 它能重视中学和大学和研究院基础科学的研究。 | It emphasises the research of the basic sciences in its secondary schools, universities as well as its research institutes . | |
13 | 谈高职院校学报编辑的信息意识 | On the Information Consciousness of Journal Editors of Higher Vocational Institutes | |
14 | 通过其合作伙伴中国国际经济和技术交流中心,联合国开发计划署与六家研究机构签订合同,委托它们进行全面的调查。 | UNDP, through its national partner, the China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges, contracted six research institutes to conduct the full survey | |
15 | 文物研究机构 | institutes of archaeological researches | |
16 | 我国对国有大中型生产企业、商业企业和科研院所进出口经营权实行了登记备案制, | China has exercised Registration for Record system for trading rights of the state-owned large-and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, commercial enterprises and science and research institutes . | |
17 | 现有设计中心18个,工业园10个,海外工厂及制造基地22个,营销网点58800个。 | Haier has established 18 design institutes , 10 industrial complexes, 22 overseas production factories and 58,800 sales agents worldwide. | |
18 | 许多机构已经推出了有关DNA研究管理的指导方针,如世界卫生组织,加拿大医学调查委员会,美国国家卫生组织及联合国基因控制与建议委员会。 | Several agencies such as the WHO, the Medical Research Council of Canada, the US. National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee of the United Kingdom have developed specific guidelines for the conduct of DNA work. | |
19 | 亚洲及太平洋人类住区训练、研究和信息机构网(亚太人类住区机构网) | Network of Training, Research and Information Institutes in Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific | |
20 | 依托国家重点项目、重点学科和重点科研基地,造就一批科技领军人才、学科带头人才和战略科学家 | We will bring force a number of leading scientists, scholars and science strategists through the development of key state projects, disciplines and research institutes . | |
21 | 有的医学研究人员是医生,有的是各类医科院校的教师以及研究单位的科学家。 | Some medical researchers are physicians. Others are professors at various medical schools and scientists at research institutes . | |
22 | 有条件的科研机构和大专院校 | Wherever conditions permit, scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning | |
23 | 在PC World Test Center,全球具影响力的评测机构之一,进入中国后,它进行了全面的本地化,为用户提供独立、专业和实用的产品选购和技术应用指导信息 | After PC World Test Center, one of the most influential test institutes in the world, was introduced into the Chinese market, it becomes much localized and provides professional, objective, accurate, indicative information to users. | |
24 | 在所有学院中这所大学是第一流的。 | This famous university is in the front rank of the institutes . | |
25 | 在这一年,用总共28天酊时间互派1至2名科研和教学人员旨在解决相互合作的科研项目、交流教学经验、学术研讨、科技讲座以及参观学校、工厂和科研机构方面的问题。 | Reciprocal exchange of 1 or 2 members of research and teaching staff for a total period of 28 days in a year for the purpose of solving mutual research projects, exchange of pedagogic experience, consultations, lecturing on technical topics, participation in scientific conferences and excursions to universities, factories and research institutes . | |
26 | 在中国有10所规模较大的少数民族学院。北京的中央民族学院建立于1950年。 | In China there are ten large minority nationalities institutes . The Central Institute in Beijing was set up in 1950. | |
27 | 这两个研究所打算合并的事现在已经落空了。 | The proposed amalgamation of the two institutes has mow fallen through. | |
28 | 中国大陆所有的企业、农村、机关、学校、科研院所、街道、人民解放军连队和其他基层单位,凡是有正式党员三人以上的,都应当成立党的基层组织。 | be set up in enterprises, rural areas, organizations, schools, scientific research institutes , neighborhoods, People’s Liberation Army companies and other basic units on the mainland in which there are three or more full Party members. | |
29 | 中国当代新闻研究机构 | contemporary journalism research institutes inChina | |
30 | 中国电工科学研究机构 | electrical research institutes of China |