属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩式之恋 两个人的专属网络
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩式之恋 两个人的专属网络
1 | 亲密与伤害:美国家庭暴力中受害妇女的法律保护 | Intimacy and Injury: How American Law Protects Battered Women in Domestic Violence | |
2 | 亲切的以友好的亲密关系为特征的 | Marked by friendly intimacy . | |
3 | 人参可以增加活力和性欲,从而帮助解决亲密关系的问题。 | Ginseng can increase energy and libido,which can help solve intimacy problems. | |
4 | 使人置身车内倍感亲切,更有扑面而来的实用气息。 | The spacious interior along with the grand, comfortable but unexaggerated interior trim style affords the interior extra intimacy and obvious practicality. | |
5 | 虽然她曾发誓不嫁,但是由于工作上不得不和他接近,他们逐渐亲密了起来,苔丝终于坠入情网。 | And though she had sworn herself tocelibacy, the enforced propinquity ripened into intimacy and drifted into love. | |
6 | 他俩头天晚上的幽会至今还在她心上留下温馨。 | Their intimacy of the night before was alive in her feelings | |
7 | 他凭着一股冲动,跟这姑娘说心腹话,觉得很惬意,可是这冲动警告他,这一来会使他们俩的关系变得更密切,更亲热。 | It suited his humour to take the girl into his confidence, following an instinct which warned him that this would bring about a certain closeness of their relations, a certain intimacy | |
8 | 他声称自己与总统关系密切,这有点言过其实。 | His claims to an intimacy with the President are somewhat exaggerated. | |
9 | 他是日本通,很可能被委派为驻日大使。 | His intimacy with Japan makes him the likely choice as ambassador to that country. | |
10 | 他有教养,有理想,富有同情心,在苔丝看来,他是象神一样的人。虽然她曾发誓不嫁,但是由于工作上不得不和他接近,他们逐渐亲密了起来,苔丝终于坠入情网。 | Cultured, idealistic, sympathetic, he seemed to Tess a demigod,and though she had sworn herself to celibacy, the enforced propinquity ripened into intimacy and drifted into love | |
11 | 网络性话题的自我揭露初探:性别差异和去个人化及话题亲密性的影响 | A Preliminary Study on Self-disclosure for Sexual Topics in Cyberspace: Sex Differences and the Impacts of Deindividuation and Intimacy of Topics | |
12 | 我们之间的关系亲密起来了。 | An intimacy grew up between us. | |
13 | 我认为我们有足够证据相信:爱的亲密关系能使人更健康,康复得更迅速,而孤独而离群独居则使人更易遭受痛苦、疾病和过早死亡的不幸。 | I believe the evidence is compelling: love and intimacy lead to greater health and healing, while loneliness and isolation predispose one to suffering, disease and premature death. | |
14 | 我希望能有个关于亲密的规则。 | I wish there were a rule book for intimacy . | |
15 | 像我们这样亲密相处的人,只要其中有一个人发生了重大的变化,就不可能不在情绪上影响其他的人。 | Living in such intimacy as ours, no serious alteration could take place in any one of us which did not sympathetically affect the others | |
16 | 要是我们还紧紧抱住本土英语或本土华语不放,念念不忘本土英语或本土华语怎么传神,怎么亲切,怎么富有地方特色,又怎样跟上时代的潮流呢 | If we still hold dearly to our localised English or localised Chinese, revelling in their vivacity, intimacy and local flavour, how then are we able to keep abreast with the times? | |
17 | 以友好的亲密关系为特征的. | Marked by friendly intimacy . | |
18 | 因为他是日本通,他很可能被任为驻日大使。 | His intimacy with Japan make him the likely choice as ambassador to that country. | |
19 | 用作表示亲昵或亲密关系的用语 | Used as a term of affection or intimacy | |
20 | 在麦克法茨一家和海外传教士戴维森一家之间,产生了一种同舟共济的情谊。 | Between the Macphacts and the Davidsons, who were missionaries, there had arisen the intimacy of shipboard | |
21 | 在这些生动的、毫无隐讳的、亲密的谈心过后,性行为成为不可避免的了,那只好忍受。 | And if after the roused intimacy of these vivid and soul-enlightened discussions the sex thing became more or less inevitable, then let it. | |
