属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会地位与健康 贫困指数
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-细菌和行为学 肠道反应
1 | 这款充满运动感的概念车与LEXUS雷克萨斯GS在很多基础机械工艺方面采用了相同的设计,更增加了很多吸引人的功能 | This sporty crossover concept vehicle shares much of its basic mechanics with the Lexus GS but adds some intriguing features | |
2 | 这是一个关于干旱与太阳黑子活动周期有关的令人感到有趣的理论。 | This is an intriguing theory that droughts tie in with the sunspot. | |
3 | 这说不上这故事情节有多大吸引力。 | I can not say the plot of the story is so very intriguing . | |
4 | 最引人入胜的是海底漫步,你可以戴着潜水用的氧气头盔漫步在洋底,徜徉在珊瑚和成群的条纹鱼中间。 | Most intriguing is underwater walking, in which, wearing an oxygen helmet, you meander along the ocean bed among coral and shoals of stripped fish | |
5 | 最引人兴趣的消息 | a most intriguing piece of news | |
6 | ||1:从一个国家到另一个国家,书中还给出了一些有趣的国家组合。||2:拿印度和中国对比已经不新鲜了,于是沙尔曼发现了印度和巴西的文化相似性,比如他们都“饭点很迟”、“个性十足”还很“随意不拘束”。||3:他希望菲律宾能够避开墨西哥式的“大亨经济”——在国内市场庇护下,大企业家主宰却不利国家整体经济发展的经济模式。||4:凯末尔曾强加给穆斯林教徒政教分离政策,作者将其与东欧那昙花一现的共产主义类比。||5:他认为在温和派领导人埃尔多安的领导下,土耳其已成为了一个自由的国度,其流行文化横扫中东,可与风靡亚洲的“韩流”相媲美。 | ||1: As it jumps from one country to the next, the book throws up some intriguing juxtapositions. ||2: Dissatisfied with the obvious parallels between India and China, Mr Sharma sees a cultural kinship between India and Brazil, countries united in their “late dining habits”, “colourful personalities” and “casual informality”. ||3: He hopes that the Philippines will escape Mexico’s fate as a “tycoon economy” dominated by fat cats in sheltered domestic markets. ||4: He likens Kemal Ataturk’s imposition of secularism on Turkey’s Muslim population to the imposition of communism on eastern Europe. ||5: Under the moderately Islamic leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he argues, Turkey is now free to be itself. Its pop culture is rolling across the Middle East like the “Korean wave” sweeping Asia. | |
7 | ||1:乍一看,这样的结果意味着真正让人感到愤恨的不是自己的钱被拿走,而是拿走钱的人在拿走钱后财产比受害者多。||2:显然这个结论需要更多的调查加以证明,比如假如从一开始甲的钱就比乙多,结果会如何。||3:有意思的是,就是这么不起眼的几十美分也能激发人的报复心理。||4:从这一点看来,等待着那些拿着超高薪待遇的银行家们的命运颇为险恶。 | ||1:On the face of things, this result suggests that what really gets people’s goat is not so much having money taken, but having it taken in a way that makes the taker better off than the victim.||2:That will clearly bear further investigation, for example by looking at the case where the first player begins the game better off than the second.||3:It is intriguing , though, that even such trivial sums of money can provoke thoughts of revenge.||4:In light of this, the fate awaiting those astronomically paid bankers could be a particularly nasty one. | |
8 | ||1:最后,研究小组用基因表达调查造成这些不同的机理原因。||2:与之前工作结果一致,他们发现地位高和地位低的个体,对被称为糖皮质激素的一组基因,表现出的反应级别不一样。糖皮质激素控制免疫系统活动和对压力的反应。||3:同时他们发现,在动物免疫系统自身,混合细胞有发生改变。||4:但是最为新奇的是,他们头一次发现了后天改变在起作用的证据。 | ||1: Finally, the team investigated the mechanisms behind these differences in gene expression. ||2: In keeping with previous work, they found that high- and low-rank individuals showed different levels of responsiveness to a class of hormones called glucocorticoids, which regulate immune-system activity and response to stress. ||3: They also found changes in the mix of cells within the animals’ immune system itself. ||4: But what is new, and intriguing , is that they discovered, for the first time, evidence that a phenomenon called epigenetic change is at work. | |
