1 | 欧盟已经实施了一系列旨在向军政府施加压力的措施,包括武器禁运、禁发签证和贸易限制。 | The EU has imposed a series of measures intended to put pressure on the junta , including an arms embargo, visa ban and trade restrictions. | |
2 | 然而,当今中国,总体而言,不是一个极权主义的极权主义的国家,也不是一个军政府,也不是一个以独裁者的个人意志而运行的国家。 | However, China today is overall not atotalitarian state, nor a military junta , nor a state run at the personal whim of a dictator. | |
3 | 然而军阀政府拒绝了大多数外国救援。 | Yet the junta rejected most foreign offers of assistance. | |
4 | 然而缅甸悲惨的近代历史表明:当统治者不思改变而民众不断抗议时,流血事件就会发生。 | But Myanmar’stragic recent history suggests that when an immovable junta meets unstoppableprotests, much blood is spilled. | |
5 | 然而这些天来,只有那些区域邻国能真正改变缅甸军政府的做法:东盟,尤其是泰国;印度;还有最重要的就是中国。 | These days, however, if any countries can sway the junta they are the regional ones: ASEAN, especially Thailand; India; and above all China. | |
6 | 三月三十号,军统政权也自行解散,把政权正式移交给了选举出来的继承人。 | And on March 30th, the military junta dissolved itself and handed over formal power to its selected successors. | |
7 | 事实上在布什离任的前几天,美国财务部的黑名单上又新添了军政府的两个亲信的名字。 | Indeed, two more of the junta ’s cronies were added to a Treasury blacklist days before Mr Bush left office. | |
8 | 衰老的反对党领导人(俗称“大叔们”)与军政府的一小撮老年寡头构成了一对奇特的平行线。 | There is a strange parallel between Burma’s geriatric opposition leaders, known as the Uncles, and the junta ’s clutch of aged generals. | |
9 | 随着1995年的那次释放,人们的希望空前高涨,军政府亦允许世界媒体与昂山素季见面。 | Huge hopes were raised by her freedom in 1995, when the junta allowed the world’s media in to meet her. | |
10 | 他们说,这种不信任的一个表现就是,缅甸军政府领导人从来没有到中国治过病。 | One sign of this distrust, they suggested, was the fact that the Burmese junta leaders never travel to China for medical treatment. | |
11 | 他一边问,一边在选项里寻找缅甸的政府官方名称。 | "How about Myanmar? " he asked, spying the junta ’s official name for Burma among the options. | |
12 | 头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。 | Its spokesman, Capt Moussa Camara, wearing a red beret, said the junta wanted to "save a people in distress" . | |
13 | 投票的结果被安排成有利于军政府的侯选人。 | The ballot was rigged to favour the junta ’s candidates. | |
14 | 现在的障碍则是缺乏资金和外国对于军政府的苛刻要求。 | Now the obstacles are a shortage of funds and foreign squeamishness about dealing with the junta . | |
15 | 写一本讨论为什么军阀如次无情的书因此困难重重。 | That makes it hard to write a book whose central question is why the junta behaved so callously. | |
16 | 一旦“敬爱领袖”过世,朝鲜将很有可能不会由“光明同志”统治,取而代之的可能是一个军人集团。 | Once the "Dear Leader" disappears, North Korea will most likely not be run by the "Bright Comrade, " but by a military junta . | |
17 | 一些分析家认为是中国,缅甸的第二大贸易伙伴,推动军政府作出了看似让步的行为。 | Some analysts credit China, Myanmar’s second-largest trading partner, with nudging the junta into what looks like a concession. | |
18 | 在1990年的上次选举中,素季女士领导的党派曾大获全胜,但军政府拒绝承认这一结果。 | The junta refused to honour the result of the last elections in 1990 when Suu Kyi’s party won by a landslide. | |
19 | 在1990年的上届大选中,NLD已赢得了压倒性的胜利,但是军政集团拒绝接受这个结果。 | The NLD won an overwhelming victory in the last elections in 1990, but the junta refused to accept the result. | |
20 | 在丹瑞将军的访问中,印度很高兴给予军政府一个机会,以提醒中国,印度与缅甸也存在礼尚往来。 | India was happy to give the junta the chance, in the general’s visit, to remind China that it is not the only game in town. | |
21 | 在每个阿拉伯国家,似乎政治权利的交替都是按照自己的规则进行;穆巴拉克死后,不能排除在埃及形成一个夺取政权的军政府的可能。 | Succession in each Arab state seems to follow its own rules and, after Mr Mubarak dies, a power-grabbing junta cannot be ruled out. | |
22 | 在他访问前夕,军政府释放了一个被软禁了7年的被拘留者。 | On the eve of his trip the junta freed one prominent detainee after seven years of house arrest. | |
23 | 遭软禁的缅甸反对党领导人翁山苏姬,两年内第一次与军事执政团的劳工部长见面。 | Aung San Suu Kyi, the detained leader of the opposition in Myanmar , met a minister from the ruling junta for the first time in two years. | |
24 | 这场选举游戏对通过政变上台的联邦巩固与发展党有利,该党目前在总理领导之下。 | The playing field is tilted firmly in favour of the junta ’s Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), led by the prime minister. | |
25 | 这次大选与其说是有意将权力交与平民政治家们,不如说是有意借此机会加强军政府自己的力量。 | They were designed not so much to pass power to civilian politicians as to entrench the junta ’s own power. | |
26 | 这个成就了克伦威尔的政权不是理想主义者和一个假定的军事团体之间的简单的争斗。 | The regime that succeeded him was an uneasy tussle between idealists and a would-be military junta . | |
27 | 这个集团尽了最大的可能来阻碍相关的利好成果,这在现在看起来似乎是可能的。 | The junta tried its utmost to thwart the relatively benign outcome that now seems possible. | |
28 | 这意味着要尽力避免刺激偏执的缅甸政府。 | That means avoiding the risk of feeding the junta ’s paranoia. | |
29 | 直到去年,缅甸还是被一压迫性的军事组织所操纵。 | Until last year, Myanmar had been led by an oppressive military junta . | |
30 | 自1962年以来,缅甸由一个军事执政团来统治,正在准备举行20年来的第一次选举,但具体日期还未公布。 | A military junta has ruled Myanmar since 1962 and preparing to hold its first elections in 20 years, but no date has been announced. |