1 | ( 二)国境口岸内的涉外宾馆,以及向入境、出境的交通工具提供饮食服务的部门,营业前必须向卫生检疫机关申请卫生许可证; | (2)prior to their operation, the port hotels accommodating inward or outward passengers and the restaurants providing service to the inward or outward conveyances are required to apply to the health and quarantine organ for a hygiene license; | |
2 | ( 一)国境口岸和国境口岸内涉外的宾馆、生活服务单位以及候船、候车、候机厅( 室)应当有健全的卫生制度和必要的卫生设施,并保持室内外环境整洁、通风良好; | (1)the border port, the port hotels accommodating inward or outward passengers, and ship, bus and airport terminals, are required to have an effective hygiene system and necessary hygienic facilities and to maintain clean and tidy and well ventilated; | |
3 | (二)分入保险。 | Inward reinsurance. | |
4 | (二)自保险公司汇出本金或者汇回本金、收益之日起 2 日内,向国家外汇局报告有关资金的汇出、汇入情况,并抄送中国保监会; | (2)Reporting to the SAFE about the outward and inward remittance of funds within 2 days after an insurance company’ outward remittance of principal or inward remittance of principal and earnings and sending a copy of the report to the CIRC; | |
5 | (七)保存保险公司境外运用的外汇资金汇入、汇出、资金往来及证券交易的记录、凭证等相关资料,不少于 15 年; | (7)Keeping relevant materials including records and vouchers of the inward and outward remittance of foreign exchange funds of an insurance company for overseas use, relevant fund transfer and securities trading for no less than 15 years; | |
6 | (三)办理外汇资金的汇出、汇入以及相关汇兑手续; | (3)Handling the procedures of inward and outward remittance of foreign exchange funds and relevant exchange procedures; | |
7 | 阿密阳奉阴违地一直缝到黄昏。 | Amy sewed with outward meekness and inward rebellion till dusk | |
8 | 查阅、复制与进出境运输工具、货物、物品有关的合同、发票、帐册、单据、记录、文件、业务函电、录音录像制品和其他资料 | to examine and make copies of contracts, invoices, Book accounts, Bills, records, documents, Business letters and cables, audio and video products and other materials related to the inward and outward means of transport, goods and articles | |
9 | 出口收汇核销单、经海关核验的携带人民币现钞入境申报单或人民币汇入汇款证明,办理出口核销手续。 | The verification and writing-off forms for the foreign exchange collected in export, the entry declaration forms for carrying cashes in RMB upon verification and check of the customs or the certification for inward remittance of RMB. | |
10 | 传入的传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经 | Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord. | |
11 | 从外表向里延伸很远的. | Extending far inward from an outer surface | |
12 | 但这不是内向策略影响农业的唯一手段。 | But this is not the only way inward -looking strategies affect agriculture | |
13 | 第二次世界大战之后,为了阻止这种向内的政策,1944年7月在新罕布什尔市(美国)的布雷顿森林举行了会议 | In an attempt to forestall similar inward -looking policies after the Second World War( 1939-1945)a conference was held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USa. | |
14 | 第一百零三条 金融监督管理部门有权限制或者禁止保险公司向中国境外的保险公司办理再保险分出业务或者接受中国境外再保险分入业务。 | Article 103 The financial supervision and regulation department shall have the authority to restrict or prohibit insurance companies from ceding any outward reinsurance business to insurance companies established without the territory of the PRC or from accepting any inward reinsurance business from insurance companies established without the territory of the PRC. | |
15 | 典型的神经元由树突(接受刺激并向内传导的纤维)、细胞体(接受树突所传来讯息的带核细胞体)和轴突(将神经冲动从细胞体传出至末端突触的纤维)。 | A typical neuron consists of dendrites (fibres that receive stimuli and conduct them inward ), a cell body (a nucleated body that receives input from dendrites), and an axon (a fibre that relays the nerve impulse from the cell body outward to its terminals, the synaptic knobs). | |
16 | 董卓身体肥胖,不能久坐,不一会,即侧身而卧。 | As Dong Zhuo was a very large man, a while of sitting tired him and he lay down facing inward . | |
17 | 对挚爱自然的人来说,内在和外在的感官可以真正地契合,就算已是成年,还依然保持着童稚之心。 | The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other, who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood. | |
18 | 风箱:产生空气射流的机械装置,通常是一个带挠性侧壁的铰接箱体,胀开时通过向内开启的阀吸入空气,压缩时通过排气嘴排出空气。 | Bellows: Mechanical contrivance for creating a jet of air, consisting usually of a hinged box with flexible sides, which expands to draw in air through an inward opening valve and contracts to expel the air through a nozzle. | |
19 | 否则,那个犯罪的男人自己,不论此时站在高处或低位,也会在内心必然的推动之下,走上前来,被迫登上刑台。 | or else that the guilty one himself, in whatever high or lowly place he stood, would be drawn forth by an inward and inevitable necessity, and compelled to ascend the scaffold. | |
20 | 腹膜腹腔壁周围的浆膜,向内折迭以保护内脏 | The serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and folds inward to enclose the viscera. | |
21 | 个人携带进出境的行李物品、邮寄进出境的物品,应当以自用、合理数量为限,并接受海关监管。 | Inward and outward luggage carried by individuals and inward and outward articles sent by post shall Be limited to reasonable quantities for personal use and shall be subject to Customs control. | |
22 | 更注重外表美而忽视内在思想品德 | A concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections. | |
23 | 故用间有五:有因间,有内间,有反间,有死间,有生间。 | Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1)Local spies; (2)inward spies; (3)converted spies;(4)doomed spies; (5)surviving spies. | |
24 | 海关检查进出境运输工具时,运输工具负责人应当到场,并根据海关的要求开启舱室、房间、车门 | When an inward or outward means of transport is Being checked By the Customs, the person in charge of the means of transport shall Be present and open the holds, cabins, rooms or doors of the vehicles at the request of the Customs | |
25 | 海关在查验进出境货物、物品时,损坏被查验的货物、物品的,应当赔偿实际损失。 | If the Customs causes damage to any inward and outward goods or articles while examining them, it shall make up for the actual loss from such damage. | |
26 | 和对其有用的人过从甚密 | Is inward with the right people. | |
27 | 很高兴自己已经淡忘许多当年修读文学时所学的东西--特别是那些核心部分,包括对俗世的忧虑和对世事自以为是的看法。 | Gladly, I’ve forgotten quite a lot of the stuff I learnt as a literature student-especially those inward -to-the-core bits, complete with angst and those me-against-the-world pontifications. | |
28 | 检查进出境运输工具,查验进出境货物、物品;对违反本法或者其他有关法律、法规的,可以扣留。 | To check inward and outward means of transport and examine inward and outward goods and articles; to detain those entering or leaving the territory in violation of this Law or other relevant laws and regulations | |
29 | 将两边都朝内压来打开盖子 | Press both inward to open the lid | |
30 | 她处于半昏迷状态时,她说话的声音低沉,模糊不清。 | Her words were inward and indistinct when she was in a state of half unconsciousness. |