属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 1651-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 903-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 6719-1986
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 1175-1987
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 4135-1982
1 | 融研究于基础教学 置创新于实验环节 | Integrating Research into Basic Teaching and Applying Innovation in Experimental Procedure | |
2 | 如果您的公司计划集成“UPS 签名追踪”或“UPS 运输”工具,我们要求您必须在申请获得访问密钥之前先填写特定工具的授权申请表并获得授权。 | If your business is interested in integrating either the UPS Signature Tracking or the UPS Shipping tool, we require that you first complete a request form for the specific tool and receive authorisation before requesting an Access Key. | |
3 | 使黑人融合进以白人为主的社区 | Integrating black people into a largely white community | |
4 | 使用30/t积分球几何尺寸的总发光反射系数标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Total Luminous Reflectance Factor by Use of 30/t Integrating -Sphere Geometry | |
5 | 使用积分球对日光吸收比,反射比和透射比的试验方法 | Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance and Transmittance of Materials Using Integrating Spheres | |
6 | 适用于 47 个国家或地区 UPS 运输时间以 XML 格式提供,为您提供了集成进您的 Web 站点或电子交易应用程序的灵活性。 | Available in 47 countries, UPS Time in Transit is offered in XML format, which gives you the flexibility of integrating this functionality into your web site or e-commerce application. | |
7 | 数据探勘中集群模式与分类模式之建构-模糊自适应共振理论纲路、分类回归树与类神经纲路之整合与应用 | Construction of Clustering and Classification Models by Integrating Fuzzy Art, Cart and Neural Network Approaches | |
8 | 数学中对解微分方程式的一种有用的积分变换。一个函数的拉普拉斯变换是这样求得的:取该函数与指数函数e-pt的乘积,求这个乘积从零到无穷大的积分。 | In mathematics, an integral transform useful in solving differential equations. The Laplace transform of a function is found by integrating the product of that function and the exponential function e-pt over the interval from zero to infinity. | |
9 | 速率积分陀螺(仪) | rate integrating gyro (scope) | |
10 | 所谓进一步,就是说,在方针问题、认识问题解决之后,还要解决体制问题。 | By this I mean that having established the principle of integrating them and come to a correct understanding of the importance of doing so, we should now tackle the system for managing science and technology. | |
11 | 他正在形成一种完全独特的风格,这种风格成了艺术上的一个分水岭,将超现实与日常经验融合,将它带给每一个人。 | He was developing a style totally unique that would become a watershed3 event in art, that of integrating the surreal with the everyday, so as to offer it to everyone | |
12 | 特洛特曼采取的最有争议的第一步行动,是他将把福特遍布全球的各个区域汽车研发部彻底合并。 | Trotman’s most controversial move is integrating Ford’s car-development groups across boundaries. | |
13 | 通过聚合合作伙伴的内容和应用,为中国电信互联网用户提供丰富多彩的内容和信息应用服务,实现用户、互联星空合作伙伴和中国电信的多方共赢。 | By integrating contents and applications of its cooperation partner, China Telecom aims to provide rich and colorful contents and information application services for internet users and realize a win-win situation for users,China Vnet partners and China Telecom. | |
14 | 为确保您的全面掌控,LEXUS雷克萨斯配备了一套完备的主动安全系统,包括以下制动和牵引技术。 | To keep you in control all the time, Lexus cars have a comprehensive Active Safety package, integrating the following braking and traction technologies: | |
15 | 信息技术与化学课程整合的实践 | A Practical Attempt at Integrating IT with Chemistry as a School Subject | |
16 | 信息技术与课程整合教学评价指标体系的构建 | Constructing Instruction Evaluation Index System for Integrating Information Technology with School Curricula | |
17 | 阳极化铝和铝合金.用积算球仪测量铝表面的反射特性 | Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys; Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating -sphere instruments | |
18 | 阳极氧化铝和铝合金 用积分球仪法测量铝表面的反射特性 | Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys; Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating -sphere instruments | |
19 | 一次积分式加速度表; 惯性测速器 | single-integrating accelerometer | |
20 | 一种P2P和网格技术融合的网络模型 | A Model of Integrating P2P Technology and Grid Technology | |
21 | 一种针对整合分布Web资源的身份认证方案 | An Authentication Scheme Aiming at Integrating Distributed Web Resources | |
22 | 以需定产、产需结合 | basing production on demand and integrating production with demand | |
23 | 因为陀螺是一种积分装置,所以信号发生器的零位灵敏度影响测量精度和测量分辨度。 | The signal generator null sensitivity affects the accuracy and resolution of measurement because the gyro is an integrating device | |
24 | 用大直经积分球测定材料的太阳能或光反射性,透明性和吸收性的试验方法 | Test Method for Determining Solar or Photopic Reflectance, Transmittance and Absorptance of Materials Using a Large Diameter Integrating Sphere | |
25 | 用深度综合采样器采集可繁殖海洋浮游生物 | Sampling Phytoplankton with Depth-Integrating Samplers | |
26 | 预防为主、防治结合的政策 | Policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control | |
27 | 欲取得一个函数的傅立叶变换,可以在-∞与+∞的间隔中把该函数与核函数(提升至负复数幂的指数函数)的结果整合起来。这样的变换(由约瑟夫?傅立叶发现)在研究电势的相关问题时特别有用。 | A function’s Fourier transform is derived by integrating the product of the function and a kernel function (an exponential function raised to a negative complex power)over the interval from-∞to +∞. Such transforms, discovered by Joseph Fourier, are particularly useful in studying problems concerning electrical potential. | |
28 | 岳丰科技公司有幸研发,制造这些产品,行销遍及全世界,可说是照亮宇宙,整合资讯、提供新知识的直接贡献者。 | YFC-BonEagle Electric Company Ltd is fortunate and proud of being the producer of these products selling worldwide. In addition to earning the foreign exchange through exporting these goods; enhancing competitiveness of this nation we are believed as one contributor to knowledge based economy through lighting up the world integrating the information used in everydays human life. | |
29 | 在可能的情况下,应该应用现在国家或国际监控方案中的程序或测量标准,因而环境变化网络为更广泛的区域网络提供综合函数 | Where possible procedures and measurements used by existing national monitoring schemes are employed so that ECN provides an integrating function for the more extensive sectorial networks. | |
30 | 在整合产业价值链方面,我们是自豪的先驱者。我们把壳牌在中国的沥青业务从产品供应和道路铺设技术服务拓展到公路建设领域。 | We are proud of our pioneering role in integrating the whole value chain in China from bitumen supply and technical services for road pavement to include road construction. |