1 | 有史以来,由于原油泄漏而造成对海岸的最大一次的灾难,是在肯特郡海岸触礁的油轮泄出了1700吨原油:该次事故死亡鸟类数以千计,而且两年后这一带海岸仍留有摧残痕迹,寸草不长。 | The biggest oil invasion ever to ruin a coast was 1700 tons from a tanker wrecked off the Kent shore: thousands of birds died and some of the coast still showed signs of the blight two years later | |
2 | 岳飞热爱祖国,英勇抗敌的精神,又使杭州这座名城更添光彩。 | On the other hand, the patriotism and heroic spirit of Yue Fei shown in defending his country against foreign invasion have in their turn added a splendid lustre to this scenic city | |
3 | 在美军入侵之前,她靠做翻译赚的钱是现在的两倍。 | Before the US-led invasion her translation job earned double that amount | |
4 | 在文艺复兴时期,欧洲的城市地区曾有意识地进行规画,以满足交通需求,为了抵抗入侵还修筑防御设施。 | During the Renaissance, European city areas were consciously planned to achieve circulation of the populace and provide fortification against invasion . | |
5 | 在以色列入侵及伊朗战争(1979)的时代背景下,于1982年成立于黎巴嫩南部。宗旨是将以色列逐出黎巴嫩,并在黎巴嫩推动伊朗式的什叶派(Shiite)回教共和政体。 | Founded in southern Lebanon in 1982 as a response to Israel’s invasion there, its original goals were to drive Israeli troops out of Lebanon and form a Shi’ite Islamic republic similar to that created by the Iranian revolution of 1979. | |
6 | 在这里,临海古长城依然巍然屹立,在明朝,这座渗透着戚继光智慧与勇敢的古长城阻挡了倭寇的入侵,戚将军的英雄气概也产生深远影响。 | Here ,in Linhai, you can find the magnificent city walls built by the fearless and wise General Qi Jiguang in Ming Dynasty to defense against the invasion of Japanese pirates. | |
7 | 这国家无法抵御侵略。 | The nation was unable to resist the invasion . | |
8 | 这毫无疑问是干预了私事,尽管发信人没有在他的名字后面加上一个“小”字。 | It was a definite invasion of privacy even if the sender had failed to put "Jr" after the name | |
9 | 征服者威廉策划入侵英国,就像是筹办一宗冒险的买卖。 | William the Conqueror’s invasion of England was planned like a business enterprise | |
10 | 自苏军入侵以来,马索德已经对五千多圣战者进行了游击战和如何使用武器的训练。 | Since the invasion , Massoud has schooled more than 5,000 Mujeheddin in guerrilla warfare and weaponry |