属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-当代哲学 "直觉泵"入门
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗革命 等待真主
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拼拼凑凑见真相 Piecing it together
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams
1 | 心理学研究;心理学术语 | Psychological research;psychological jargon . | |
2 | 摇摆乐行话爵士乐师及乐迷的行话 | The jargon of jazz musicians and enthusiasts. | |
3 | 要记住合同双方的当事人可能会理解合同中某些专用术语,但法官和陪审团却可能一无所知。 | Remember that the parties might understand technical jargon , but the judge and jury who interpret and apply the contract do not. | |
4 | 要紧的是不要被数学的术语所吓倒. | It is important not to be overawed by the mathematical jargon . | |
5 | 要紧的是不要被数学的术语所吓倒。 | It is important not to be overawed by the mathematical jargon | |
6 | 因此,《牛津英文词典》使那些自认为一直在使用最新、最时髦的词汇得人们着实吃了一惊。 | The dictionary contains some surprises for people who think they are using the latest, cutting-edge jargon . | |
7 | 用黑话讲,用术语讲 | To speak in argot or jargon . | |
8 | 用行话说或使用行话 | To speak in or use jargon . | |
9 | 有好几年他只是画图和用一些单词。迈克和我弄懂了那些简单的图、术语、以及用它们诠释的钱的运动规律。在以后的几年中,富爸爸开始加入数字。 | For years he only drew pictures and used words. Mike and I understood the simple drawings, the jargon , the movement of money, and then in later years, rich dad began adding numbers. | |
10 | 语言学家的行话. | the jargon of linguists | |
11 | 在他的手里,诙谐的方言,俚语成了完善的文字武器,轻灵、具体。 | In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon, unemphatic, visual | |
12 | 这是新造的行话。 | It is newly minted jargon . | |
13 | 这文章满篇术语,对我犹如天书. | This article’s so full of jargon it’s just double Dutch to me. | |
14 | 只有母亲才懂婴儿呀呀学语的话. | Only a mother can understand her babys jargon . | |
15 | 专家们常常用行话把外行弄得稀里糊涂。 | Expert often confuse laymen with their jargon . | |
16 | ||1:丹内特的书并不是对此类让头脑发晕的问题的终极答案。相反,他的书是对此类问题的终极思考。||2:这就如同那些有意义的终极思考一样,该书通过让读者对那些深藏于我们内心却又无法言说的信念进行检讨,从而达到自己的目的。||3:这不是一本容易读懂的书。因此,我们希望读者在阅读某些篇章时多读几遍。||4:不过,考虑到丹内特那种明晰、诙谐以及充分为读者考虑而不使用术语的文风所带来的智力上的满足,多读几遍才能读懂正是本书的一大特色,而不是一个瑕疵。 | ||1: Mr Dennett’s book is not a definitive solution to such mind-benders; it is philosophy in action. ||2: Like all good philosophy, it works by getting the reader to examine deeply held but unspoken beliefs about some of our most fundamental concerns, like personal autonomy. ||3: It is not an easy read: expect to pore over some passages more than once. ||4: But given the intellectual gratification Mr Dennett’s clear, witty and mercifully jargon -free prose affords, that is a feature, not a bug. | |
17 | ||1:假借革命之意使得审查肃反合理化。||2: 那些幸免于左派引发的战乱和非宗教信仰者被歌颂为shaheed-e zendeh,英雄。 ||3:正统基督主义舆论也支持长达八年的两伊战争,仿佛古代残暴领袖Yazid和烈士Hussein战斗的续曲。||4:“卡尔巴拉5号”军事行动以什叶圣城—卡尔巴拉命名,在伊拉克防线人工湖—鱼湖附近展开战斗,战争极其残酷,据称有20000伊朗人死亡。 | ||1: Revolutionary jargon justified purges and trials. ||2: Those who survived bombs set off by the radical left and other secularists were glorified as shaheed-e zendeh, or living martyrs. ||3: Fundamentalist rhetoric also fed popular fervour for an eight-year war against Iraq, framing the struggle as a continuation of the ancient fight between the evil caliph Yazid and the martyred Hussein. ||4: Military offensives were named after that sacred Shia site; the last big assault, Karbala-5, fought around Fish Lake, a huge artificial basin on Iraqi defence lines, was also the most wretchedly wasteful. Around 20,000 Iranians are believed to have died. | |
18 | ||1:篇幅有限,危机中的某些重头戏不可避免地被简略带过。||2:对贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟公司崩溃的讨论在书中都只有寥寥几页。不过这样处理也并无不妥,因为它们已经被说烂了。||3:另外,这场泡沫后面的宏观经济因素(如美国国内外的低利率)则完全被忽略掉了。||4:两位作者的关注点始终没有超出美国的范围。||5:麦克里恩女士和诺色拉先生为《名利场》和《纽约时报》撰稿,具有记者对细节的强烈偏好。||6:即使坐着列出了长达八页的人物表和两页的缩略语表,文中对人名、数字和金融术语的罗列有时还是让人吃不消。||7:毫无意义且不知出处的引用也实在太多。 | ||1:Inevitably, some important chapters of the crisis get short shrift.||2:The collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers get only a few pages each, which may not matter so much because they have been so thoroughly covered elsewhere.||3:The macroeconomic forces behind the bubble, such as low interest rates at home and abroad, are all but ignored.||4:Indeed, the authors never wander beyond America’s shores.||5:Ms McLean and Mr Nocera, who write for Vanity Fair and the New York Times, have reporters’ penchant for detail.||6:The litany of names, numbers and financial jargon is at times exhausting, even with the help of an eight-page cast of characters and two-page glossary of acronyms.||7:And there are too many pointless, anonymous quotes. | |
