属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-宝石交易 南非最有影响力的矿业家族
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-宝石交易 南非最有影响力的矿业家族
1 | ||1:海默家族有2个投资分部:斯托克代尔街资本,主要投资南非的中型企业。||2:非洲塔纳资本,这家与新加坡淡马锡(主权财富基金公司)成立的合资公司则负责其余非洲的业务。||3:除了这些之外,家族还拥有一家尼日利亚的奶粉厂,并计划在近十年中投资在新建5到10个新工厂。 | ||1:The family has two investment arms.One, called Stockdale Street Capital, invests largely in medium-sized firms in South Africa.||2:The other, Tana Africa Capital, is a joint venture with Singapore’s sovereign-wealth fund, Temasek, and invests in the rest of Africa.||3:Among other things, it holds a stake in a Nigerian firm that sells powdered milk, and it plans to build up five to ten substantial firms over the next decade. | |
2 | ||1:在20世纪80年代早期,Dalio就开始积累决策规律以备引导他日后的投资。||2:以后的日子里,他会根据这些规律预测事实的准确度来修改它们。||3:现在这项工作已由计算机来处理,从而得出大量决策规律的组合并将其应用于Bridgewater投资的约100项流动资产中。||4:比如在去年,因为不同寻常的是,在去杠杆化进程中政府债券和黄金会同时涨价,这些决策规律指导他同时握有二者。||5:果不其然,他是正确的。 | ||1:In the early 1980s Mr Dalio started writing down rules that would guide his investing.||2:He would later amend these rules depending on how well they predicted what actually happened.||3:The process is now computerised, so that combinations of scores of decision-rules are applied to the 100 or so liquid-asset classes in which Bridgewater invests .||4:These rules led him to hold both government bonds and gold last year, for example, because the deleveraging process was at a point where, unusually, those two assets would rise at the same time.||5:He was right. | |
3 | 非洲塔纳资本,这家与新加坡淡马锡(主权财富基金公司)成立的合资公司则负责其余非洲的业务。 | The other, Tana Africa Capital, is a joint venture with Singapore’s sovereign-wealth fund, Temasek, and invests in the rest of Africa. | |
4 | 海默家族有2个投资分部:斯托克代尔街资本,主要投资南非的中型企业。 | The family has two investment arms. One, called Stockdale Street Capital, invests largely in medium-sized firms in South Africa. | |
5 | 来自瑞典的投资人Kinnevik就有在该公司的股权,并参与了其他的投资组合。 | Kinnevik, a Swedish investor, has a stake and also invests in its portfolio . | |
6 | “他只投资于肯定能赚钱的生意。” | "He only invests in something that’s bound to make money. " | |
7 | “中国人在基础设施上投资很多,”森说。 | "China invests a lot in infrastructure, " Sen says. | |
8 | 2007年底,谷歌中国已对巨鲸音乐网进行了战略投资。 | By 2007, cereal song China already undertook to network of gigantic whale music the strategy invests . | |
9 | 800亿美元的中国全国社保基金将大约三分之一资产投资于股票。 | China’s $80bn national pension fund invests about a third of its assets in stocks. | |
10 | CeresPartners是一家有投资在农田的公司,自2008年开工以来产生了令人惊讶的16%的年收益。 | Ceres Partners, which invests in farmland, has produced astonishing 16% annual returns since its launch in 2008. | |
11 | Graham是YCombinator的合伙人,其在山景观的公司致力于早期高科技企业的投资。 | Graham is a partner at Y Combinator, a Mountain View firm that invests in very early tech startups. | |
12 | 巴西的储蓄率和投资额太低,印度需要重大的经济改革。 | Brazil saves and invests too little. India needs significant economic reforms. | |
13 | 比起穷人,中产阶级为下一代的投资更多,某种程度上比富人还要多。 | The middle class invests more in the next generation than do either the poor or, in one way, even the rich. | |
14 | 不能让托管人对基金的投资方式及其是否盈利负责。 | A custodian cannot be held responsible for how any fund invests , and whether it makes money or loses it. | |
15 | 财政投入科研经费中的逆向选择与道德风险 | Adverse selection and moral hazard in allocating and using scientific research funds government invests | |
16 | 产业界也大力投资高等教育,以实现贸易立国。 | The industrial circle invests in higher education in a more cost-effective manner too, U. | |
17 | 传统上,巴西向来投资金额不大且储蓄不多。 | BY TRADITION Brazil invests little and saves less. | |
18 | 从一个吸收外资的国家到全球投资大国的转变正在稳步进行。 | The shift from being a country that attracts inward investment to one that invests overseas, is well under way. | |
19 | 担心在以后的资金周转中受到风投公司的压榨。 | They fear getting squeezed by a VC that invests in a later round. | |
20 | 当Harry下班回家了,他花时间在锻炼身体上以使自己健康。 | When Harry comes home from work, he invests time in his health by exercising. | |
21 | 对与岸上基金共同投资的离岸基金投资人的而言,“采拾樱桃”(cherrypicking)是基本要求。 | "Cherrypicking" is a fundamental concern of investors in any offshore fund that co-invests with an onshore fund. | |
22 | 厄奇代表其基金投资的正是这些公司。 | It is these companies that Urch invests in on behalf of his fund. | |
23 | 范德维德表示,私人股本的优势在于能够经受住萧条时期的困难,因为它们的投资期为3至6年。 | Mr Vandevelde says private equity has the advantage of being able to ride out the difficulties of a bad season, as it invests for 3-6 years. | |
24 | 非线性盈亏平衡分析在航运企业投资管理中的应用 | The non-linear and loss balance analysis invests in the management in the shipping enterprise the application | |
25 | 该公司为雇员投资电子学习,还有课堂式会议。 | The company invests in e-learning as well as classroom-style sessions for employees. | |
26 | 该国运用外汇投资美国公债,欧盟主权债务和其他国际债券。 | The country invests in U. S. Treasuries, sovereign debt sold by European Union countries and other international bonds. | |
27 | 该基金最关注的是中国和印度,但它也投资于韩国和日本。 | China and India are drawing the most attention, but the fund also invests in South Korea and Japan. | |
28 | 国家财政投入科研经费监督的博弈分析 | An analysis of game on supervision of scientific fund government invests | |
29 | 海默家族有2个投资分部:斯托克代尔街资本,主要投资南非的中型企业。 | The family has two investment arms. One, called Stockdale Street Capital, invests largely in medium-sized firms in South Africa. | |
30 | 华为:以世界级的物料输送系统投资未来 | Huawei invests in future with world class material handling system |