1 | 故意的怠慢.参见 | an intentional slight.See Synonyms at voluntary | |
2 | 故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。 | Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. | |
3 | 故意侵权包括殴打,侮辱,非法拘禁,侵犯他人不动产。侵犯他人动产,侵占他人个人财产,欺诈,破坏名誉,商业诽谤、诬告、滥用诉讼程序,故意妨碍经济或合同关系和侵犯隐私。所有故意侵权行为均需以被告未履行其对原告义务的故意行为为要件。 | Intentional torts include battery, assault, false imprisonment, trespass to real property, trespass to personal property, conversion of personal property, fraud, defamation, trade libel, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, interference with economic or contractual relationships, and breach of privacy. All require some willful act in breaching a duty owed to the plaintiff by the defendant. | |
4 | 故意拖延比赛(时间) | intentional delay of the game | |
5 | 关于词汇刻意学习的实证研究 | The Empirical Research of Intentional Vocabulary Learning | |
6 | 国家监测系统需要在可能发生蓄意使用生物武器之前完全到位。 | National surveillance systems need to be in place well in advance of possible intentional use of a biological weapon. | |
7 | 国务院承担国有资产管理职能的部门要加强对资产评估机构的管理和监督,认真做好改制企业的资产确认和评估工作,严禁将改制企业的国有资产人为低估和无偿量化分配给个人。 | The department of the State Council in charge of state property administration should step up the administration and inspection of assets evaluation agencies, conscientiously ensure the confirmation and evaluation of assets for the restructured enterprises, and impose strict prohibitions against the distribution of state property to individuals by means of intentional underrating or free apportioning of assets of restructured enterprises. | |
8 | 很对不起,我碰伤了你--但不是故意的。 | I’m sorry I hurt you it was not intentional . | |
9 | 胡塞尔的“意向性直观”与广松涉“意义的所识” | Hussel’s "Intentional Distinct" vs. Hiromatsu Wataru’s "the Exposed of Meaning" | |
10 | 毁灭,摧毁因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁 | The intentional , usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety. | |
11 | 或任何损失是由被保险人或其代表的故意行为或纵容所致,被保险人将丧失其在本保险单项下的所有权益。 | or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, | |
12 | 继承人有下列行为之一的,丧失继承权:(一)故意杀害被继承人的;(二)为争夺遗产而杀害其他继承人的;(三)遗弃被继承的,或者虐待被继承人情节严重的;(四)伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。 | A successor shall be disinherited upon his commission of any one of the following acts: (1)intentional killing of the decedent; (2)killing any other successor in fighting over the estate; (3)a serious act of abandoning or maltreating the decedent; or (4)a serious act of forging, tampering with or destroying the will. | |
13 | 间接故意犯罪的认定 | On Verification of Indirect Intentional Crime | |
14 | 静电:有关静止形态的电荷的情况。静电在湿度低的环境下,因磨擦而产生;或有目的使它产生。 | Static electricity: Pertaining to electric charges at rest. It may be intentional charging or of friction in low humidity environment. | |
15 | 静电的:形容电荷于静止时所产生的效应。这些电荷,称为静电;它可能是内部充电或由于环境湿度低,因摩擦而带电。 | Electrostatic: Describes effects caused by electric charges at rest.These electric charges,known as static electricity,may be intentional charging or of friction in llow-humidity environments. | |
16 | 开放Agent社会的意向模型 | The Intentional Stance Model of Open Agent Society | |
17 | 孔泉发表声明说,该估算数字"毫无根据且别有用心"。 | Kong Quan said in a statement that the estimated figure is "absolutely groundless and intentional ." | |
18 | 临床医学电视教材的突发性摄制和目的性摄制 | Shooting for Occasional and Intentional Events in Television Teaching Material of Clinical Medicine | |
19 | 律师因故意犯罪受刑事处罚的,应当吊销其律师执业证书。 | Where a lawyer is subjected to criminal punishment for an intentional crime, his lawyer’s practice certificate shall be revoked. | |
20 | 论共同犯罪“意思联络”的客观预备性 | On Objective Preliminaries of Intentional Connection for Joint Offense | |
21 | 论间接故意犯罪的未完成形态 | The Immature Form of Conditional Intentional Crime | |
22 | 论抢劫罪中的非必要的故意杀人 | On Unnecessary Intentional Homicide in the Course of Robbery | |
23 | 论意向性的认识功能与实践功能 | On the Cognitive and Practice Functions of the Intentional Mind | |
24 | 明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果,并且希望或者放任这种结果发生,因而构成犯罪的,是故意犯罪。 | An intentional crime is a crime constituted as a result of clear knowledge that one’s own act will cause socially dangerous consequences, and of hope for or indifference to the occurrence of those consequences. | |
25 | 明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果,并且希望或者放任这种结果发生,因而构成犯罪的,是故意犯罪。故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。 | An intentional crime refers to a crime committed by a person who clearly knows that his act will produce socially dangerous consequences but who wishes or allows such consequences to occur. Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. | |
26 | 模拟员工招聘过程中的有意遗忘效应 | The Intentional Forgetting Effect in Simulated Employee Selection | |
27 | 谋杀是蓄意杀人。 | Murder is intentional homicide. | |
28 | 你真的以为这事是因为劳伦斯?莱弗茨的某种一某种蓄意的干预。 | You really think this is due to some-some intentional interference of Lawrence Leffers’s | |
29 | 侵权法涉及民事不法行为。它确认社会中个人应尽的义务。侵权行为包括下述类型:(1)故意的侵权行为;(2)过失侵权行为;(3)严格责任下的侵权行为。 | Tort law is concerned with civil wrongs. It recognizes duties owed among individuals in our society. Categories of torts include( 1)intentional or willful torts, (2)negligence, and (3)strict liability. | |
30 | 侵权既包括预先准备的违法行为(故意的侵权行为),有包括疏忽的或意外性的行为(过失侵权行为),还有那些不论违法者的动机或阻止损害的能力,均应负责的行为(严格责任)。 | Tort includes both deliberate wrongs (intentional torts)and inadvertent or accidental wrongs (negligent torts), as well as wrongs for which the offender is held liable regardless of motivation or ability to prevent the injury (strict liability). |