属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ISA RP 12.6-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 66028/A1-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI X3.23-1985(ANSI X3.23-1985的补充件)
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI X3.23a-1989
1 | 然而,在早年的纯朴时期,哪怕对公众利益来说,比起海丝特和她孩子的安置问题还要次要的事情,都要由立法者审议并由政府立法,岂不妙哉。 | At that epoch of pristine simplicity, however, matters of even slighter public interest, and of far less intrinsic weight, than the welfare of Hester and her child, were strangely mixed up with the deliberations of legislators and acts of state. | |
2 | 然后他又捧了捧宝石,其中有许多是当时最有名的匠人镶嵌的,且不说其内在的价值,单是那种艺术化的嵌工就已非常名贵了。 | And he measured ten double handfuls of pearls, diamonds, and other gems, many of which, mounted by the most famous workmen, were valuable beyond their intrinsic worth | |
3 | 然后淤泥接触空气促进这种由自身生物补救过程产生的含较少量氯残基的化合物完全降解。 | Then the muds are aerated to promote the complete degradation of the less chlorinated residues produced by this intrinsic bioremediation process. | |
4 | 人自身的价值 | A man’s intrinsic worth | |
5 | 生命专利权的争论是人类将要面临的最重要的问题之一。生命专利权问题触及到人类关于生命本质的一些核心观念,以及生命有其固有价值,还是只有使用价值的问题。 | The debate over life patents is one of the most important issues yet to face humans. Life patents strike at the core of our beliefs about the very nature of life and whether it is to be conceived of as having intrinsic , or mere utility value. | |
6 | 食品的成分是一个至关重要的内在因素,它影响食品变质的过程。 | Food composition is a critical intrinsic factor that influences the spoilage process. | |
7 | 手征性分子中固有的手征性场 | Intrinsic Chiral Fields of Chiral Molecules | |
8 | 四象三圈:中国古代美的基本形态和内部结构 | The Four Images and Three Circles: Basic Morphology and Intrinsic Structure of Ancient Chinese Aesthetics | |
9 | 所以这些粒子的自旋是一种内禀性质。 | Therefore, the spin of these particles is an intrinsic property | |
10 | 它丝毫无损于内在价值。 | It will detract nothing from the intrinsic value | |
11 | 特性粘度; 固有粘度 | limiting inherent [intrinsic ] viscosity | |
12 | 特性粘数是在苯中于25℃测定的。 | The intrinsic viscosities reported were determined in benzene at 25 | |
13 | 完美的设计源自内外兼修的高品质,别克 LaCROSSE 君越的内饰设计同样值得细细品味。 | A perfect design considers both extrinsic and intrinsic values-that′s what you will see and love in Buick LaCROSSE. | |
14 | 危险场所的布线实施规程.工具.第I部分:内部安全 | Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified)Locations-Instrumentation-Part I: Intrinsic Safety | |
15 | 胃抗恶性贫血因子,胃内因子 | gastric anti-pernicious anemia factor ,gastric intrinsic factor | |
16 | 吻合神经血管的(足母)趾短伸肌移植重建手内肌功能的解剖学研究 | Applied Anatomy of Extensor Digitorum (Hallucis)Brevis Transplantation for Reconstruction of Intrinsic Hand Function after Brachial Plexus Injury | |
17 | 我们很想去掉任何可能的假象以测定催化剂固有选择性的可能。 | We would like to measure the intrinsic selectivity behavior of a catalyst independent of any potential disguises | |
18 | 我们倾向采现金交易,除非我们所换得的内含价值跟我们付出的一样多,否则不考虑发行股份。 | We prefer to buy for cash, but will consider issuing stock when we receive as much in intrinsic business value as we give. | |
19 | 我批评时就会抛开那些不是模仿的艺术作品,即具有自身色彩美和形式美的作品 | And I should cast out of the pale of criticism those parts of works of art which are not imitative, that is to say, intrinsic beauties of color and form | |
20 | 系统方法论与决策研究范式内在关系研究 | Study on the Intrinsic Relations between System Methodology and Decision Paradigm | |
21 | 相反地只要能够预期这家公司的价值能够稳定地增加,我们愿意无限期地持有这些股份 | Indeed, we are willing to hold a stock indefinitely so long as we expect the business to increase in intrinsic value at a satisfactory rate. | |
22 | 信息处理.程序设计语言.COBOL.修改1:本征函数模件 | Information processing-Programming language COBOL-Intrinsic function module | |
23 | 信息系统.程序设计语言.COBOL的内在功能模块 | Information Systems-Programming Language-Intrinsic Function Module for COBOL; Supplement X3.23A-1989 | |
24 | 信息系统.程序语言.COBOL的内在功能模块 | Information systems-Programming language-Intrinsic function module for COBOL | |
25 | 许多经济伦理教科书忽略了生命的尊严及其真正的价值,或把它当成理所当然的。 | Many business ethics textbooks overlook or take for granted the dignity and intrinsic value of a human life. | |
26 | 液泡膜内在蛋白,液泡形成体内在蛋白 | tonoplast intrinsic protein(TIP) | |
27 | 一家成功的公司是否很快地就被发现并不是重点,重要的是只要这家公司的内在价值能够以稳定地速度成长才是关键 | The speed at which a business’s success is recognized, furthermore, is not that important as long as the company’s intrinsic value is increasing at a satisfactory rate. | |
28 | 艺术作品的内在美 | The beauty intrinsic to [in] a work of art | |
29 | 用分子结构固有频率估算链烷烃的蒸气压 | Estimating Vapor Pressure of Hydrocarbons by Molecular Structure Intrinsic Frequencies | |
30 | 由于经常受到指责,她几乎相信自己是个坏孩子,有着劣等的本性。 | From constant telling, she came almost to believe in her own badness, her own intrinsic inferiority |