属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-帝国野心 马克扎克伯格的下一个计统治地位(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-密码术 量子之慰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交换 美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚(下)
1 | 在有些高级矿石内,斑晶紧连着假晶。 | In some high-grade ores, phenocrysts adhere intimately to the pseudomorphs | |
2 | 在这段漫长的时间里,她已经饱尝痛苦与欢乐、开心与伤心及生生死死。 | In that length of time she has become intimately acquainted with pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, life and death. | |
3 | 这些年虽然我与格兰特先生常在社交场所碰头,但是和他并没有很深的交情。 | I don’t know Mr.Grant very intimately ,though we have been rubbing elbows at various social occasions over the years. | |
4 | 只有熟知这一带地势的人才能择路穿行那片矮树林。 | Only someone knowing the terrain intimately could have picked his way through all that underbrush | |
5 | 只有熟知这一带地势的人才能择路穿行那片树丛。 | Only someone knowing the terrain intimately could have picked his way through all that underbrush. | |
6 | 只有与死亡者密切有关的人,如验尸官员和死亡登记人员才知道这次死亡的规模之大。 | Only those intimately concerned with deaths, such as coroners and registrars of deaths, were able to realise | |
7 | 足够清楚了解誊本误差了 | Enough to know transcription errors intimately | |
8 | 作为一名海军特种部队的飞行员,我在越南战场上呆了一年后,发现这两种倾向在我身上同时存在,并不表现为哪种倾向更占优势。 | After a year in Vietnam, as a Marine Corps pilot, I intimately got to know both of those characters-inside of me. One is not better than the other. | |
9 | ||1:在英国海滨一间偏远的家舍,女主人凯特和丈夫迪利迎来了一个意外访客:安娜;勾起了三人20年前在伦敦嬉游冒险的回忆。||2:但是记忆这个恶作剧鬼,满是自私自利的念头和操纵人心的捏造。||3:三人似乎曾经过从甚密;然而却无法言明究意有何共同经历。||4:他们的记忆彼此重叠,却又各执一词,让人费解。||5:克里斯汀.斯考特.托马斯和利娅.威廉姆斯在不同场次的演出中会互换角色,以凸显该剧的主题:感觉的威力与脆弱;不过迪利一角,始终由鲁弗斯扮演。 | ||1:At a remote farmhouse on the English seaside, Anna pays an unexpected visit to Kate and her husband Deeley, seemingly to reminisce about all of those adventures they shared in London 20 years ago.||2:But memory can be a funny thing, full of selfish needs and manipulative fictions.||3:These three figures seem to know each other intimately , but it is not clear what history they actually share.||4:Their recollections overlap but also confuse and compete with each other.||5:To heighten the sense that this is a play about the power and frailty of perception, Kristin Scott Thomas and Lia Williams switch roles for different performances, though Rufus Sewell stays anchored as Deeley. | |
10 | 更加乐意于向独裁统治者发出挑战。而卫星电视,facebook和twitter等现代信息传播工具也使他们能够与彼此、与世界保持更紧密的联系。 | they are readier to challenge autocratic rulers and, thanks to satellite television, Facebook and Twitter, they are more intimately connected with one another and with the world. | |
11 | ||既能和数十亿人的生活更紧密地交织在一起,又可借此获得巨额利润并且避免强烈反对,如何在其间取得平衡将成为本世纪最大的商业挑战之一。||即便是在古罗马,帝王们也会发现民众会突然转而反抗他们。所以为扎克伯格鼓掌,也为他担忧吧。 | ||Striking a balance between becoming ever more intimately entwined in billions of peoples’ lives, making huge profits as a result and avoiding a backlash will be one of the biggest business challenges of the century.|| Even in ancient Rome, emperors could find that the crowd suddenly turned against them. So applaud Mr Zuckerberg—and fear for him, too. | |
12 | 量子缠结是一种即使光子相隔很远也能快速连接的量子效应。 | Entanglement is a quantum effect that connects photons intimately , even when they are separated by a large distance. | |
13 | 没有哪一堵墙可以将美国的事件与南方的墨西哥隔绝开,毕竟美国自身的经济状况与拥有1.25亿人口的墨西哥邻国的福祉紧密相连。 | No wall can insulate America against events to its south, and Americans’ own well-being is intimately linked to the welfare of their around 125m Mexican neighbors. | |
14 | Kim选择追随梦想的原因与韩国政治的转变有着密切的联系。 | The reason why Kim chose to follow his dream is intimately linked to Korea’s political changes. | |
15 | 不论你多么确切的了解H2O(水的分子式)的化学特征,水分子它并不具备你所知道的漩涡的特征。 | No matter how intimately you know the chemical character of H2O, it does not prepare you for the character of a whirlpool. | |
16 | 不是怀疑与我妈妈亲密的人,不过我不确定她是否在说谎。 | Not to impugn anyone with whom my mother was intimately acquainted but I can’t be sure she was lying. | |
17 | 充分地去感受实现目标所带来的成就感和满意感。 | Become intimately acquainted with the feelings of accomplishment and the satisfaction of reaching your goal. | |
18 | 从17世纪中期至南北战争开始时,奴隶制和商业性农业密切相关。 | From the middle of the seventeenth century to the start of the Civil War, slavery and commercial agriculture were intimately associated. | |
19 | 达西知道这位杨吉太太跟韦翰极其相熟,于是他一到城里,便上她那儿去打听他的消息。 | This Mrs. Younge was, he knew, intimately acquainted with Wickham; and he went to her for intelligence of him as soon as he got to town. | |
20 | 但要行动奏效,军事行动必须与经济及政治进步密切配合。 | But to work, the military campaign has to be intimately bound up with economic and political progress. | |
21 | 当然,这两种标准关联密切。 | The two are, of course, intimately linked. | |
22 | 当我学到这些新闻从业要素后,第一次伊斯兰革命在伊朗爆发,我密切地卷入其中。 | While I learned these basics of journalism, the first Islamic revolution in the world raged in Iran, and I was intimately involved. | |
23 | 调查发现,年龄越大的夫妇互相交流的越少,而且所做的亲密行为也越少。 | The older the couples are, the less likely they are to communicate or act intimately , found the survey. | |
24 | 多巴胺是大脑中与好的感觉密切相关的神经递质。 | Dopamine is the neurotransmitter in our brain that is intimately involved with feeling good. | |
25 | 而众所周知,动脉粥样硬化进展与动脉中炎症有密切关系。 | It is well known that atherosclerosis progression is intimately linked with inflammation in the arteries. | |
26 | 国家电网与中国开发电动车的计划有着千丝万缕的联系。 | State Grid is intimately involved in China’s plans to develop electric vehicles. | |
27 | 华盛顿回忆了20多岁时一个见证,一件信仰如何与他职业生涯密切相联的事情。 | Washington recalls a story from when he was 20 years old that demonstrates how intimately he relates his faith with his career. | |
28 | 会计师事务所们认为长期稳定的关系能够帮助审计师对客户的业务有更深入的了解。 | Auditors say it helps to know their clients’ business intimately . | |
29 | 基尔南的论文(我找到了一份)提示了我们,在一开始,作者对神经症状是非常熟悉的。 | Kiernan’s paper (I tracked down a copy) hints, right at the start, that its author knew neurosis intimately . | |
30 | 几乎可以肯定,我们与居住在我们身上的细菌的相互联系超出我们的想象。 | We are, almost certainly, more intimately connected with the bacteria that inhabit us than we ever would have believed. |