1 | (六)保险公司投资同一公司或者企业发行债券的余额,按成本价格计算,不得超过国家外汇局核准投资付汇额度的 10% ; | (6)The balance of the bonds issued by the same company or enterprise in which an insurance company invests shall be calculated at cost and not exceed 10% of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE; | |
2 | (七)保险公司投资中国的政府或者企业在境外发行债券的余额,按成本价格计算,不得超过国家外汇局核准的投资付汇额度。 | (7)Where an insurance company invests in the bonds that the Chinese government or Chinese enterprises issue overseas, the balance of these bonds shall be calculated at cost and not exceed the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE. | |
3 | (三)在境内从事信托投资和股票业务或者投资于非自用不动产的; | (3)The bank is engaged in trust investment and stock business or invests in fixed assets of non-self use within the country; | |
4 | (四)除中国的政府或者企业在境外发行的债券外,保险公司投资信用评级在 A 级的所有债券余额,按成本价格计算,不得超过国家外汇局核准投资付汇额度的 30%; | (4)The balance of all bonds with credit rating of A in which an insurance company invests , except the bonds that the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises issue overseas, shall be calculated at cost and not exceed 30% of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE; | |
5 | (五)除中国的政府或者企业在境外发行的债券外,保险公司投资信用评级在 AA 级以下的所有债券余额,按成本价格计算,不得超过国家外汇局核准投资付汇额度的 70%; | (5)The balance of all bonds with credit rating of below AA in which an insurance company invests , except the bonds that the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises issue overseas, shall be calculated at cost and not exceed 70% of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE; | |
6 | 春天给树木披上了新叶。 | Spring invests the trees with leaves. | |
7 | 春天给树木披上绿叶。 | Spring invests the trees with leaves | |
8 | 此外,如果中国公司在一家现存美国公司投资,该美国公司可作为向中国提供必要技术的来源地,通过许可证协议,出口设备,还可进行共同研究与开发。 | In addition, if a Chinese company invests in an existing U. S. company, the U.S. company might serve as source of desirable technology for China, through licensing agreements, exports of equipment, and joint research and development arrangements. | |
9 | 大雾笼罩城市。 | Fog invests the city. | |
10 | 大雾笼罩着这座城市。 | Fog invests the city. | |
11 | 当合伙人向合伙企业投入建筑物、存货或其他资产时,他或她就失去了对投入资产的任何个人权利,财产被合伙人共同拥有。 | When a partner invests a building, inventory, or other property in a partnership, he or she does not retain any personal right to the assets contributed. All partners jointly own the property. | |
12 | 第十八条 外商投资企业在中国境内投资于其他企业,从接受投资的企业取得的利润( 股息),可以不计人本企业应纳税所得额;但其上述投资所发生的费用和损失,不得冲减本企业应纳税所得额。 | Article 18 Where an enterprise with foreign investment invests in another enterprise within China, the profits (dividends)so obtained from the enterprise receiving such investment may be excluded from taxable income of the enterprise; however, expenses and losses incurred in such above-mentioned investments shall not be deducted from taxable income of the enterprise. | |
13 | 电力事业投资,实行谁投资、谁收益的原则。 | Investment in the power industry shall implement the principle of "whoever invests , benefits." | |
14 | 对己设立的鼓励类和某些限制类企业、外商投资研究开发中心和产品出口型企业进行技术改造. | When a foreign investor invests in a research and development (R & D)center or in technical renovation of an export-oriented enterprise, | |
15 | 公司向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资的,除国务院规定的投资公司和控股公司外,所累计投资额不得超过本公司净资产的百分之五十 | Except for investment companies and holding companies specified by the State Council, where a company invests in other limited liability companies or companies limited by shares, the aggregate amount of investment shall not exceed fifty percent of the net assets of the company | |
16 | 过文件花大量篇幅阐明进一步实行国有化的各项政策。 | The document invests heavily in policies of further nationalization | |
17 | 和记黄埔地产有限公司发展与投资多个重要物业项目,包括香港的地标商厦,以至伦敦的豪华住宅。 | From landmark office buildings on Hong Kong’s skyline to luxury residential properties in the United Kingdom, Hutchison Whampoa Properties Limited develops and invests in leading real estate projects. | |
18 | 她把自己全部的爱都倾注在丈夫和孩子身上。 | She invests all her love in her husband and children | |
19 | 每年研发投资6亿多美元,在过去的10年内获得了1万多项专利; | invests more than US$600 million annually in research and technology and has received more than 10,000 patents over the past decade | |
20 | 事情从来如此,一种邪恶的行为不管有否这种表征,从来都带有这种厄运的品性。 | So it ever is, whether thus typified or no, that an evil deed invests itself with the character of doom. | |
21 | 它不仅提供总统每一次讲话的详细记录及其每一访问地点的背景信息,而且也投入了大量的时间与人力物力于商业上所谓的“运筹帷幄”。 | It not only provides a transcript of every presidential utterance and background information on every place he’s visiting, it also invests a great deal of time and effort in what’s known in the trade as "spinning" | |
22 | 投资净损失中的权益 | equity in net loss of invests | |
23 | 外国合营者将分得的净利润用于在中国境内再投资时,可申请退还已缴纳的部分所得税。 | A foreign party who re-invests any part of his share of the net profit within Chinese territory may apply for the restitution of a part of the income taxes paid. | |
24 | 为了中国的未来更加充满希望,沃尔玛中国将实施一系列的教育基金奖项和奖学金计划。 | It′s with this in mind that Wal-Mart China invests in the future success of China through a variety of education awards and scholarship programs. | |
25 | 我跟随沃伦·巴菲特的选择进行投资,还阅读有关他对市场的所有看法。 | I follow what Warren Buffett invests in, and read anything I can about his point of view on the market. | |
26 | 现实主义者对当前发生的事件赋予某种意义,使其最终形成历史。 | The realist invests contemporary events with values that are eventually established as history | |
27 | 现在到中国来投资,对日本的将来最有利。 | And if Japan invests in China now, it will benefit greatly in future. | |
28 | 现在我的投资公司在南美、亚洲、挪威和俄罗斯等地都拥有投资。 | Today my investment company invests in South America, Asia, Norway and Russia. | |
29 | 熊晓鸽现任IDG技术创业投资基金的副董事长及合伙人,将美国的技术风险投资实践引入亚洲。 | He is also President of the parent Pacific Technology Venture Fund that operates out of the U.S. and invests through Asia. | |
30 | 在投资后,接受被投资公司以利润转增的资本,其增加额不包括在内。 | Not including any increase in the capital of the other limited liability companies or companies limited by shares in which the company invests arising from any conversion of profits of these companies into capital following such investment. |