属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/IEEE 517-1974
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/IEEE 529-1980
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 7518-1995
1 | ??我们还坚信,彼此信任,开诚布公,团队协作,专业精通,以自己从事的事业为荣,这一切都具有非常重要的意义。 | This requires balancing short and long term interests, integrating economic, environmental and social considerations into business decision-making. | |
2 | “构建和谐社会”-意识形态整合的象征形式 | Constructing a Harmonious Society-A Symbolic Form for the Ideologies Integrating | |
3 | 《时尚旅游》是时尚出版集团与享誉全球的美国国家地理协会版权合作的产物。荟萃了《国家地理旅行者》(National Geographic Traveler)的特约稿件 | Traveler is in copyright cooperation between Trends Magazines and the National Geography Society of the US, integrating the best articles from National Geographic Traveler. | |
4 | BREW可以同电话的基本通话功能紧密整合,增强用户端执行功能。 | BREW enhances client-side execution by tightly integrating with the phone′s basic telephony functions. | |
5 | GPS与InSAR数据融合在矿山开采沉陷形变监测中的应用探讨 | The Discussions on GPS and InSAR Data Integrating and Applying in Monitoring Subsidence and Deformation of Mines Exploitation | |
6 | IP与ATM结合技术的探讨 | Discussing the Technology of Integrating ATM with IP | |
7 | LEXUS雷克萨斯为您配置了一套综合安全防护系统,其中整合了以下制动和动力控制技术 | Lexus cars have a comprehensive Active Safety package, integrating the following braking and traction technologies | |
8 | OIE是一个技术性组织而非政治性组织。其目的在于促进各成员间的协调和合作,而非管理各成员的经济或使其经济一体化。 | The OIE is an organization of a technical nature as opposed to a political organization. It exists for coordination and cooperation amongst its members, not for the purpose of managing or integrating their economies. | |
9 | SAR与TM影像的IHS变换复合及其质量定量评价 | Comparison of IHS Transformation for Integrating SAR and TM Images | |
10 | 把XML整合到消息接发程序:Java消息服务API(JMS)是J2EE技术中的一种。它提供了一种创建、发送、接收消息的普遍方法。 | Integrating XML into Messaging Applications: The Java Message Service API (JMS), one of the J2EE technologies, provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, and receive messages. | |
11 | 帮助更多的传统资源转向网上,广泛地同其他优秀互联网站点和相关的信息源建立合作关系,对实用信息进行有效的组合,为用户提供高品质的信息内容和服务。 | Help to turn more traditional resources onto the internet. We engage in building cooperation relationship with other outstanding internet websites and relevant information resources and integrating practical information effectively, aiming to provide consumers with high quality information and services. | |
12 | 本项目是集污水处理新工艺技术、新曝气设备和计算机辅助设计为一体的综合性污水处理技术,是项污水处理技术的系统工程。 | This project is a synthetic wastewater treatment technique integrating new processes and technique of wastewater treatment, new aeration devices and computer aided design (CAD). It is a systematic engineering of wastewater treatment technique. | |
13 | 本协定的任何规定不得阻止已按照第6款至第8款提交纳入计划的一成员在该计划规定的时间之前将产品纳入GATT1994。 | Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Member which has submitted an integration programme pursuant to paragraph 6 or 8 from integrating products into GATT 1994 earlier than provided for in such a programme. | |
14 | 必须始终坚持马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合,坚持科学理论的指导,坚定不移地走自己的路。 | It is imperative to always persist in integrating the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism with the specific situation in China, persist in taking scientific theories as the guide and unswervingly follow our own road. | |
15 | 别克 LaCROSSE 君越,是上海通用汽车集通用汽车全球同步的先进平台、国际国内优势资源和上海通用汽车自主研发于一身的全新震撼力作。 | Buick LaCROSSE is a masterpiece of Shanghai GM, integrating GM′s advanced global platform, the best domestic and foreign resources and Shanghai GM′s independent research and development effort. | |
16 | 不稳定和积分时滞过程的Smith预估器设计 | Smith Predictor Design for Unstable and Integrating Processes with Dead Time | |
17 | 采育结合,永续利用 | integrating felling with sustainable cultivation | |
18 | 城市空间二维信息系统与三维虚拟场景一体化研究与应用-BDA城市三维信息系统的设计与实现 | The Research and Application of Integrating the 2D GIS and 3D virtual-GIS in Digital City Information | |
19 | 垂直陀螺利用一个陀螺仪作为积分装置以得摇摆不定的重力基准线的平均位置。 | The gyro vertical utilizes a gyroscope as an integrating device to obtain the average position of a pendulous gravity reference | |
20 | 从“哈哈”到“啊哈”-统整知、情、意、行的幽默课程对创造力培养的影响 | Evaluating the Influence of the ICEMB Training Curriculum (Integrating Cognition, Emotion, Motivation, and Behavior)on College Students’ Sense of Humor and Creativity | |
21 | 大脑皮质:指大脑外层的灰质层,负责整合感觉冲动和各种高级智力活动。 | Cerebral cortex:Layer of gray matter that constitutes the outer layer of the cerebrum and is responsible for integrating sensory impulses and for higher intellectual functions. | |
22 | 单自由度速率积分陀螺的规范格式指南和试验程序 | Single-Degree-of-Freedom Rate-Integrating Gyros, Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for | |
23 | 单自由度速率积分陀螺规范格式指南和试验程序 | Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Single-Degree-of-Freedom Rate-Integrating Gyros | |
24 | 党在长期斗争中形成的理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评和自我批评的优良作风, | The fine work styles of integrating theory with practice, forging close links with the masses and practicing criticism and self-criticism, which our Party has cultivated in the process of long struggle, | |
25 | 第十一条编制防洪规划,应当遵循确保重点、兼顾一般,以及防汛和抗旱相结合、 | Article 11 The formulation of flood control planning should, following the principle of ensuring key projects and considering others at the same time, and integrating flood control with drought fighting, | |
26 | 第四条 国家根据科学技术进步和社会主义市场经济的需要,改革和完善科学技术体制,建立科学技术与经济有效结合的机制。 | Article 4 The State shall, in compliance with the demands of scientific and technological progress and the socialist market economy, restructure and improve science and technology system, and establish a mechanism capable of effectively integrating science and technology with economy. | |
27 | 多源Web对象与关系数据的集成 | Integrating Web Objects Extracted From Multiple Sites into Relational Database | |
28 | 法官的培训,贯彻理论联系实际、按需施教、讲求实效的原则。 | The principles of integrating theory with practice, giving lectures in light of the needs, and emphasizing practical results shall be applied in the training of judges. | |
29 | 辐射防护装置.环境监测用测量X射线或γ射线的便携式、可移动或者固定安装的设备.集成组装 | Radiation protection instrumentation-Portable, transportable or installed equipment to measure x or gamma radiation for environmental monitoring-Integrating assemblies | |
30 | 高职教育产学研合作协调机制问题的研究 | The Study of Coordinated Mechanism of Integrating Production, Learning and Research into Higher Vocational College’s Education |