属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN-Fachbericht ISO/TR 14062-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI S 1.43-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF A91-455-12-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 12373-12-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 12373-12-2000
1 | 高职教育产学研合作协调机制问题的研究 | The Study of Coordinated Mechanism of Integrating Production, Learning and Research into Higher Vocational College’s Education | |
2 | 公司品牌如同一个伞状形象,它可以让众多产品在其麾下受益--创出公司品牌相对来说是一个新兴的凝聚公司股东的途径。 | Creating a corporate brand--an umbrella image that casts one glow over an array of products--is a relatively new approach to integrating a company’s stakeholders | |
3 | 国防工业实行军民结合、平战结合。 | Combining production of wartime products with peacetime products and integrating military with civilian purposes. | |
4 | 国家航空航天实验室的技术报告。关于结合使用机动式全球定位系统和摄像机图象来进行出租车制导用途的障碍探测 | Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory. Study of Obstacle Detection by Integrating Kinematic GPS with Camera Images for Taxi Guidance | |
5 | 国民中小学教师在职进修绩效评估指标之探讨-智慧资本结合平衡计分卡观点之应用 | Performance Evaluation Index of on-job Teacher Continuing Education in Junior High and Elementary Schools-A Proposed System Integrating Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard | |
6 | 国中家政科环境价值教学模式设计 | Models of Integrating Environmental Values with Teaching Home Economics | |
7 | 环境管理.使环境问题与产品设计和开发相结合 | Environmental management-Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development | |
8 | 环境管理.使环境问题与产品设计和开发相结合 | Environmental management-Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development; German and english Version ISO/TR 14062:2002 | |
9 | 积分平均声音水平仪的规范 | Specifications for Integrating -Averaging Sound Level Meters | |
10 | 积分因子的存在性定理及其应用 | The Existence Theorem Integrating Factor and Its Application | |
11 | 几个在您公司的 Web 站点或电子交易应用程序中集成“UPS 运输时间”的好处。 | Just a few of the advantages of integrating UPS Time in Transit into your company′s Web site or e-commerce application. | |
12 | 家庭参与社会进步与发展国际讨论会 | International Seminar on Integrating Families in Social Progress and Development | |
13 | 检察官的培训,贯彻理论联系实际、按需施教、讲求实效的原则。 | The principles of integrating theory with practice, giving lectures in light of the needs and emphasizing practical results shall be applied in the training of public procurators. | |
14 | 将人口变数纳入发展规划的专题讨论会 | Symposium on Integrating Population Variables into Development Planning | |
15 | 结合人工智能与专家知识之智能型水库操作系统 | Integrating AI with Expert Knowledge to Build Intelligent Reservoir Operation System | |
16 | 就是以毛泽东同志为首的中国共产党人,独立思考,把马列主义的普遍原理同中国的具体情况相结合. | Because the Chinese Communists led by Comrade Mao Zedong thought independently and, by integrating the universal principles of Marxism-Leninism with specific Chinese conditions. | |
17 | 科学规划,合理布局,同发展乡镇企业和农村服务业结合起来。 | make scientific planning and a rational layout, integrating their development with the expansion of township and village enterprises and the rural service sector. | |
18 | 科学规划,合理布局,同发展乡镇企业和农村服务业结合起来。 | We should make scientific planning and a rational layout, integrating their development with the expansion of township and village enterprises and the rural service sector. | |
19 | 跨文化意识在综合英语教学中的主导地位 | The Leading Role of Cross-cultural Sense in Integrating Skills of English Teaching | |
20 | 累计 [表观] 功率计 | integrating apparent energy meter | |
21 | 理论与实践相结合 | Combine theory with practice; integrating theory with practice | |
22 | 另外,威达电成功地导入了整合性的Oracle、PDM、ERP、SCM、Notes系统,不仅提高了员工的工作效率,同时也提供了全球的消费者最好的客户服务系统。 | After successfully implementing and integrating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), E-Website and Notes groupware, ICP not only improved the efficiency and quality for each staff’s work but also created the best system to provide outstanding service to global customers. | |
23 | 流量可用瞬时和累计的两种不同的方法进行测量。 | Two different methods may be used to measure flow rate; instantaneous and integrating | |
24 | 铝和铝合金.阳极化.第12部分:用集成球形仪器测量铝表面反射特性 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys-Anodizing-Part 12 : measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating -sphere instruments. | |
25 | 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.用集成球形仪器测量铝表面反射特性 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys-Anodizing-Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating -sphere instruments | |
26 | 铝及铝合金.阳极处理.第12部分:使用积算球仪器测量铝表面的反射特性 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys-Anodizing-Part 12: Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating -sphere instruments; | |
27 | 面向国家电子政务的基础地理信息资源建设 | Integrating Fundamental Geographic Information, Serving Electronic Government | |
28 | 排气系统与尾机身一体化红外抑制器实验分析 | Experimental Research on Infrared Suppressor Integrating the Exhaust System with the Tail Part of a Helicopter | |
29 | 企业永续发展之新竞争力:环境、职安卫管理系统整合模式研究 | New Competitiveness for Business Sustainability: Establishment of a New Model of Integrating International Environmental, Health and Safety Management Systems | |
30 | 如果您的公司计划集成“UPS 签名追踪”或“UPS 运输”工具,我们要求您必须在申请获得访问密钥之前先填写特定工具的授权申请表并获得授权。 | If your business is interested in integrating either the UPS Signature Tracking or the UPS Shipping tool, we require that you first complete a request form for the specific tool and receive authorisation before requesting an Access Key. |