1 | (指发动机因力量或速度不够)熄火 | (of an engine)stop suddenly because of insufficient power or speed | |
2 | “是的,我知道,”弗兰兹说道,“人类的正义是无法使我们得到慰藉的,她只能以血还血,如此而已,但你也只能向她提出要求,而且只能在她力所能及的范围之内要求呀。” | "Yes, I know," said Franz, "that human justice is insufficient to console us; she can give blood in return for blood, that is all; but you must demand from her only what it is in her power to grant." | |
3 | 1987年的修正案,也规定了更严厉的标准,用于控制有毒物的“热点地区”。在这些地方,最经济有效的控制技术,新污染源和初步处理标准都不足以使水质达标。 | Under the 1987 amendments stricter standards are also required to control toxic "hotspots", where BAT, new source, and pretreatment standards are insufficient to attain water quality standards | |
4 | Napster案例解释了由信息科技发明导致的冲突是如何产生的,而当法律在这方面不明朗的时候,只通过法律解决这些问题是不够的。 | The Napster case illustrates how conflicts arise from innovations in information technology, and that it is insufficient to solve these problems through the law, especially where the law is unclear. | |
5 | Netscape无可能是系统资源不足。请重新启动Netscape或重新启动Windows。 | There may be insufficient system resources. Try restarting Netscape or restarting Windows. | |
6 | 按照他的观点,适应的差异不足以在数量上和种类上形成同量的小生境。 | In his view differences in adaptation are insufficient to create niches commensurate in number and kind | |
7 | 比如尚待完善的国家政策,银保合作的广度和深度不足,产品类型单一,创新力不足,缺乏有效的激励制度等。 | For instance, immature state policies and rules, insufficient scope and depth of the cooperation between banks and insurance companies, single product variety, poor innovation ability and lack of effective incentive system, and so on. | |
8 | 表上空格不够用时,请用另纸填写,并注明表上所属项目的号数。 | If there is insufficient room on the form, answer on separate sheets, in duplicate using the same numbers as appear on the form. | |
9 | 表演不充分表演(角色)不足或缺乏表现力 | To perform(a role)weakly or with insufficient expressiveness. | |
10 | 不可胜者,守也 | Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength | |
11 | 沧海一粟与所需数量相比不足或不合理的 | An insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required. | |
12 | 沉积物的补给不足以抵偿沉降的速率。 | The supply of sediment is insufficient to offset the rate of subsidence | |
13 | 初审法院仍可以作出简易判决和指导性的陪审团裁决,但这不能充分显示证据的可靠性。 | Trial courts also could still render summary judgments and directed verdicts where there was an insufficient showing of reliability. | |
14 | 除非此类国际标准或其中的相关部分无效或不适当,例如由于保护程度不足,或基本气候或地理因素或基本技术问题。 | Except where such international standards or relevant parts would be ineffective or inappropriate, for instance, because of an insufficient level of protection or fundamental climatic or geographical factors or fundamental technological problems. | |
15 | 从不充分的前提中推断出充分的结论这种艺术就是人生。--巴特勒 | Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.--Samuel Butler | |
16 | 多年来血液透析已用来在体外过滤血液,因为肾病患者的肾脏不能胜任这项工作。渗析膜也可用于浓缩果汁。 | Hemodialysis has been used for a number of years to externally filter the blood of patients whose kidneys are insufficient for the task. Dialysis membranes can also be used to concentrate fruit juices. | |
17 | 访问权不够,不能执行该操作。 | Insufficient access rights to perform the operation. | |
18 | 该案因证据不足而撤销. | The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence | |
19 | 该报引述余之寅(译音)教授的话说:“在技术上讲,中国要实现填土目标不成问题,问题是资本不够。” | The paper cited Professor Yu Zhiyin as saying, "Technically speaking, China has no problem in accomplishing land reclamation from sea. The problem lies with insufficient fund." | |
20 | 钙的转入量看来不足以补偿从表土中活化和淋失的钙。 | It would appear that the inputs are insufficient to offset the mobilization and leaching of calcium from the topsoil | |
21 | 高新技术产业的发展也面临着一些问题,特别是有效需求相对不足的问题。 | The development of high-tech industries is faced with some problems, such as relatively insufficient effective demand | |
22 | 公司违反本法规定,应当承担民事赔偿责任和缴纳罚款、罚金的,其财产不足以支付时,先承担民事赔偿责任 | If a company which violates the provisions of this Law shall be subject to civil claims for compensation and to payment of fines and penalties, but has insufficient assets, it first assumes responsibility for payment of the civil claims. | |
23 | 光靠一国解决公共健康问题是不够的。 | It is insufficient to solve health problems within the borders of a nation. | |
24 | 光依靠伦理观点是不够的,我们需要其他领域的研究来批判自己所持有的偏见。 | To dwell purely in ethics is insufficient . We use the research of other fields to critique our own prejudices. | |
25 | 光用高工资吸引员工是不够的。 | It is insufficient to attract people with high salaries. | |
26 | 过度烫发或染发,护发不充分,或过勤地梳理头发,使用质次的梳子或发刷。不经心地使用锐利的卷发器和发卡.过多地进行热定型,不经常修剪头发都会造成发梢开叉 | Over-perming or coloring, insufficient conditioning, or too much brushing or backcombing, especially with poor quality combs or brushes. and not having the hair trimmed regularly can also cause the problem. | |
27 | 后来学生多了,原有的课本、讲义渐渐不够使用,乃邀请专家学人编订教材。 | Later, students have been more, the original text book and handout gradually are insufficient in service. Therefore, experts and scholars were invited to prepare teaching material. | |
28 | 记录项目无不重要,因为如果船舶、船员或货物遭受损害发生索赔而索赔有争议时,航海日志将能提供检查。 | No item is of insufficient importance to record, for, should claims arise respecting damage to ship, crew or cargo and should the claims be contested, the log book will have to be produced for inspection. | |
29 | 甲烷是烷烃中最简单的成员,很容易燃烧,在足够的氧气中生成二氧化碳和水,氧气不充分时生成一氧化碳。 | The simplest member of the paraffin hydrocarbons, methane burns readily, forming carbon dioxide and water if supplied with enough oxygen for complete combustion or carbon monoxide if the oxygen is insufficient . | |
30 | 检查模具是否存在脱模斜度不足 | Check mold for undercuts/insufficient draft 9 |