1 | 他们在这项工程中没有给以充分的帮助。 | They gave insufficient help in this project. | |
2 | 他用他所能想象得出的种种最可怕的酷刑来惩罚这些不明的迫害者,但觉得一切酷刑都不够厉害,因为在酷刑之后接着就是死亡,而死了以后,即使不是安息,至少也是近于安息的那种麻木状态。 | He consigned his unknown persecutors to the most horrible tortures he could imagine, and found them all insufficient , because after torture came death, and after death, if not repose, at least the boon of unconsciousness | |
3 | 通融票据利用筹款需要的时间间隔开出不足的资金的银行支票 | A bank check drawn on insufficient funds to take advantage of the time interval required for collection. | |
4 | 违法事实不清,证据不足的,建议调查人员补正 | Where the illegal facts are not clear and the evidence is insufficient , suggesting the investors to make supplementation and correction | |
5 | 违反道德上义务的违背正常感情或道义的。用于遗嘱,其中立遗嘱人没有充分理由就取消其合法继承人的继承权 | Contrary to natural affection or moral duty.Used of a will in which the testator disinherits the rightful heirs with insufficient reason. | |
6 | 我刚收到I-20表格,但是办理护照、签证和其他旅行手续时间不够。因此,特请求延至1999年春季入学。现将I-20表格退回。 | I have just received the I-20 form but found insufficient time for obtaining passport. Visa and other travel papers. It is therefore requested that you extend my admission to spring 1999. The I-20 form is returned. | |
7 | 我们的参考书显得不够。 | Our reference book proved to be insufficient | |
8 | 我们的木材供应显得不够。 | Our wood supply proved insufficient | |
9 | 我们的木材供应证明是不够的。 | Our wood supply proved insufficient . | |
10 | 系统资源不足,无法完成请求的服务。 | Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. | |
11 | 下一年度的所得额不足弥补的,可以逐年提取所得继续弥补,但是最长不得超过五年。 | Should the income in the subsequent tax year be insufficient to make up for the said losses, the balance may Be made up with further deductions against income year by year over a period not exceeding five years. | |
12 | 消瘦身体逐渐变瘦,主要见于儿童,往往与食物摄入不足或消化不良有关 | A progressive wasting of the body,occurring chiefly in young children and associated with insufficient intake or malabsorption of food. | |
13 | 血氧过少血液氧化不够 | Insufficient oxygenation of the blood. | |
14 | 要致富,光靠能力是不够的,还得看机遇 | To make a fortune some assistance from fate is essential. ability alone is insufficient | |
15 | 一般讲,这些副作用常出现于对良好行为未充分注意并及时给予奖励时。 | In general, adverse reactions have occurred when insufficient attention has been given to rewarding desired behaviour | |
16 | 一个不能执行自己任务的人 | A person insufficient to the discharge of his duties | |
17 | 一则批评本身的质量和分量不够,二则抵抗批评的气势很盛。 | For one thing, the criticism was insufficient in both quantity and quality, and for another, it met with substantial resistance. | |
18 | 遗传因素,香波未洗净,油脂缺乏,使用强力香波,维生素失调 | Hereditary traits, insufficient rinsing of shampoo, lack of sebum, using a harsh shampoo, vitamin imbalance | |
19 | 因此,本人认为:2001年大幅、长久地高速发展后劲不足。 | So, think in person: The high-speed delayed effect of development is insufficient by a wide margin, for a long time in 2001 | |
20 | 因公司解散而清算,清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,发现公司财产不足清偿债务的,应当立即向人民法院申请宣告破产。 | After putting the company’s property in order and preparing a balance sheet and an inventory of property in connection with liquidation of the company resulting from dissolution, the liquidation group discovers that the company’s assets are insufficient to repay the company’s debts, the liquidation group shall immediately apply to the people’s court for a bankruptcy declaration. | |
21 | 因为催化剂在再生器中停留时间不足,故返回反应器的催化剂可能未被完全再生。 | Catalyst returning to the reactor may not be completely regenerated because of insufficient time in the regenerator | |
22 | 营养不良的受营养不良或食量不足影响的 | Affected by improper nutrition or an insufficient diet. | |
23 | 由于该用户没有足够特权,文件复制服务不能满足该请求。事件日志可能有详细信息。 | The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges. The event log may have more information. | |
24 | 由于该用户在域控制器上没有足够特权,文件复制服务不能满足该请求。事件日志可能有详细信息。 | The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges on the domain controller. The event log may have more information. | |
25 | 由于获取所有旅行文件约需2个月,我恐怕没有足够时间来作准备工作。 | Inasmuch as it takes about two months to obtain all travel documents, I am afraid to be allowed insufficient time for preparations. | |
26 | 由于内燃机和各种炉子中的碳或含碳燃料未完全转化为二氧化碳,而在其废气中含有一气化碳。一氧化碳所以有毒性,是因为它比氧更易被红血球所吸收,从而阻碍了氧气从肺部输送到需氧组织。 | It is produced when carbon (including coal and coke)or carbon-containing fuel (including petroleum hydrocarbons; e.g., gasoline, fuel oil)does not burn completely to carbon dioxide, because of insufficient oxygen. CO is present in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines and furnaces. It is toxic because it binds to hemoglobin in blood much more strongly than does oxygen and thus interferes with transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues (see hypoxia; respiration). | |
27 | 油压低:油压下降的起因有溢流阀弹簧变软,油泵磨损,油道破裂或存在裂纹,油道阻塞,机油过稀或过浓,以及因轴承极度磨损,使泄漏的机油超出油泵供给的机油。 | Low oil pressure. Low oil pressure can result from a weak relief-valve spring, a worn oil pump, a broken or cracked oil line, obstructions in the oil lines, insufficient or excessively thin oil, or bearings that are so badly worn that they can pass more oil than the oil pump is capable of delivering. | |
28 | 有些学校的重点放在文化补习方面。 | Some of the schools focus on remedying the insufficient education of former schooling. | |
29 | 余额不足。 | Insufficient Balance. | |
30 | 原判决、裁定认定事实的主要证据不足的 | The crucial evidence in the original judgment or ruling is found to be insufficient |