属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-黑手党雄踞一方 地盘争夺战悄然打响
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-涉嫌种族清洗上将被免责 塞尔维亚人心有不甘
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 法国的抗议活动加剧 印尼海啸伤亡惨重 日本重
1 | 我们分析了安然公司员工的反馈,当时公司的工作环境具备侵略性和粗鲁的胁迫性的特点。 | Analyzing feedback from Enron employees and staff, it emerged that the company’s working environment was characterized by aggression and rude intimidation . | |
2 | 我相信,在外国的侵略和威吓面前,我们的人民不会怕,我们的子孙也不会怕。 | I believe that when faced with foreign aggression and intimidation , our people will not be frightened, nor will future generations. | |
3 | 嫌疑犯--被控犯有谋杀罪和“种族威胁罪”(宾夕法尼亚州用来表示攻击性犯罪的用语)----是个黑人。 | The suspect--charged with the murders and "ethnic intimidation "(Pennsylvania’s term for "hate crime")--is black | |
4 | 小动作体育比赛中或带有攻势的游戏中,用以取得比对手有利形势而采取的可疑手段,例如心理恐吓或使其不能集中精力 | The use in a sport or game of aggressive,often dubious tactics,such as psychological intimidation or disruption of concentration,to gain an advantage over one’s opponent. | |
5 | 一位领导人如果让人们知道他曾在恫吓面前屈服过,就只能招来更多的恫吓。 | A leader known to yield to intimidation invites it | |
6 | 以暴力、威胁方法,阻碍指挥人员或者值班、值勤人员执行职务的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 | Those who obstruct commanders or personnel on duty from performing their duties through violence or intimidation shall be sentenced to not more than five years in prison or criminal detention | |
7 | 因为性骚扰和恐吓都会构成非法歧视. | Because sexual harassment and intimidation constitute unlawful discrimination. | |
8 | 因为这种吓人战术,对敌人是毫无用处,对同志只有损害。 | Against the enemy this tactic of intimidation is utterly useless, and with our own comrades it can only do harm | |
9 | 用恫吓手段迫使人们就范 | Keep people in order by intimidation | |
10 | 在南斯拉夫战争达到高潮时,波黑塞族用火箭轰击了外国传媒基地--在波黑首都萨拉热窝的电视台一种用以恐吓的蓄意行动,这一行动导致人员的巨大伤亡。 | At the height of the Yugoslavian war, Bosnian Serbs rocketed the base for the foreign media the television station in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo--in a deliberate act of intimidation which caused many casualties | |
11 | 争论激烈地进行下去;恫吓显然是经过精心策划的。 | The argument raged on and on; the intimidation was obviously carefully planned | |
12 | 中国人民革命军事委员会和人民政府不愿意接受任何外国政府所给予的任何带威胁性的行动。 | They will tolerate no act of intimidation by any foreign government | |
13 | 主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。 | The Bishop’s letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history | |
14 | 昨日被裁定刑事恐吓罪成 | was yesterday found guilty of criminal intimidation | |
15 | ||1:前两项调查都在伦巴第展开,于2011年11月坐实了110名被告人的罪行。||2:书面判决书在6月公布,着实让人不安。||3:书中公布了逾70起发生在全国金融之都及周边地区的涉嫌恐吓犯罪行为,其中涉及枪支、弹药、甚至在一些案件中炸药的使用。||4:9月18日,一名75岁商人在米兰附近被一枪射中大腿,怀疑是黑手党伏击。 | ||1:The first two investigations, which targeted Lombardy, led in November 2011 to the conviction of 110 defendants.||2:The written judgment, published in June, is a profoundly unsettling document.||3:It refers to more than 70 instances of suspected intimidation in and around the country’s financial capital involving “firearms, ammunition and, in some cases, explosives”.||4:On September 18th, a 75-year old businessman was shot in the leg near Milan in what looked suspiciously like a mafia ambush. | |
16 | ||1:然而,恐惧是会传染的。||2:立法机构在全国范围内推动加强安全措施,就像多伦多这样的大城市做的那样。||3:原定于10月22日在渥太华举行的两国冰球联盟赛被取消了。||4:在魁北克,士兵们被提醒他们仍有可能是别人的目标,且不当值时最好不要穿制服。 | ||1:Yet intimidation seemed contagious.||2:Legislatures across the country boosted security, as did some large cities like Toronto.||3:An ice-hockey game scheduled for October 22nd in Ottawa between two National Hockey League teams was cancelled.||4:In the province of Quebec, soldiers were warned they could be targets and should avoid wearing their uniforms when off duty. | |
