属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-微生物组学 病毒防护
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交易 伟大开拓者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-昆虫学 有失蜂度
1 | 这消息引起了我们大家的兴趣。 | The news intrigued all of us | |
2 | 这张布告引起了许多同学的兴趣。 | The notice intrigued many students. | |
3 | ||1:加利福尼亚州的圣克拉拉大学的数学家乔治·默赫勒(George Mohler)认为,余震和犯罪有着相似之处。||2:在初始犯罪后,常会尾随一种"犯罪后效应"模式。||3:这种和地震的相似性激起了他的兴趣,于是他想,如果地震学家应用的预测余震的数学公式应用到犯罪后效应中,又会如何呢。 | ||1:George Mohler, a mathematician at Santa Clara University, in California, thinks something similar is true of crimes.||2:There is often a pattern of "aftercrimes" in the wake of an initial one.||3:The similarity with earthquakes intrigued him and he wondered if the mathematical formulas that seismologists employ to predict aftershocks were applicable to aftercrimes, too. | |
4 | 1:来自圣地亚哥分学的Barr及其同事,对叫噬菌体的一类病毒产生了浓厚的兴趣,它广泛存在于软组织膜分泌的粘液中,不管是海葵的外表面、鱼表面还是人类的口腔,他们将这一发现发表在《美国科学院院刊》上。 | ||1:Jeremy Barr of San Diego State University and his colleagues, who have just published their results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, were intrigued by the high concentrations of viruses called bacteriophages in the mucus secreted by soft-tissue membranes ranging from the outer layers of sea anemones via the skins of fish to the mouths of people.|| | |
5 | ||1:思维活跃的贝克尔紧接着专注于犯罪领域。||2:在比较了停车罚单的收益和成本并决定冒险违章停车后,这个问题引起了他的兴趣。||3:按照当时流行的观点,犯罪只是简单的越轨行为,贝克尔对此表示怀疑。||4:他认为,至少部分犯罪是源自权衡成本和收益后的理性考量。||5:道德准则可能会约束某些人不要去违法乱纪,但若犯罪活动回报颇高,或潜在处罚轻微时,其他人还是会将诸般疑虑抛诸脑后的。||6:他认为这种方式也适用于衡量各种不同的犯罪,从违章停车到企业诈骗。 | ||1:Mr Becker’s restless mind then focused on crime.||2:He became intrigued after weighing the odds and cost of getting a parking ticket, and deciding to risk it.||3:He looked sceptically on the view, common at the time, that crime was simply deviant behaviour—a form of mental illness.||4:At least some of it, he reckoned, sprang from a rational consideration of perceived costs and benefits.||5:Moral norms might inhibit some individuals from breaking the law, but others would overcome their qualms when the return to criminal activity was high, or the likely punishment mild.||6:Such calculations would apply, he argued, across a wide variety of crimes, from parking scofflaws to corporate fraudsters. | |
6 | 熊蜂抢劫花蜜的行为到底是先天性还是后天性,自达尔文起,生物学家们一直对此感到困惑。 | The question about nectar robbery that has intrigued biologists from Darwin onwards is whether the behaviour is innate or learnt. | |
7 | 这种和地震的相似性激起了他的兴趣,于是他想,如果地震学家应用的预测余震的数学公式应用到犯罪后效应中,又会如何呢? | The similarity with earthquakes intrigued him and he wondered if the mathematical formulas that seismologists employ to predict aftershocks were applicable to aftercrimes, too. | |
8 | Masliah博士对A-β蛋白能够和脑细胞以同样的机理杀死细菌的想法很感兴趣。 | Dr. Masliah is intrigued by the idea that aggregates of A-beta may be killing bacteria and brain cells by the same mechanism. | |
9 | Summize吸引我们的地方在于,它可以实时分析大量数据,我们希望弄清楚它的价值所在。 | We were intrigued by the fact that it could analyse a large volume of data in real time and we wondered what to point it at. | |
