1 | (二)依照中华人民共和国法律设立的企业法人的民用航空器;企业法人的注册资本中有外商出资的,其机构设置、人员组成和中方投资人的出资比例,应当符合行政法规的规定; | (2)The civil aircraft of a corporate enterprise set up in accordance with the law of the PRC ; if such corporate enterprise has foreign investment in its registered capital, its organizational structure and composition of personnel, and the proportion of contribution of Chinese investor shall conform to the provisions of administrative rules and regulations; and | |
2 | (四)出资人基本情况,包括出资人名称、法定代表人、注册地址、营业执照复印件、经营情况等。 | (d)basic information of each investor of the auto financing company, including name, legal representative, location of incorporation, a photocopy of the business license and a summary of business performance, etc | |
3 | (一)外国投资者的姓名或者名称、住所、注册地和法定代表人姓名、国籍、职务 | (1)the name or designation, the residence and the place of registration of the foreign investor , and die name, nationality, and position of the legal representative; | |
4 | VX3D CAD软件的升级使得PMP具备了制件造型和SLA原型设计的能力。公司将大部分投资用于人员标准化建设,这是基于这样的认识,即高品质的服务来自训练有素和积极主动的员工。 | The upgrade of the VX 3D CAD software enables PMP to offer component modelling and SLA prototyping. The company has invoked many of the Investor in People standards, recognizing that high quality service comes from well trained and motivated personnel. | |
5 | 按投资方预定金额的1%给予奖励。 | Be rewarded 1% of the earnest money advanced by the investor . | |
6 | 保护投资者使其免上诈欺性证券交易商当的州法。 | Us state laws to protect investor against fraudulent trader in securities. | |
7 | 保险标的的投资全部来自中国(包括在中国的外商投资企业的再投资),且投资者的投资额占总投资额的15%以上。 | The investment on the subject-matter insured were all from China (including the reinvestment from the foreign-invested enterprises in China)and the sum of investment of the investor accounted for over 15 percent of the total investment | |
8 | 被投资者的净亏损也按持股比例作为投资额的减少。 | A proportionate share of a net loss reported by the investor is recognized as a decrease in the investment. | |
9 | 本法所称国有独资公司是指国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门单独投资设立的有限责任公司。 | """A wholly state-owned company"" in this Law refers to a limited liability company in which a state-authorised investment institution or a state-authorised department is the sole investor and which is established solely by a state-authorised investment institution or by a state-authorised department." | |
10 | 出资人基本情况,包括出资人名称、法定代表人、注册地址、营业执照复印件、经营情况等。 | Basic information of each investor of the auto financing company, including name, legal representative, location of incorporation, a photocopy of the business license and a summary of business performance, etc. | |
11 | 出资人最近3年经法定机构审计的资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表。 | The investor ’s balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement for the latest three years audited by qualified auditing firms | |
12 | 出资设立汽车金融公司,出资人应具备下列条件 | An investor of an auto financing company shall satisfy following requirements | |
13 | 除非储蓄和投资以实物进行,否则必须有金融媒介把储蓄者和投资者联系起来。 | Unless saving and investment are done in kind, a financial intermediary must link saver and investor | |
14 | 除了日本以外,其他亚洲国家都拼命严守正统的金融系统,却无法树立政治可信度以博回投资者的信心。 | The non-Japan Asian countries try desperately to adhere to financial orthodoxy and at the same time fail to generate the political credibility that will bring back investor confidence. | |
15 | 大胆的投资者。 | A venturesome investor . | |
16 | 单一投资主体的,可以依照本法改建为国有独资的有限责任公司;多个投资主体的,可以改建为前条第一款规定的有限责任公司。 | may be reorganized as a wholly state-owned limited liability company in the case of an investment entity with a single investor , or as a limited liability company as provided in the first paragraph of the preceding Article in the case of an investment entity with many investors. | |
17 | 但早期投资者获利较少,甚至亏损者多 | But early investor make a profit less, even more person who suffer the loss | |
18 | 当被投资者获得净收益时,其股东权益增加。 | As the investor earns net income, the stockholders’ equity in the company increases. | |
19 | 当被投资者支付股利时,其股东权益减少。 | When the investor pays dividends, the stockholders’ equity in the company is reduced. | |
20 | 当道琼工业指数大跌130点时,投资者陷入恐慌。 | The investor panic when dow-jones industrial average plunge130points on Monday. | |
21 | 调整得适合投资者需求的有价证券 | A portfolio that is tempered to the investor ’s needs. | |
22 | 对于这种爱做梦的投资人来说,任何路边的野花,都会比邻家的女孩来的具吸引力,不管后者是如何贤慧。 | For such investor -dreamers, any blind date is preferable to one with the girl next door, no matter how desirable she may be. | |
23 | 而外国投资者所面临的壁垒和政策障碍则更多一些。 | While, foreign investor face more barriers and difficulty than their counterparts. | |
24 | 而直接投资是指投资者,其投资数额大到足以影响公司的计划和管理,在其事务中起到积极的作用。 | a direct investment, on the other hand, is where the investor makes a substantial enough investment that it is able to influence the management of the company and plans to play an active role in its affairs. | |
25 | 反向投资者做出与大众的智识相反决定的投资者,如购买当时不被看好的证券 | An investor who makes decisions that contradict prevailing wisdom, as in buying securities that are unpopular at the time. | |
26 | 泛泛地说,公司治理这个词语指的是公司的投资者/股东、董事和管理层之间的关系。 | Broadly speaking, the term corporate governance refers to the relationship between the investor /owners, directors and management of corporations. | |
27 | 非金融机构,其最近一年的总资产不低于40亿元人民币或等值的自由兑换货币 | If the investor is a non-financial entity, its total assets of the previous year shall be no less than RMB4 billion yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies | |
28 | 各军工集团公司负责本集团内军品科研生产任务的组织和管理工作,同时作为国家授权的投资机构,对所属企业的国有资产行使出资人权利。 | Each is responsible for the organization and administration of its R&D and manufacture, and exercising the rights of an investor authorized by the state over state-owned assets in its subordinate enterprises | |
29 | 根据财星杂志在1988年出版的投资人手册,在全美五百大制造业与五百大服务业中,只有六家公司过去十年的股东权益报酬率超过30% | Here’s a benchmark: In its 1988 Investor ’s Guide issue, Fortune reported that among the 500 largest industrial companies and 500 largest service companies, only six had averaged a return on equity of over 30% during the previous decade. | |
30 | 根据投资者责任研究中心(IRRC)和股东诉讼社会投资论坛网络(SIF)的一份报告,2001年 | According to a report by the Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC)and the Shareholder Action Network of the Social Investment Forum (SIF) |