17 | ||1:塞尔维亚人对上将的释放恼怒不堪。||2:塞尔维亚首相达希科说,这样的判决“藐视塞尔维亚牺牲者,让他们的牺牲无足轻重”。||3:塞尔维亚人一直以来认为联合国特别法庭只是一个反塞尔维亚人的“袋鼠法庭”。||4:开明人士一直努力奋斗,劝说同胞事实并非如此。||5:对他们而言,判决结果不啻一场大灾难。||6:在11月19日,法院会处理对科索沃前首相哈拉迪纳吉和其他两人的上诉。||7:他们在2008年被宣布无罪,但法院表示,由于存在“严重恐吓目击证人”的情节,所以有上诉的机会。||8:没有塞尔维亚人认为他们现在会被宣判有罪。 | ||1:Serbs greeted the release of the generals with fury.||2:The decision “belittles the Serb victims and makes them worthless,” said Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s prime minister.||3:Serbs have always believed that the UN tribunal is just an anti-Serb kangaroo court.||4:Liberals have fought tooth and nail to persuade their compatriots otherwise.||5:For them the ruling is a catastrophe.||6:On November 29th the court will rule on the appeal of Ramush Haradinaj, a former prime minister of Kosovo, and two others.||7:They were acquitted in 2008 but an appeal was allowed—in part, said the court, because of “serious witness intimidation ”.||8:No Serbs expect them to be convicted now. | |
18 | 刚果民主共和国在本该举行选举的两年后举行了选举。投票因恐吓遭到破坏。在等待投票结果的过程中,互联网被关闭,选民因此无处抱怨。 | Elections were held in the Democratic Republic of Congo two years after they were supposed to have taken place. The vote was marred by intimidation . As results were awaited, the internet was turned off to make it harder for voters to complain. | |
19 | 最近在巴塞罗那的一个案例表明了语言的力量。五名男子轮奸了一名失去知觉的14岁女孩,他们仅仅被判为“sexual abuse 性虐待”,而不是更严重的“sexual assault 性侵犯”,因为从技术上讲,他们没有使用法律所述的暴力或恐吓。 | A recent case in Barcelona illustrates the power of language. Five men who gang-raped an unconscious 14-year-old girl were convicted of mere “sexual abuse”—not the graver “sexual assault”, because technically they had not used violence or intimidation , as required by the statute. | |
20 | “WTO成员都有这样的认识,中国政府当局不时的用威胁做为贸易手段”。 | There is a "perception among WTO members that Chinese government authorities at times use intimidation as a trade tool, " Punke said. | |
21 | “这是一种完全不能接受的骚扰和恐吓,”他说,“我们希望看到他们安然无恙地获释。” | "This is harassment and intimidation of a kind that is quite unacceptable, " he said. "We want to see them released unharmed. " | |
22 | Kyriakoudes,面临同样的骚扰及恐吓,跟Proctor相比,处境更糟糕。 | Kyriakoudes, who has faced a similar campaign of harassment and intimidation , is in a more vulnerable position than Proctor. | |
23 | 奥巴马总统用法外权力进行此类恐吓的次数更频繁,或许比任何总统都要多。 | President Obama has used this device of extra-legal presidential intimidation more frequently, probably, than any President. | |
24 | 暴力、恐吓、低到场人数以及传的沸沸扬扬的舞弊事件破坏了选举过程。 | The process was marred by violence, intimidation , a low turnout and widespread fraud. | |
25 | 彩虹之家的创立者罗兰·加德·麦考雷(RowlandJideMacaulay),作为一名尼日利亚同性恋牧师深知该国反同性恋氛围所带来的困境。 | The founder of House of Rainbow, Rowland Jide Macaulay, a gay Nigerian pastor, knows all about anti-gay intimidation . | |
26 | 沉默和意见调和成为了坏习惯。它们让我去回避自己的受到威吓的感受、以及全面要去讨好的需求。 | Silence and accommodation became bad habits that allowed me to avoid my own feelings of intimidation and my overarching need to please. | |
27 | 传统上,印度人讨债的惯用方式很简单:恫吓、威胁,还有暴力。 | Traditionally, the modus operandi for loan recoveries in India has been simple: intimidation , threats, and violence. | |
28 | 但在明年大选的筹备阶段,它们也要面对骚扰和恐吓。 | But, in the run-up to elections expected next year, they too are facing increasing harassment and intimidation . | |
29 | 低温胁迫对不同辣椒品种种子萌发的影响 | Intimidation of low temperature had the effect on the bourgeon of different chili | |
30 | 给当地媒体施压也是情报局经常做的事,通常通过行贿、哄骗或胁迫影响媒体。 | Influencing the local press has always been part of ISI operations, usually through bribes, blandishments or intimidation . |