10 | 阿兰的野心不在政治,而在一个困扰了数学家们150年的重要的数字问题。 | Arran’s ambitions lie elsewhere with a prime number problem that has intrigued and frustrated mathematicians for 150 years. | |
11 | 埃里克对哥哥大脑的内部“工作机制”十分好奇。 | Eric Williams is intrigued about the inner workings of his brother’s mind. | |
12 | 埃森哲的希金斯对于手机和MP3播放器可能发挥的作用很感兴趣。 | Mr Higgins of Accenture is intrigued by the possibilities of the mobile phone and the MP3 player. | |
13 | 伴随着你在学校里你不得不写的那些台词、论文,你完全享受的研究或者一直让你着迷的兴趣爱好。 | And along those lines, papers you had to write in school that you thoroughly enjoyed researching or hobbies that always intrigued you. | |
14 | 被小袋鼠独一无二的消化系统所吸引的科学家们用基因检测的手段去寻找什么类型的细菌生活在小袋鼠的肠道内。 | Intrigued by wallabies’ unique digestion, scientists used genetic testing to find out what kinds of bacteria were living in wallabies’ guts. | |
15 | 被这个活动所吸引,我们发掘了志愿者假期活动的第一手资料。 | Intrigued by this interest, we sought a firsthand account of just what a volunteer vacation is like. | |
16 | 不过她也对大写的地址和犀牛邮票感到好奇,因为上面几乎没有加盖邮戳。 | But she was also intrigued by the rhino stamp, barely a kiss of a postmark, and her address in caps. | |
17 | 不过令我大感兴趣的角色却是电报员。 | But the characters who really intrigued me were the telegraph operators. | |
18 | 除了那矮小的桌子和椅子的布置之外,最能让我对那里产生兴趣的就是陕西米酒。 | What most intrigued me about this spot, other than the decor of all low kiddie-sized tables and chairs, was the Shaanxi rice wine. | |
19 | 丹尼尔尔博从莱克星顿来参加这个节日,他对这个亲吻科学主题非常感兴趣。 | Daniel Erb came to the festival from Lexington and was intrigued by the subject of the science of kissing. | |
20 | 但韩德先生感觉到,他的老母亲听得很用心,而且产生了兴趣。 | But Mr Hande sensed the farmer’s elderly mother, who had listened attentively, was intrigued . | |
21 | 但是还有一些其他的事件让精神健康学的专家感到好奇。 | But there were others that intrigued mental health experts. | |
22 | 但是迫不及待的新兴公司对风险有不同的看法,而被网际空间购物的前景所吸引的消费者可能也是如此看待。 | But an eager start-up looks at risk differently, and so might consumers intrigued by the prospect of shopping in cyberspace. | |
23 | 但是他们对Facebook的交流潜能深感兴趣,目前这些人已占据该网站达41%的访问量。 | But they’re intrigued enough with the communications potential ofFacebook that they now make up 41% of the site’s visitors. | |
24 | 当人力资源部的一个人告诉她关于斯坦福大学论坛版项目提供的一个研讨会,朱丽感到好奇的。 | Julie was intrigued when someone in HR told her about a workshop offered at Stanford by the Op-Ed Project. | |
25 | 当我第一次阅读这篇文章时,我非常感兴趣。 | When I first read the article, I was both concerned and intrigued . | |
26 | 而这并非是胡言乱语,它看起来是真实的、符合逻辑的,我对此充满好奇。 | It wasn’t a glossy load of crap; it seemed genuine and logical. I was very intrigued . | |
27 | 废品经销商戴威尔费雷拉,买下了这个放射源,他这个东西在黑暗中发出的蓝色光亮非常好奇。 | Scrap dealer Devair Ferreira, who bought the source, was intrigued by the blue glow it emitted in the dark. | |
28 | 她开始玩对外孙女玩的计算机游戏有了好奇心,于是决定试试。 | She became intrigued by the computer games her granddaughter was playing and decided to try playing some herself. | |
29 | 尽管如此,一些央行官员对“价格水平目标”的说法颇感兴趣,特别是加拿大银行行长马克•卡尼。 | Nonetheless, some central bankers were intrigued by the idea of price-level targeting. | |
30 | 就在这时她参与了新的研究,该研究启示有些重要特点或许是在子宫里在怀孕期间传递的。 | But then she became intrigued with new research suggesting that some important traits might be passed down in the womb, during gestation. |