1 | 国内总产值, 按原始机关部门分列 | gross domestic product by institutional sector of origin | |
2 | 海上战略学背后有一股几乎是不可遏制的习惯力量…这股力量给予了这种学说力度和物质后盾(杰克·贝蒂) | The maritime strategy has an all but unstoppable institutional momentum behind it.that has given force and flesh to the theory(Jack Beatty) | |
3 | 婚姻本身似乎提供一个稳定的处所,稳定的处所又能促进挣更多的钱,从更多的钱中抽得出更多的存款。 | By itself, marriage seems to provide a stable institutional setting that promotes greater earnings, which affords greater savings. | |
4 | 或是相反地因为Berkshire太多钱以致现金花不完,就去聘请经济分析师、公关顾问等对公司一点帮助都没有的人 | Or, conversely, should we add a staff economist, a corporate strategist, an institutional advertising campaign or something else that does Berkshire no good simply because the money currently is rolling in? | |
5 | 机构方案[国际复兴开发银行]:因机构自身发展而需要执行的方案,不属于它本身业务的一部分。 | institutional programs [IBRD]: Programs undertaken that are required to further the institution itself, as opposed to being part of its operations. | |
6 | 机构改革,以保证联盟机构在未来的高效动作,实现更大限度的民主与公开性。 | institutional changes, to ensure the union’s institutions remain efficient and effective in the future and operate ad democratically and openly as possible | |
7 | 机构间比率:指世界银行普遍增资中专项法定认缴股份与国际货币基金组织普遍增加份额中专项份额之间的比率。 | Institutional ratio: The ratio between Bank subscriptions authorized solely in general capital increases and IMF quotas obtained solely from general quota increases. | |
8 | 机构投资者应在公司董事选任、经营者激励与监督、重大事项决策等方面发挥作用。 | Institutional investors shall play a role in the appointment of company directors, the compensation and supervision of management and major decision-making processes. | |
9 | 机构投资者在定义董事独立的问题上有其自己的一套准则。 | Institutional investors have their own set of guidelines for defining director independence. | |
10 | 机构性技术援助;软技术援助:与机构发展相关的技术援助,区别于与工程相关的技术援助。 | Institution-related technical assistance; soft technical assistance: Technical assistance geared towards institutional development as opposed to engineering-related technical assistance. | |
11 | 技合部/日本资助发展中国家建立发展规划方面的人力、机构、技术和管理能力的倡议(以非洲为重点) | DTCD/Japan Initiative for Financing the Human,Institutional ,Technical and Management Capacities of Developing Countries in Developing Planning(with Special Focus on Africa) | |
12 | 加强教育,发展民主,健全法制,强化监督,创新体制,把反腐败寓于各项重要政策措施之中,从源头上预防和解决腐败问题。 | We must strengthen education, develop democracy, improve the legal system, tighten supervision, make institutional innovation and incorporate counter-corruption in all our major policy measures so as to prevent and tackle corruption at its source. | |
13 | 建立和不断审查制定和采用国际标准的必要机构安排和程序,并通过国际标准 | establish and keep under review the necessary institutional arrangements and procedures for the development and adoption of international standards, and to adopt international standards | |
14 | 建立行政监督、社会监督和机构内部控制 | Establish a supervision and management system concerning social security funds through a combination of administrative supervision, social supervision and internal institutional control | |
15 | 缴费单位申请办理社会保险登记,应当填写社会保险登记表,出示营业执照或者登记证书以及组织机构代码证书。 | A payer shall, when applying for social insurance registration, fill out social insurance registration forms, and show its business license or registration certificate, and the certificate of institutional code. | |
16 | 结构调整必须紧紧依靠深化改革和体制创新,以企业为主体。 | Structural readjustment must closely rely on the deepening of reform and institutional innovation, with enterprises as the main player | |
17 | 她的职责纯粹是行政方面的 | Establish a supervision and management system concerning social security funds through a combination of administrative supervision, social supervision and internal institutional control | |
18 | 金里奇则愿意有时采取权宜之计暂离委员会系统(并且通过1991年他在一个工作组的工作而熟悉了医疗保健政策),从而避开了体制上的困难。 | Gingrich, willing to step outside the committee system when expedient (and conversant himself with health-care policy from his work on a task force in 1991), avoided the institutional difficulties | |
19 | 近20年来,激进的机构投资者一直在提倡公司治理改革。 | Activist institutional investors have been advocating for governance reforms for over two decades. | |
20 | 经过若干年的努力,使其在教育质量、科学研究、管理水平和办学效益等方面有较大提高,成为培养高层次人才,解决我国经济建设、社会发展和科技进步重大问题和基地。 | To have them greatly improved in their quality of education, scientific research, management and institutional efficiency through several years’ efforts, and to help them become the bases for training high-level creative professional manpower and finding solutions to majors problems concerning China’s economic and social development as well as scientific and technological progress. | |
21 | 经济资助申请表一种可能是由学校设计的,另一种可能是由学院奖学金服务组织为各学校供外国留学生使用而设计的。 | The financial aid application form might be one developed by the institution, or it might be the form developed by the College Scholarship Service (CSS)for institutional use with foreign students | |
22 | 两年前,在项目开展之初,其制度的缺陷是交通的超负荷挑战。 | Two years ago, when the project was launched, institutional inadequacy was the overarching challenge of transportation. | |
23 | 没有法律、法规或者规章的明确规定,行政机关不得委托事业组织实施行政处罚。 | without explicit provisions by laws, regulations or rules, no administrative organs may authorize institutional organizations to implement administrative punishments. | |
24 | 民族区域自治的实行为西藏的现代化发展提供了强有力的制度保证。 | The implementation of regional ethnic autonomy provided a firm institutional guarantee for the modernization of Tibet | |
25 | 品种发展也许最终将更多地依靠非专业的桃育种工作者。 | Cultivar development may come to rely more upon the non-institutional peach breeders | |
26 | 凭海关总署统一格式的协助查询账户通知书及有关工作人员的工作证件,可以查询纳税义务人在银行或者其他金融机构开立的单位账户的资金往来情况,并向银行业监督管理机构通报有关情况。 | consult the capital transactions of the institutional bank accounts opened by the taxpayer in question with banks or other financial institutions, on the strength of the letter of notice soliciting assistance in enquiring into bank accounts made by the Customs General Administration in a unified manner and the working identity certificates of the related working staff, and notify the banking regulatory authority of the relevant information. | |
27 | 其余的投资资金则来自保险公司、银行、公司、富豪、外国投资者、大学或捐赠基金机构和私人基金会 | The remainder of investment funding is provided by insurance companies, Banks, corporations, wealthy individuals, foreign investors, university or institutional endowments and private foundations | |
28 | 全球互换权[国际金融公司]:世界银行执董会给予国际金融公司的一种权利,使其可以从市场上通过私人募集和直接机构贷款,借到最高相当于2.5亿美元的贷款。 | Global Swap Authority [IFC]: Authority given to IFC by the board to borrow from the markets up to a level of US$250 million equivalent through private placements and direct institutional loans. | |
29 | 燃气销售企业与单位用户的供用气合同另有约定的,从其约定。 | Where the supply and use contract signed between the fuel gas selling enterprise and the institutional user arranges otherwise, such arrangements shall prevail. | |
30 | 让我们来研究一下妨碍投票的制度上的障碍这个问题。 | Let us turn our attention to this problem of institutional barriers to voting |