19 | ||1:正如梅所解释的,人们相信这些难捉摸的粒子就是所谓的希格斯场的物质证明,而在大爆炸后不久希格斯场就开始遍及宇宙了。||2:起初,所有的粒子都是没有质量的。||3:正如任何一位物理学家都会告诉你的,这等于是说它们以光速四处飞过;相比之下,就定义来看一个有质量的粒子缓慢多了。||4:不过,当宇宙温度降至低于1万亿度左右,它经历了一个相变:希格斯场突然翻转,一些粒子开始与希格斯玻色子相互作用,而其它粒子则不与希格斯玻色子相互作用。参与相互作用的那些粒子慢了下来。||5:换句话说,它们获得了质量。||6:因此,用物理学家的行话说,某种原始的对称性“自发破坏了”。||7:如果这听起来很深奥,那么梅就展示了它如何导致了复杂原子的形成,从而形成了所有的生命,这点解释了为什么有些人称希格斯介子为“上帝粒子”。||8:笔者还以初等代数的方式提供了基础数学的端倪。(不过梅或他的编辑本可对读者更有信心,而不是把这端倪归进附录)。 | ||1: As Mr Mee explains, the elusive particle is believed to be the physical manifestation of the so-called Higgs field, which has pervaded the universe since shortly after the Big Bang. ||2: In the beginning, all particles were massless. ||3: This, as any physicist will tell you, is the same as saying they zipped around at the speed of light; a massive particle, by contrast, is by definition more sluggish. ||4: When the universe’s temperature dropped below 1 trillion degrees or so, though, it underwent a phase transition: suddenly the Higgs field flipped on and some particles, but not others, began interacting with Higgs bosons. Those that did slowed down. ||5: In other words, they gained mass. ||6: As a consequence, some kind of primordial symmetry was, to use physicists’ jargon , “spontaneously broken”. ||7: If this sounds abstruse, Mr Mee shows how it led to the formation of complex atoms, and thus all of life—which explains why some call the Higgs the “god particle”. ||8: The author also offers an inkling of the underlying maths in terms of elementary algebra. (Though he or his editor could have had more faith in readers and not relegated this to an appendix.) | |
20 | 他将能够确定哪些粉丝比较爱说话,而且大家喜欢听—用专业术语来说就是关键影响因素,并且为他们的洞察力给予鼓励。 | He will be able to identify mouthy fans to whom others listen—“key influencers”, in the jargon —and court them for their insights. | |
21 | “很难将我的工作外包,因为其中包含了太多的专业知识和商业术语,”他表示。 | "It would be hard to outsource my job because there is so much specialist knowledge and business jargon involved, " he says. | |
22 | “满意选择(Satisficing)”,在社会科学术语中表示选择最大号的鞋子。 | "Satisficing" , in social-science jargon , is the sensibly shod alternative to maximising. | |
23 | “装上WindowsPC后弹出来的用户输入区和专业术语常令人困惑,相比之下,我们的屏幕有趣好玩、清楚明白,也很有帮助。” | "Rather than the confusing boxes and jargon that pop-up appear when you load a Windows PC, our screens are fun, clear and useful. " | |
24 | 10.我们将不得不适应一些专业词汇。 | 10. We will have to get used to a new, painful jargon . | |
25 | 1800年初见于印刷品,所载为伦敦罪犯的行话。 | In the year of 1800, it’s shown initially in print, contained in the jargon of criminals in London. | |
26 | IT工程师不停的用一些专业术语来忽悠那些不懂技术的业务经理,以此掩盖他们把事情搞才一团糟的事实 | IT pros frequently use jargon to confuse nontechnical business managers and hide the fact that they screwed up | |
27 | NRC监管范围包括安全升级(管理术语里称作“升级改造”),不过它对任何耗资巨大的升级改造项目都持有偏见。 | The NRC regulation that covers safety upgrades (called "backfits" in regulatory jargon ) is strongly biased against any costly improvements. | |
28 | Rehn先生承认欧盟的“整合能力”(用来取代“吸收能力”的新被认可的行话)一定会被认真考虑的。 | Mr Rehn admits that the EU’s "integration capacity" (the newly approved jargon to replace "absorption capacity" ) must be considered. | |
29 | YouGov公司这项涵盖了英国2054名成年人的调查揭示,sexting一词是2011年最不受欢迎的新科技术语。 | It topped a YouGov poll of 2, 054 adults in the UK which revealed our least favourite new technology jargon of 2011. | |
30 | 把这些行为换做当代经济术语和法律可以被描述成为法国的经济活动创造了一揽子经济刺激计划。 | Turn this into modern economic jargon and Law could be described as creating a stimulus package for French economic activity. |