1 | 入侵已经开始。 | The invasion has begun. | |
2 | 撒克逊人第一次侵略英国发生在5世纪末。 | The first Saxon invasion of Britain took place before the end of the fifth century. | |
3 | 哨塔:帮助你抵御入侵。 | Watch Tower: Make your pirates feel safe from invasion . | |
4 | 赦免所有抵制侵略的人们 | Pardon was freely extended to all who had resisted the invasion | |
5 | 胜利太美了,同时有其必要,可以也不很真实--像一部动作冒险片,与一般电影一样,也分成三个部分,每个部分各有明确的转折:(1)伊拉克发动入侵,联军建立兵力 | It was splendid and necessary but also unreal-an action-adventure that, like most movies, was divided into three chapters, with decisive turning points: 1)the Iraqi invasion and the buildup of coalition forces | |
6 | 食管癌通常通过局部浸透和淋巴扩散而扩展。 | carcinoma of the oesophagus usually extends by local invasion and lymphatic spread | |
7 | 他愤怒地批驳日本全盘否定侵华战争,美化侵华战争;修改历史教科书,把侵略中国,改为“进入”和“解放满洲”。 | He indignantly refuted Japan’s acts to completely denial of invading China in WWII, beautifying the invasion in China and changing invasion in China into "entering" and "liberating Asia". | |
8 | 他给他们出主意怎样阻止侵略者入侵。 | He advised them how to stop the invasion . | |
9 | 他们决定抵抗入侵。 | They are determined to resist invasion | |
10 | 他怕的是敌人有组织地从海上大举进攻。 | His fear was powerful organized invasion from the sea | |
11 | 他在早期战争中,曾在达卡尔海岸逐退英国及自由法国部队之入侵。 | He had early in the war driven off from the shores of dakar an attempted invasion by British and Free French forces | |
12 | 天生免疫并不赋予身体永久的抵抗力或免疫力。后天免疫以B细胞和T细胞对于抗原的辨识为基础,在天生机制不足以遏止抗体进一步入侵时活跃起来。 | Innate immunity does not confer lasting resistance, or immunity, to the body. Acquired immunity is based on the recognition of antigen by B cells and T cells and is activated when innate mechanisms are insufficient to stem further invasion by pathogens. | |
13 | 外国电子制造商广泛侵入当地市场。 | Invasion of local markets by foreign electronics manufacturers has been extensive. | |
14 | 为避免邻国入侵,这个国家正通过外交途径寻求帮助。 | To avoid a possible invasion by its neighbor, the country is seeking help through diplomatic channels. | |
15 | 为夺取海滩时充作炮台,他们还建造了两个与多佛码头一般大小的巨大的水泥预制码头。 | Two huge prefabricated harbors, each as large as dover Harbor, were built for emplacement on the invasion beaches | |
16 | 我们不支持伊拉克入侵科威特。 | We did not support the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. | |
17 | 我们决心将胆敢入侵之敌消灭掉。 | We are determined to wipe out any enemy who dares invasion . | |
18 | 我们要防范敌人的入侵。 | We should be on guard against the enemy’s invasion . | |
19 | 我们在海上遭到惨重损失,尤其后来当我们计划进攻英国时,驱逐舰奇缺。 | We took heavy losses at sea, especially of destroyers that we sorely missed when the invasion of England was later planned | |
20 | 我再说一次,越南入侵柬埔寨问题是中苏关系的主要障碍。 | I will say it once again, the Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea constitutes the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations. | |
21 | 无论需要多长时间去击败这次预谋的侵略,美国人民正义在手,有力量夺取彻底的胜利。 | No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion , the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory | |
22 | 武装力量的任务是巩固国防,抵抗侵略,保卫祖国,保卫人民的和平劳动,参加国家建设事业,努力为人民服务。 | The tasks of the armed forces are to consolidate national defense, resist invasion , defend the country, safeguard the people in their peaceful work and life, take part in the country’s economic construction and strive to serves the people. | |
23 | 希特勒的侵俄计划,不久就给我们的空中任务带来了极其需要的喘息机会。 | Hitler’s plan for the invasion of Russia soon brought us much-needed respite in the air | |
24 | 一八四○年以后,由于西方列强的入侵,中国逐渐成为半殖民地半封建社会,中国人民受到帝国主义、封建主义的双重压迫 | After 1840, the invasion by Western imperialist powers reduced China to the status of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and subjected the Chinese people to twofold repression by imperialism and feudalism. | |
25 | 一些法国人相信,美国对法国的任何文化侵略都不会成功。 | Some French people believed that any American cultural invasion of their nation would not be successful. | |
26 | 以后永远不用再象1968年入侵捷克时所不得不做的那样:征用城市公共汽车去运送部队。 | Never again would 8 city buses have to be commandeered to move troops, as was necessary during the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia | |
27 | 隐私(权)的侵犯 | (an)invasion of privacy | |
28 | 英国外交部31日宣布,英国将派遣一艘护卫舰、一艘补给舰和军事训练人员参加以美国为首的入侵海地的多国部队。 | British Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 31st that the UK would send a frigate, a supply ship and military training personnel to join the multi-national force led by the US for the invasion of Haiti | |
29 | 由于经济疲软,同时在伊拉克八月入侵科威特引发了战争的威胁,因而汽油及取暖燃油涨价以后,消费者乃减少开支。 | Consumers cut spending as the economy weakened and after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on Aug.2raised the specter of war,inflating prices of gasoline and heating oil. | |
30 | 有史以来,由于原油泄漏而造成对海岸的最大一次的灾难,是在肯特郡海岸触礁的油轮泄出了1700吨原油:该次事故死亡鸟类数以千计,而且两年后这一带海岸仍留有摧残痕迹,寸草不长。 | The biggest oil invasion ever to ruin a coast was 1700 tons from a tanker wrecked off the Kent shore: thousands of birds died and some of the coast still showed signs of the blight two years later |