22 | 在这种情况中,男女青年间的这种亲密关系无非就是旧大陆的民俗在这个国家的某些延续。 | In this case the intimacy of the boy and girl might be little more than the continuance in this country of old-world folkways | |
23 | 这种和谐紧密的关系,如果仅仅是少数人的特权,而大多数人并不能享有,那便会在人们心目中引发一种神秘和情趣。但是事实上,这种亲密关系是被天下所有的人共享的,这就是使那和谐紧密的关系失去神秘和情趣。 | The very intimacy of this relation robs it of a certain mystery and richness which it would have for all minds if it were the reward of the few instead of being the privilege of the many. | |
24 | ||1:如今社交网络趋向私密化,Between也紧跟这种潮流。||2:一些Facebook用户已经对源源不断的"好友申请"感到厌倦。||3:这些好友申请通常来自于他们几乎不认识的人。||4:而一些用户则讨厌被标记在一些尴尬的照片上,因为这些照片连他们的老板也看得到。||5:因此,一些社交网络服务的崛起,诸如Path,就严格限制了好友的封顶数为150人,而其它的一些社交网络,如FamilyLeaf和Storytree的目标受众则是家族成员。 | ||1:Between is part of a trend towards intimacy in social networking.||2:Some Facebook users are fed up with the torrent of "friend" requests from people they barely know.||3:Others resent being tagged in embarrassing photographs their boss can see.||4:Hence the rise of services such as Path, an American network that limits members to 150 friends.||5:Other networks, such as FamilyLeaf and Storytree, target families. | |
25 | ||1:沙丘的内部设计旨在培养观众、工作和空间之间的亲密感。||2:“在中国,去博物馆就像去购物中心,”李虎表示——这是一种匆忙的消费主义体验,典型的特征是大量人群和智能手机自拍。||3:相比之下,沙丘美术馆的地下画廊让人想起最原始洞穴里被涂抹的人类艺术。||4:该设计灵感来自20世纪的美国建筑师路易斯·卡恩,他将博物馆设想成一个“房间社会”,旨在促进互动,鼓励人们慢下来。||5:考虑到这个位置人烟稀少,游客们将不得不进行一次深刻的“艺术朝圣”,正如李虎所言,这不仅仅是一次匆忙的城市飞掠。 | ||1:The Dune’s interiors are meant to cultivate an intimacy between viewer, work and space.||2:“Going to a museum in China often feels like going to a shopping centre,” says Mr Li—an experience of rushed consumerism, typically characterised by large crowds and smartphone selfies.||3:By contrast, the Dune’s subterranean galleries invoke the caves in which the most primitive human art was first daubed.||4:The design was inspired by Louis Kahn, a 20th-century American architect who envisaged museums as a “society of rooms”, which foster interaction and encourage people to slow down.||5:Given the isolated location, visitors will have to make a deliberate “pilgrimage to the art”, as Mr Li puts it, rather than just a hurried urban fly-by. | |
26 | 还有人认为,推迟过早的亲密性行为或者禁欲的情侣,他们之间的沟通理解成为了相互间吸引力的基础, | Others suggest that couples who delay or abstain from sexual intimacy early on allow communication to become the foundation of their attraction, | |
27 | 还有人认为,推迟过早的亲密性行为或者禁欲的情侣,他们之间的沟通理解成为了相互间吸引力的基础,这样以来,即使他们最初燃烧着的爱之欲火慢慢熄灭,他们也可以保持长久的友谊和伙伴关系。 | Others suggest that couples who delay or abstain from sexual intimacy early on allow communication to become the foundation of their attraction, and that this helps to ensure that companionship and partnership keep them together when the initial flames of lust die down. | |
28 | 如今社交网络趋向私密化,Between也紧跟这种潮流。 | Between is part of a trend towards intimacy in social networking. | |
29 | (避免当你不想亲昵的时候行事)看下有什么情况发生。 | Talk about your positive feelings. (Save heavy-duty relationship issues for a time when you’re not heading for intimacy . ) See what happens. | |
30 | “亲密”“亲密”有着有趣的情节,它是关于逐步了解主人公的一部电影。 | "Intimacy " "Intimacy" has an interesting plot because it’s all about getting to know the main characters. |