属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中东的解密者 弗瑞德·韩礼德
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国公司 不幸的商业
1 | 我妈妈是中文翻译,他从小就教我汉语。 | My mother is a Chinese interpreter , she taught me Chinese since I was young. | |
2 | 我们聘他担任译员。 | We engaged him as an interpreter | |
3 | 我们通过译员同外籍海员们交谈。 | We talked to some foreign sailors through an interpreter . | |
4 | 我们需要一位意大利语翻译。 | We need an Italian interpreter . | |
5 | 我们已经为本厂培训了许多位翻译。 | We have trained many interpreter for our work. | |
6 | 我在作为一家贸易公司的助理以及为一个外国访问团作翻译的工作中,积累了很多商务秘书的经验,学到了许多业务诀窍和办公室基本技能。 | Also accumulated a great number of experience as a business secretary when acting as an assistant in a trading firm and as an interpreter for a foreign visiting group, and I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills. | |
7 | 宣布合议庭的组成人员、书记员、公诉人、辩护人、诉讼代理人、鉴定人和翻译人员的名单; | He shall announce the roll, naming the members of the collegial panel, the court clerk, the public prosecutor, the defender, agent ad litem, the expert witnesses and the interpreter ; | |
8 | 一种Agent解释器的设计方法 | An Designing Approach for an Agent Interpreter | |
9 | 一种基于Monad反射语言解释器的构造 | Construction of a Simple Reflect Language Interpreter Based on Monad | |
10 | 用于单片机测控装置的微型脚本解释器 | Tiny Script Interpreter for the MCU Based Measurement Device | |
11 | 在这些证件之中,有些大概是用阿拉伯文、罗马文或土耳其文写的,因为议院的译员已被传唤了上去。 | It had been supposed some of the papers might be in the Arabian, romaic, or Turkish language, and the interpreter of the House was in attendance | |
12 | 在整个旅游过程中,王小姐不仅是他们的翻译,而且还担任向导。 | Miss Wang was not only their interpreter , but she acted as their guide during the whole trip. | |
13 | 站在桌旁的是位翻译。 | Standing beside the table was an interpreter . | |
14 | 这些课程对于在外贸领域当英语口译有很大帮助。 | These courses are of great help for an English interpreter in the field of foreign trade. | |
15 | 仲裁庭开庭时 , 如果当事人或其代理人、证人需要语文翻译 , 可以由仲裁委员会秘书局提供译员 , 也可以由当事人自行提供译员。 | At the hearing, if the parties or their arbitration agents or witnesses require language interpretation, the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission may provide an interpreter for them. Or the parties may bring with them their own interpreter. | |
16 | 昨天,联合国的一位翻译死于那场战斗。 | The war claimed the life of a UN interpreter yesterday. | |
17 | ||1:没有人能够抓到他懈怠的把柄,朱蒂先生曾经是一个热情而年轻的犹太主义者,曾在1967年的六日之战中担任翻译员的职务。||2:但是对大多数人来说过于激进,当遇上令他着迷的紧张政治事件时,个人的观点往往很难得到承认,正如他做的那样,他的辩驳被很自然地掩埋了。||3:他的一些关于以色列除美国外没有朋友或以色列对世界和平会造成什么威胁的观点,都极大地震撼了他的身边的朋友们。||4:他的课程被删除,”新出版”——一个长期的合作伙伴也将他的名字从报头删除。 | ||1: Nobody could accuse him of letting fly from a position of ignorance. He had been an ardent teenage Zionist, working as an interpreter during the six-day war of 1967. ||2: But to many his critique was exaggerated. Given the intense publicity he attracted, it was hard to argue, as he did, that debate was habitually squelched. ||3: The notion that Israel had no friends outside America, or could be “the” (his italics) threat to world peace, struck even some of his friends as extreme. ||4: Lectures were cancelled and the New Republic, a longstanding ally, removed him from its masthead. | |
