1 | 四、在中华人民共和国管辖海域焚烧处置废弃物和其他物质。 | (4)The incineration & disposal of wastes or other matter in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China. | |
2 | 他对海商案件拥有专属管辖权。 | He had sole jurisdiction in maritime and seafaring causes | |
3 | 他与某些人相互勾结,要我们屈服于一种与我们的体制格格不入、没有为我们法律所承认的管辖权之下 | He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws | |
4 | 它几乎不在该派出所的辖区之内。 | It hardly falls within the area under the police station’s jurisdiction | |
5 | 特殊地域管辖是一种地域管辖。根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》,以下种类的诉讼属特殊地域管辖 | Specific jurisdiction is one kind of territorial jurisdiction. according to Civil Procedure Law of the PRC, the following kinds of lawsuits fall within the area of specific jurisdiction: | |
6 | 特殊教堂受不同于其所在教区之管辖的教堂或教区 | A church or parish under the jurisdiction of a diocese different from that in which it lies. | |
7 | 外国的废弃物不得运至中华人民共和国管辖海域进行倾倒 | No wastes of foreign countries shall be allowed to be shipped to the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of dumping | |
8 | 为此目的,请你们于接电后即召集所属各地委书记和一部分县委书记详细研究一下 | To this end, on receiving this message please summon the secretaries of all the prefectural Party committees and of some of the county Party committees under your jurisdiction to make a detailed study of the following questions | |
9 | 为倾倒的目的,经过中华人民共和国管辖海域运送废弃物的任何船舶信其他载运工具 | Any vessels or other vehicles which ship wastes through the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of dumping | |
10 | 我们时常提醒他们,他们的立法机构企图把不合理的管辖权横加到我们头上 | We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us | |
11 | 我想这类事情该归外交部管。 | I think this kind of thing comes under the jurisdiction of the Foreign Office | |
12 | 西方列强依照领事裁判权对本国在华传教士给予保护。 | The Western powers gave their missionaries in China protection on the strength of the consular jurisdiction they enjoyed | |
13 | 下级海事管理机构对其管辖的海事行政处罚案件 | Where a maritime administrative agency at a lower level deems that a case of maritime administrative punishment under its jurisdiction | |
14 | 香港是中国的一部分。自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。历史上从秦代到清朝,中国一直对香港实行管辖,行使主权。 | Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China. Since ancient times, our ancestors lived and labored on this land. Historically from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. | |
15 | 选择中华人民共和国人民法院管辖的,不得违反本法关于级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。 | If the people’s court of the PRC is chosen to exercise jurisdiction , the provisions of this law on jurisdiction by forum level and on exclusive jurisdiction shall not be violated. | |
16 | 一、向中华人民共和国的内海、领海、大陆架和其他管辖海域倾倒废弃物和其他物质 | (1)The dumping of wastes or other matter into the internal sea and the territorial sea, onto the continental shelf and into other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China | |
17 | 一名不愿具名的美国官员告诉媒体,"安萨回教组织"(Ansaral-Islam)已经进行了几个月的实验,而这个地区并不属于伊拉克总统沙丹.胡笙势力管辖范围。 | An U.S. official, who declined to be named, told the media that Ansar al-Islam, an islamic group, conducted experiments in the past several months. However, that area is not under the jurisdiction of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein | |
18 | 因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者保险标的物所在地人民法院管辖。 | A lawsuit brought on an insurance contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the insured object is located. | |
19 | 因船舶碰撞或者其他海事损害事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由碰撞发生地、碰撞船舶最先到达地、加害船舶被扣留地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 | A Lawsuit brought on claims for damages caused by a collision at sea or by any other maritime accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the collision occurred or where the ship in collision first docked after the accident or where the ship at fault was detained, or where t.he defendant has his domicile. | |
20 | 因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到运地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人民法院管辖。 | A lawsuit brought for general average shall under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the ship first docked or where the adjustment of general average was conducted or where the voyage ended. | |
21 | 因海难救助费用提起的诉讼、由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。 | A Lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged ship first docked after the disaster. | |
22 | 因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖……。 | A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed | |
23 | 因侵仅行为提起的诉讼,由侵权行为地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 | A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile. | |
24 | 因铁路、公路、水上、航空运输和联合运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由运输始发地、目的地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖. | A lawsuit arising from a dispute over: a railway, road, water, or air transport contract or over a combined transport contract shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place of dispatch or the place of destination or where the defendant has his domicile. | |
25 | 因铁路、公路、水上和航空事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由事故发生或者车辆、船舶最先到达地、航空器最先降落地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。 | A lawsuit brought on claims for damages caused by a railway, road, water transport or air accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where accident occurred or where the vehicle or ship first arrived after the accident of where the aircraft first landed after the accident, or where defendant has his domicile. | |
26 | 因在中华人民共和国履行中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合作勘探开发.自然资源合同发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由中华人民共和国人民法院管辖。 | Actions brought on disputes arising from the performance of contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of the natural resources in the People’s Republic of China shall fall under the jurisdiction of the people’ s courts of the People’s Republic of China. | |
27 | 应当在进入中华人民共和国管辖海域15天之前,通报主管部门 | Shall notify the Competent Authority fifteen days before their entry into the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China | |
28 | 在该法院管辖权的范围之外 | Outside the jurisdiction of the court | |
29 | 在技术专家小组向在一成员管辖范围内的来源寻求此类信息或建议之前,应通知该成员政府。 | Before a technical expert group seeks such information or advice from a source within the jurisdiction of a Member, it shall inform the government of that Member. | |
30 | 在中华人民共和国管辖海域以外倾倒废弃物 | The dumping of wastes which is carried out beyond the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China |