属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国经济萎靡 奥朗德痛失民心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-广告 仅仅是感情的眷顾
1 | 这消息使我大吃一惊。 | The news gave me quite a jolt | |
2 | 震动造型机, 震实制型机 | jolt molding machine | |
3 | 转板式震压造型机 | turnover jolt squeeze molding machine | |
4 | ||1:标致雪铁龙集团一直处于亏损之中,他们决定关闭在欧奈的工厂,同时裁掉8000名员工,这是二十年来第一个关闭的法国工厂。||2:他们的决定震惊了整个法国这也象征着法国的竞争力问题和社会主义政府的无能为力,虽然他们一直承诺停止私营企业的重组。||3:对于工人来说,他们的生活非常艰难,但是这个计划中的关闭可能至少会有一个有利影响,迫使法国政府认识到国家正在失去竞争力,并采取相关措施。 | ||1:The decision by Peugeot-PSA, a loss-making carmaker, to shut its factory at Aulnay, the first closure of a French car plant for 20 years, and to shed 8,000 jobs across the country has rocked France.||2:It has become an emblem both of the country’s competitiveness problem and of the new Socialist government’s relative powerlessness, despite its promises, to stop private-sector restructuring.||3:Tough as it is for the workers concerned, the planned closure may have had at least one beneficial effect: to jolt the country into recognising that France is losing competitiveness and that the government needs to do something about it. | |
5 | ||1:可再生能源会压低批发电价,比如在正午太阳当头时。||2:这也从灵活性上令投资者犹豫不决,因为天然气发电器需要在无风的阴天里提供后备支援。||3:“市场动态完全被破坏了”,四大电力公司之一的RWE老总Peter Terium说。||4:也有人讨论,电力公司有偿提供产能,而非电力。||5:但这样的支付方式会被市场扭曲理解为政府的另一项补贴。 | ||1:Renewables can depress wholesale prices, eg, when the sun creates a midday jolt .||2:This discourages investors in the flexible, gas-powered generation needed to provide backup for windless, cloudy days.||3:“The market dynamics are completely destroyed,” says Peter Terium, boss of RWE, one of the big four.||4:There is talk of paying generators to offer capacity, not supply power.||5:But such payments would add another subsidy distortion to the market. | |
6 | 传统的智慧认为,灵长类动物击鼓带来的欢乐震撼,即使具有节奏天赋,也不会刺激巧克力棒的销售增加。 | Conventional wisdom doubted that a jolt of joy from a drumming primate, however rhythmically gifted, would spur sales of chocolate bars. | |
7 | 对于央行银行家而言,一个选项是更加热情而且是少一些可预测性地升息,以便惊扰金融市场并提醒投资者世界是不稳定的。 | One option is for central bankers to raise rates more enthusiastically and less predictably, to jolt financial markets and remind investors that the world is volatile. | |
8 | 通过在恰当时候提供一小撮电流震动,它们可以让心脏以适当的速度保持工作。 | By providing a small electrical jolt at the right moment, they can keep a heart working at the appropriate pace. | |
9 | “爱的游行”更增添了一种狄奥尼西奥斯的狂喜。 | The Love Parade added a jolt of Dionysian exuberance. | |
10 | “他们没有我这样幸运,可以经历这一人生的突变,我为他们感到难过,”他写道。 | "I lamented that they had not been blessed as I had, with this jolt to life, " he writes. | |
11 | “有时这种咳嗽造成的震动可以使心跳恢复正常节奏。” | "Sometimes it can jolt the heart into a normal rhythm. " | |
12 | 2月10日,在奥巴马的敦促下,参议院通过了8380亿美元的刺激计划,希望这能激活昏迷的美国经济。 | On February 10th, at Mr Obama’s urging, the Senate passed an $838 billion stimulus package designed to jolt the economy out of its coma. | |
13 | Kinzel知道公园需要一次大的震荡,于是决定建造一个185英尺高的过山车——刚好超过高度纪录。 | Kinzel knew the park needed a jolt and decided to build a 185-foot-tall coaster, just enough to top the height record. | |
14 | Korolyov和工程师很快心里就微微震了一下:信号显示火箭助推器出现故障。 | Korolyov and his engineers quickly got their first jolt : a signal suggesting a problem with the booster. | |
15 | 按照目击者的说法,第二次电击导致他血管破裂,而且皮肤着火。 | According to witnesses, the second jolt caused his blood vessels to burst and his skin to catch fire. | |
16 | 奥巴马解释他所谓的“重拳出击”中最大的部分必须是财政政策。 | The biggest part of Mr Obama’s "jolt " , as he made clear, must be fiscal. | |
17 | 从逻辑上来说,这可能会打压市场。 | Logic might suggest that could potentially deliver a jolt to the market. | |
18 | 但各国央行必须小心行事,因为大量买进可能会让规模相对较小的金市掀起波澜。 | But central banks have to tread lightly, as sizable purchases could jolt the relatively small gold market. | |
19 | 但其他人士则认为,依靠政府刺激措施快速提振经济的阶段已经过去。 | But others said the time for giving the economy a quick jolt of government stimulus had passed. | |
20 | 但是在黎明之前,独自等待破晓的时候,我惶恐不安:我都做了些什么? | But in the mornings, alone before dawn, a jolt of terror: What had I done? | |
21 | 当我们赢得了一把扑克,是多巴胺产生了随之而来的兴奋。 | When you win a hand of poker, it’s a dopamine jolt that’s responsible for the thrill that follows. | |
22 | 当需要一股积极力量的时候,你可以取出来阅读。 | Pull them out and read them when you need a jolt of positive energy. | |
23 | 地震使得海地的电视、手机网络以及无线电台全部陷入了瘫痪。 | Haiti’s TV, cell phone networks and radio stations were knocked off the air by the seismic jolt . | |
24 | 第二天你会在疲惫中醒来,再去跨上你颠簸的咖啡之旅。 | You wake up tired the next day and reach for your morning jolt of Java. | |
25 | 对收集利用车辆行驶颠簸能的研究 | Research of Collecting and Utilizing the Jolt Energy of Traveling Vehicles | |
26 | 对自制双工位气动微震高压造型机的技术改造 | Technical Transformation of Pneumatic Micro-Jolt High Pressure Molding Machine | |
27 | 多年来,智能电网计划一直在筹划之中,但是奥巴马政府给此系统带来了一次震动。 | Smart-grid plans have been on the drawing board for years, but the Obama administration has given the system, well, a jolt . | |
28 | 而乐观有趣的乌干达人James凭借着动人的歌喉每次登场都给观众带来一股欢快的活力。 | James, an optimistic and sweet Ugandan, has a lovely singing voice and gives the production a jolt of bright energy each time she’s onstage. | |
29 | 飞机在飞行中会有较大的颠簸及震动。 | Great jolt and vibration may be occurred while flying. | |
30 | 该公司声称,只是因为有人在受到震惊后而死,这并不能表示Taser公司应当对此负有责任。 | It contends that just because someone dies after receiving a jolt , it does not necessarily follow that the Taser was to blame. |