18 | ||1:他们的辩解是有选择性的。||2:面对同样的问题,土耳其官员拒绝让步。||3:在奥斯曼帝国统治的几个世纪里,数百件文物被从故乡强制迁走。||4:当被问到土耳其是否会把亚力山大的大理石棺交还黎巴嫩,居纳伊和他的译员选择了回避土耳其人的态度过分坚决,并没能把自己描绘成文化压迫的受害者,他们也不认同国外博物馆和考古学家拯救了他们的文物。 | ||1:These arguments are selective.||2:Turkish officials refuse to concede that Turkey itself, over centuries of domination, forcibly removed hundreds of objects from their homelands.||3:Asked whether Alexander’s sarcophagus would be returned to Lebanon, Mr Gunay and his interpreter simply ignore the question.||4:The Turks are too determined to depict themselves as victims of cultural oppression to accept that foreign museums and archaeologists have also played a part in saving their treasures. | |
19 | ||1:作为中东的解说人,韩礼德先生才华横溢。||2:他会讲阿拉伯语、波斯语、法语、德语、西班牙语和俄语。||3:他熟知他写到的国家的历史文化。||4:更重要的是,他认识很多人。||5:他在伦敦的学生,一旦回到开罗、巴格达或者德黑兰,都能在政界和商界位居高职。||6:他的关系网使驻外记者们嫉妒,然而也是伦敦经济学院募捐者们的一大幸事。 | ||1:As an interpreter of the Middle East, Mr Halliday’s talents overflowed.||2:He spoke Arabic and Persian, as well as French, German, Spanish and Russian.||3:He knew the history and cultures of the countries he wrote about.||4:More than anything, he knew people.||5:His London students, once back home in Cairo, Baghdad or Tehran, rose to high positions in government and business.||6:His contacts were a foreign correspondent’s envy, as well as a boon to the LSE’s fund-raisers. | |
20 | 很多企业也在处理企业数据领域相争得你死我活。 | Many other firms are also jostling to become the main interpreter of corporate data. | |
21 | 另一家大公司的一个游说者说道有德国自由民主党人的话你不需要一个翻译者去解释政府的工业关注点,但是现在他担心他需要了。 | A lobbyist for another big company says that with the Free Democrats you didn’t need an interpreter to explain industry’s concerns to the government, but now he fears he will. | |
22 | “我也想下个月就开始,但它取决于我们在这里开拓市场的速度,”他通过普通话翻译跟我说。 | "I’d like it to be next month, but it depends on how fast we develop the market here, " he tells me through a Mandarin interpreter . | |
23 | “一个口译员一次口译通常不会超过半个钟头的时间,”奥尔森说。“这个极为辛苦。” | "Typically an interpreter will not interpret more than a half-hour at a time, " Olesen said. "It’s extremely exhausting. " | |
24 | 28岁的小张是语言教师和翻译,在首都北京蓬勃发展的房地产市场下,他连一套房都买不起。 | Zhang, a 28-year-old language tutor and interpreter , couldn’t afford an apartment in the capital’s scorching property market. | |
25 | Mozilla已经把‘跟踪优化(tracingoptimization)’技术整合到了Firefox的JavaScript解释引擎SpiderMonkey中。 | Mozilla has integrated tracing optimization into SpiderMonkey, the JavaScript interpreter in Firefox. | |
26 | 阿比说一部分堪大医院的服务提供者可以不借助译员进行工作,但是只能在提供他们的口译员证书之后。 | Abbey said a few providers at KU Hospital could work without an interpreter but only after proving their mettle as interpreters. | |
27 | 比泰娜口齿伶俐,我们见面时她一直是阿萨德的翻译,给人印象很深。 | Butheina was an articulate, impressive woman who had always served as Assad’s interpreter when we met. | |
28 | 变表明经典之义具有多元性、开放性,解释者可以发挥其主观能动性,创造性地解释经典; | Change shows the pluralism and openness of the meaning of classics. The interpreter could interpret the classics creatively. | |
29 | 成为一个专业的翻译和口译员往往比知道一门语言重要的多。 | Becoming a wanted professional translator and interpreter is more than just knowing the language. | |
30 | 除了一名当地的口语翻译外,东方医院的所有职员全部为中国人,一句阿拉伯语都不会。 | With the exception of a local interpreter , all the staff at Dongfang is Chinese and cannot speak a word of Arabic. |