1 | 加护病房:医院照顾危急病患的场所,比起其它病患更为密集的护理层次。 | Intensive care unit (Or critical care unit):Hospital facility for care of critically ill patients at a more intensive level than is needed by other patients. | |
2 | 今天,电子学领域的科学研究活动与技术开发工作仍然在紧张地进行着,因此,可以预期,电子更为广泛的用途将在许多方面体现出来。 | Electronics is a field in which scientific research and technical development is still intensive , and so many manifestations of the versatility of the electron can be expected. | |
3 | 尽管加入世界贸易组织可能使贫困地区现有产业受到冲击,但从长远看,有利于贫困地区劳动力转移和劳动密集型产品的出口。 | Though the existing industries in those areas may be adversely affected after China enters the WTO, in the long run this will be good for the transfer of their workers and the export of their labor-intensive products | |
4 | 近几年有线电视迅速发展,加上娱乐事业和政治活动高度密集,无论是政治人物,或者市井小民,都懂得利用媒体,深谙宣传花招。 | With cable television taking off in recent years, rapid growth in the entertainment business and highly intensive political activities, politicians and even the man in the street have become media-savvy and adept at using the media to their advantage. | |
5 | 精读,在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记. | Intensive Reading, When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. | |
6 | 科技密集型工业 | Science-and-technology intensive industry | |
7 | 另外,我还完成了Access,Word和PowerPoint等计算机课程的学习。因此,我有牢固的计算机理论基础和很强的实际操作能力。 | In addition, I completed an intensive , hands-on computer course for Access, Word and PowerPoint. My skills and interest in this are very strong. | |
8 | 密集的飞行前仿真器训练,以及注重设备、宇宙飞船的设计,可使曝露在飞行重力下的人类较为安全和工作有效率,避免了一些问题产生。 | Intensive preflight simulator training and attention to design of equipment and spacecraft promote the safety and effectiveness of humans exposed to the stresses of flight and can prevent some problems. | |
9 | 苹果生产逐渐向集约化栽培体系发展。 | The apple industry moves toward the intensive planting system | |
10 | 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销 | Intensive BomBing, training, marketing. | |
11 | 确属知识密集型项目,企业所得税可以减征15%。 | As for really advanced knowledge-intensive projects, enterprise tax can be charged at a reduced rate of 15%. | |
12 | 人们费了九牛二虎之力,花了两个小时,仍然无法使这架大型喷气客机动弹一下。 | Two hours of intensive effort had failed to get the big jet moved | |
13 | 如装有大面积玻璃因而易受阳光照射的多层办公大楼,还包括会产生热量的办公机器,计算机,密集的电力照明等 | Such as in multi-storey office blocks with large glass areas subject to solar gains, and including heat-producing office machinery, computers, intensive electric lighting, etc. | |
14 | 上星期医生让她离开了特别护理病房,转到了普通病房。 | The doctor discharged her from the intensive care unit last week and transferred to a general ward | |
15 | 深入进行党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领和"三个代表"重要思想的宣传教育. | We must carry out intensive publicity and education in the Party’s basic theory, line and program and in the important thought of Three Represents. | |
16 | 省级政府人员编制平均精简47%,共减编7.4万人,是历次机构改革精简力度最大的一次。 | A total of 74,000 provincial government employees have been reduced, averaging 47 percent for each provincial-level government, the most intensive effort made ever to streamline government organizations | |
17 | 实现两个根本性转变,即计划经济向市场经济转变,以及由粗放型模式向集约型模式转变 | Realize two fundamental shifts, i.e., from the planned economy to the market economy and from the mode of being extensive to that of being intensive | |
18 | 适时进行战略性调整,由"做大做强"向"做强做大"转变,由以"外延式扩大再生产"为主向"内涵式扩大再生产"为主转变,加快整合创新,不断提高自身核心竞争力,正以稳健的步伐向国际化大公司迈进。 | It makes strategic adjustments timely changing growing large to become powerful into growing powerful to become large and changing extensive reproduction into intensive reproduction to make reorganization and innovation so as to promote its core competitive capacity. Now it is walking stably towards multinational large company. | |
19 | 他们发现强烈而又浪漫的爱情感觉跟右尾状核和右腹侧被盖区多巴胺有关。 | They found that feelings of intensive romantic love were linked to activity in the right caudate nucleus and right ventral tegmental area dopamine | |
20 | 他们用一周时间教速成英语课程,那几天可真紧张! | They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; it’s quite an intensive few days! | |
21 | 特别监护病房 | Intensive care unit | |
22 | 为进一步封锁这种害虫,在最近发生点和外围地区正继续进行严密监测。 | Intensive surveys are continuing around the most recent detection points and in outlier areas to facilitate containment of this pest. | |
23 | 为了把一个懒散的、以研究为主导的企业帝国整合到一起,兰科维斯特先生引入了一种交叉组织结构形式,每个交点部的经理要同时向产品部门和公司总部汇报。 | To bind together a sprawling,research-intensive empire,Ramqvist introduced a matrix system with unit managers reporting to both product divisions and corporate headquarters. | |
24 | 我们当前有十天的强化训练. | Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training. | |
25 | 我们集中密集的火力向敌人攻击。 | We concentrated intensive fire on the enemy. | |
26 | 沃利已经脱离危险,不再需要精心护理。 | wally was now out of danger and removed from intensive care | |
27 | 沃利在护士的护送下直接飞往一家医院接受更精心的治疗。 | wally, accompanied by the nurse, was flown directly to a hospital for more intensive treatment | |
28 | 洗脑集中的强制的灌输,通常是政治上的或宗教上的,目的在于摧毁一个人的最基本的信仰和态度,以另一套固定信仰取而代之 | Intensive ,forcible indoctrination,usually political or religious,aimed at destroying a person’s basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs. | |
29 | 现正全力以赴来解决这场纠纷。 | Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. | |
30 | 享受技术密集型和知识密集型项目优惠待遇 | Enjoy preferential treatments as technology-intensive and/or knowledge-intensive enterprises |