9 | ||1:作为伦敦玛丽女王大学文艺复兴研究的教授,布洛顿先生通过12幅地图的讲述对绘图的复杂性进行了考察。||2:这些地图跨度巨大,分属于不同时期、不同地区,既有托勒密艰苦劳作的产物,也有谷歌地球,还有一些更鲜为人知的伊斯兰作品和东亚作品。||3:尽管它们之间各不相同,但也有一些有趣的相似之处,主要是由于这些地图反映了制图者在制图时所考虑的优先次序的方式。 | ||1:Mr Brotton, a professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary University of London, examines the complexity of mapmaking through the stories of 12 maps, which stretch across space and over time.||2:The examples are impressively varied, from Ptolemy’s toils to Google Earth, and include some lesser-known Islamic and East Asian works.||3:Despite their differences, these maps enjoy some intriguing similarities, largely for the way they illustrate the priorities of their authors. | |
10 | 最引人注目的是,当布拉沃博士(Dr Bravo)切断这些动物的迷走神经---传输肠道和大脑之间的信号---两组小鼠间的差异突然消失了。 | Most intriguing of all, when Dr Bravo cut the animals’ vagus nerves-which transmit signals between the gut and the brain-the differences between the groups vanished. | |
11 | “这很引人入胜,”他说,“但这还不是一种理论,仅仅是一种想法。” | "It’s intriguing , " he says. "But it’s not really a theory yet, more just an idea. " | |
12 | 20世纪的历史给列宁和卢森堡的不同观点都各自提供了有力支持。 | 20th century history provides intriguing support for both Lenin’s and Luxemburg’s position. | |
13 | NGC7771组星系在这幅迷人的天空风景中占重要位置。 | Galaxies of the NGC 7771 group are featured in this intriguing skyscape. | |
14 | Randall的新书——《敲响天堂之门》使用了让人更进一步感兴趣的案例。 | Randall’s new book, Knocking on Heaven’s Door, takes the case one intriguing step further. | |
15 | R以一种有趣的开端引出了这一重要话题。 | Rubinstein gives an intriguing opening to this important topic. | |
16 | 芭芭拉德里克森博士的一些有趣研究提示我们为什么他的积极态度是那么重要。 | Some intriguing research by Dr. Barbara Fredrickson reminds us why his good attitude mattered so much. | |
17 | 成人大脑中能融入新神经细胞这一发现引发了有趣的可能性。 | The discovery that new neurons can integrate into the adult brain raises intriguing possibilities. | |
18 | 除此以外,如果顺带着赋予1936年退位危机的新视角,这部电影也是很有趣的。 | As well as this, the movie is an intriguing , if slightly loaded new perspective on the abdication crisis of 1936. | |
19 | 除了极其稀少的书面记录,更多留给我们的是曾经有着鼎盛文化的城市废墟和一些神秘的线索。 | They left few written records, just the ruins of their city and intriguing clues about a once powerful culture. | |
20 | 从生理学上讲,运动能够对人的体重产生什么样的影响,这是一个饶有兴趣却又令人苦恼的话题。 | How exercise affects body weight is one of the more intriguing and vexing issues in physiology. | |
21 | 戴的创业故事中最令人不可思议之处恐怕要算他在生意操作上的敢于冒险。 | Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Mr Dai’s story is the jeopardy of his own business. | |
22 | 但是,发现客户如何评价我所做的工作却是相当有趣的。 | But it was always intriguing to see how the client perceived what I had done. | |
23 | 但是撇开这些争议,冥王星始终是一颗迷人的行星,无论是天文学家还是公众都迫不及待想要一窥其究竟。 | But regardless of the controversy, Pluto remains an intriguing object that astronomers and the public alike can’t wait to learn more about. | |
24 | 但是同样有趣的是只有如此少的不同种类的RNA病毒出现了:只有博尔纳病毒和丝状病毒。 | But equally intriguing was how few different families of RNA viruses turned up: just Bornaviruses and Filoviruses. | |
25 | 当你看完手册以后,可在互联网上追踪到同样有趣的《PASIV设备技术手册》。 | After you’ve gone through the manual, follow the trail to the similarly intriguing PASIV Device Technical Manual on the internet. | |
26 | 而现在,它真的是很有趣,很令人费解,但它并不完全符合萨冈准则。 | And right now it’s very intriguing , very puzzling, but it doesn’t quite match up to the Sagan criterion. | |
27 | 而这种可能性引起了人们极大的兴趣。 | That’s an intriguing possibility. | |
28 | 而最让人感兴趣的则是他将分配多少任务给那些一直在朝鲜半岛跑腿的人。 | What is intriguing is how many assignments are being given to those who have worked on the Korean peninsula. | |
29 | 格雷斯大型私人喷气机照片不过是他拍摄的飞机代表作品中一个子集,却是迄今为止最迷人的图集。 | Gleis’ photographs of large private jets are only one subset of his titanium portfolio, but they are by far the most intriguing . | |
30 | 跟我们预想的不一样,但我们的研究结果确实表明可能有一些有趣的机理在起作用。 | We were expecting to find different results, but the results we did find suggest that there could be some intriguing mechanisms at work. |