1 | 格拉夫公司的上市将为钻石市场注入新的活力,随着中国对奢侈品的需求不断上升,该市场欣欣向荣。 | Graff’s flotation would add the latest jolt of activity to the diamond market, which is booming amid rising luxury goods demand from China. | |
2 | 格里德说,令市场可能反弹的一个最明显的途径是自然灾害。 | Mr. Creed said the most obvious way the market could get a jolt is from a natural disaster. | |
3 | 彗星撞击后,火山爆发引起的第二次剧烈震动,可能加速了恐龙劫数的到来。 | After the comet hit a second jolt from volcanoes may have helped send the dinosaurs to their doom. | |
4 | 她听任电话转到自动应答机上,尼克的说话声穿过房间,好象火花塞放出的电,把我给电了一下。 | She let the machine answer, and the sound of Nick’s voice in the house shot through me like a spark-plug jolt . | |
5 | 进一步的试验表明,有些可以从一罐咖啡获得的效果相同。 | Further tests showed that some of the same effects could be achieved with a jolt of caffeine. | |
6 | 就在雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产加剧了西方的信贷紧缩之际,它似乎也对中国的信心构成了重重一击。 | Just as the collapse of Lehman Brothers deepened the credit crunch in the west, it also seemed to cause a sharp jolt to confidence in China. | |
7 | 另一个方面看,闹钟易于将你的思绪从一个奇怪的梦迅速转移到烦琐的日程中来。 | The jolt of an alarm clock, on the other hand, is liable to make your thoughts jump abruptly from a fantasy dream to a nagging to-do list. | |
8 | 另一名男性幸存者对中央电视台说,当飞机冲向陆地时,他感到强震,并且听到很大的撞击声-砰砰砰的。 | A second male survivor told CCTV that he felt a "big jolt " as the plane was coming in to land and heard "big crashes - bam bam bam" . | |
9 | 每次遇到街石引起的震动,从马吕斯的头发中就掉下一滴血。 | At every jolt over the pavement, a drop of blood trickled from Marius’ hair. | |
10 | 美国股指期货SPc1回吐稍早涨幅,在平盘附近交易,反映出投资者信心摇摆。 | U. S. equity futures gave up early gains and traded roughly flat, reflecting the jolt to investor confidence. | |
11 | 美国人希望把重点放在协调一致的凯恩斯式支出上,以便推动全球经济复苏。 | The Americans want to emphasise co-ordinated Keynesian spending to jolt the world economy back into life. | |
12 | 你可能指望你每天的咖啡因的震动唤醒你的大脑并且持续一整天都很兴奋。 | You probably count on your daily jolt of caffeine to wake up your brain and stay sharp all day long. | |
13 | 其次,你会感到几乎是一股有形的渴求,仿佛你的心朝着它的命运的方向拉伸。 | Second, you’ll feel an almost physical jolt of yearning, as though your heart is straining toward its destiny. | |
14 | 其目的是为了防止当其中一个或两个都发生故障时的严重经济震荡,就像瑞银2008年非常接近的那样。 | The aim is to prevent a severe jolt to the economy if one or both of them were to fail, as UBS very nearly did in 2008. | |
15 | 其中一座反应堆所受到的震动,竟然超过其抗震能力近2.5倍。 | One of the reactors was shaken by a jolt nearly two and a half times more powerful than it had been built to withstand. | |
16 | 强迫人们做一些事是不明智的,但有时打破人们关于其集体或个人意识陈规是必要的。 | Forcing people to do something is heavy-handed, but sometimes it’s necessary to jolt people out of their collective or individual rut. | |
17 | 桥头跳车的成因及处理方法 | Causes of jolt on joint of road and bridge and its handle | |
18 | 然而不管大选是否存在作假,“考拉男”都动摇了大众对电脑计票系统的信心。 | But whether or not there was actual fraud, Koala Boy has given a jolt to confidence in the computerised system. | |
19 | 如果财力允许,或许失业一阵子会迫使我变得更加主动。 | Money permitting, maybe a spate of joblessness would jolt me into taking more initiative. | |
20 | 如果共和党人寻求的是令人为之一振,能领导他们奋战的新面孔,那么麦康内尔并不是合适的人选。 | If the Republicans are looking for a jolt of inspiration and a fresh face to lead them into battle, Mr McConnell is not their man. | |
21 | 如果你像我,也从社交和跟很大一帮朋友玩中获取能量。 | If you’re like me, you get a jolt of energy from socializing, and hanging out with large groups of friends. | |
22 | 世界经济需要勇敢且非常规的疗法使之恢复生气 | Bold, unorthodox remedies are needed to jolt the world economy back to life | |
23 | 双流机场秋季飞机颠簸的规律及云图特征分析 | The order of jolt in autumn in Chengdu Shuangliu airport and the feature analysis of the corresponding cloud pictures | |
24 | 它寄希望于,把钱放到人们口袋里会导致更多的消费着花钱,然后给经济一个积极的震荡。 | It was hoped that putting money in people’s pockets would lead to more consumer spending and thus give the economy a positive jolt . | |
25 | 它将为我们的经济带来惊喜,而这正是我们现在急需的。 | And it will provide our economy with the jolt that it really needs right now. | |
26 | 团购提供了一种重要的驱动力,促使人们摆脱日常习惯,尝试新鲜事物。 | Groupons provide an important nudge to jolt people out of their day-to-day habits and to try something new. | |
27 | 完成一些烦人的事情是保证能让你感到一阵心情轻松的一个方法。 | One sure way to give yourself a jolt of well-being is to cross some nagging task off your list. | |
28 | 我不喜欢这个老师,因此,钥匙转动的声音让我感到一阵喜悦。 | This teacher was not my cup of tea and so the sound of the key turning on her gave me a jolt of pleasure. | |
29 | 我不知道凯恩斯关于政府支出更能够使国家摆脱流动性困境的理论是否正确。 | I don’t know that Keynes was ever right that government spending could jolt a country out of a liquidity trap. | |
30 | 我将于十一月加入克莱斯勒公司的事一宣布,亨利·福特肯定感到震惊。 | The announcement that I would be joining Chrysler in November must have been a real jolt to Henry Ford. |