属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
1 | (三)海事请求人因合理的原因同意释放被扣押的船舶或者返还已提供的担保;或者不能通过合理措施阻止释放被扣押的船舶或者返还已提供的担保。 | (3)where the maritime claimant agrees to release the arrested ship or return the existing guarantee for justifiable reason; or cannot stop the release of the arrested ship or return of the existing guarantee by justifiable means. | |
2 | (五)拒不执行监察决定或者无正当理由拒不采纳监察建议的; | (5)Refusal to implement the decision of supervision or to adopt the recommendation of supervision without a justifiable reason; and | |
3 | “彻底消灭并不是有理的战争行为” | Obliteration is not a justifiable act of war | |
4 | 《刑法》关于正当防卫规定的不足及修改意见 | On the Deficiency of Regulations Regarding Justifiable Defense in Criminal Law and Its Revision | |
5 | 从无限走向有限:德行社会调适责任合理限度的反思 | From the Infinite to the Finite-A Reflection on a Justifiable Limit to Adjusting Obligation of a Moral Conduct Society | |
6 | 但是,有明显的理由说明,为什么我们一般认为与将父母的过错归咎于子女相比,在一定程度上比将子女的过错归咎于父母更能站得住脚。 | But, there are obviously good reasons why in general we regard it as more justifiable to blame parents up to a point for the misdeeds of their children than to blame children for the misdeeds of their parents | |
7 | 当涉及一个公司的声誉和生存机会时,礼尚往来就不再是合情合理的(特别是送的礼实际上是贿赂时)。 | It is never justifiable to return a favor for a previous gift (especially when it becomes clear that the gift was a bribe)when the reputation and survival of a company is at risk. | |
8 | 第八十三条 仲裁庭应当在仲裁庭组成后 6 个月内作出仲裁裁决书。在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的,可以延长该期限。 | Article 83 The arbitration tribunal shall render an arbitral award within 6 months as from the date on which the arbitration tribunal is formed. At the request of the arbitration tribunal, the Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may extend this time limit as he considers necessary and justifiable . | |
9 | 第二十五条 监察机关依法作出的监察决定,有关部门和人员应当执行。监察机关依法提出的监察建议,有关部门无正当理由的,应当采纳。 | Article 25. Departments and personnel concerned should execute the decisions of supervision made by supervisory organs according to law. Departments concerned, if they do not have any justifiable reason, should accept the recommendations of supervision made by supervisory organs according to laws. | |
10 | 第四十九条反倾销税生效后,商务部可以在有正当理由的情况下,决定对继续征收反倾销税的必要性进行复审; | Article 49. After an anti-dumping duty has taken effect, MOFCOM may decide on justifiable grounds to review the need for the continued imposition of the anti-dumping duty; | |
11 | 第五十九条 仲裁庭应当在组庭之日起六个月内作出裁决书。在仲裁庭的要求下 , 仲裁委员会秘书长认为理由正当且确有必要的 , 可以延长该期限。 | Article 59 The arbitration tribunal shall render an award within 6 months as from the date on which the arbitration tribunal is formed. The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may extend this time limit at the request of the arbitration tribunal if the Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission considers the request justifiable and really necessary. | |
12 | 调整过程中产生的总定时信号跳动中的一部分,其产生原因是不可能完全按要求那样进行调整,而必须等待,直到预分配的调整数字时隙出现为止。 | That component of the total timing jitter produced in the justification process which occurs because justification cannot be carried out on demand but has to wait until one of the preassigned justifiable digit time slots appears | |
13 | 都市计划审议权责划分之研究 | Study on the Delimitation of Justifiable Authority in Urban Planning Scrutiny | |
14 | 防卫限度的历史演变 | On the Historical Evolution of Justifiable Defense Limits | |
15 | 合理的解释、行为、用法 | A justifiable explanation,action,use | |
16 | 很难说是正当的,说不过去 | Be [seem] hardly justifiable | |
17 | 价格承诺生效后,商务部可以在有正当理由的情况下,决定对继续履行价格承诺的必要性进行复审; | After a price undertaking has taken effect, MOFCOM may, on justifiable grounds, decide to review the need for the continuance of the price undertaking; | |
18 | 建构“无谋预的行政伦理”:新公共服务五对概念的比较与检验 | Developing of Non-Conspiracy Administrative Theory: A Comparative and Justifiable Study of Five Pairs Concepts in New Public Service | |
19 | 她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。 | She is justifiable proud of her achievements. | |
20 | 如果说民族自豪感历来无可非议和情有可原,那么,这种自豪感必定不是来自权势和财富,不是来自豪华和荣耀。而且来自坚信民族的纯真、见识和仁爱。美国总统亚当斯 | If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from conviction of notational innocence, information, and benevolence.--John Adams, American president | |
21 | 商务部认为保密申请有正当理由的,应当对利害关系方提供的资料按保密资料处理,同时要求利害关系方提供一份非保密的该资料概要。 | MOFCOM shall treat the information submitted by the interested party as confidential if they consider that the request for confidentiality is justifiable , and shall require the interested party to provide non-confidential summaries thereof. | |
22 | 他的所作所为说不过去。 | What he has done is hardly justifiable . | |
23 | 他竟干出这件事来,很难说得过去. | It is hardly justifiable that he should do it. | |
24 | 我们冀望在下一站马来西亚的比赛中夺取更佳的成绩。 | We are all looking forward to Malaysia where our justifiable expectation is to do better. | |
25 | 应有正当理由的出口商、进口商或任何人的请求,各成员应尽快但不迟于提出评定请求后150天7,公布对有关优惠原产地的评定意见,只要已提交所有必要要素。 | Upon request of an exporter, importer or any person with a justifiable cause, assessments of the preferential origin they would accord to a good are issued as soon as possible but no later than 150 days after a request for such an assessment provided that all necessary elements have been submitted. | |
26 | 应有正当理由的出口商、进口商或任何人请求,各成员应尽快但不迟于提出评定请求后150天,公布对有关货物原产地的评定意见,只要已提交所有必要要素。 | Upon the request of an exporter, importer or any person with a justifiable cause, assessments of the origin they would accord to a good are issued as soon as possible but no later than 150 days after a request for such an assessment provided that all necessary elements have been submitted. | |
27 | 在仲裁庭的要求下 , 仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的 , 可以对上述期限予以延长。 | The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may, at the request of the arbitration tribunal, extend the said time limit if he considers such extension is necessary and justifiable . | |
28 | 这个开端实在太好了,这是千载难逢的好机会,但是她绕了一个弯子,也许这是一个女人有权采用的策略。 | The opening was too good, therefore, to be neglected, though she came to the subject with much of the indirectness and, perhaps, justifiable address of a woman | |
29 | 这仍会留下这样一个更一般的问题:即在眼下已有大型跨声速的超声速风洞可用的情况下,自由飞试验还有没有理由继续存在下去 | This still leaves the more general issue of whether or not free-flight testing can justifiable be continued when large transonic and supersonic tunnels are now available | |
30 | 这是不能够辩解的战争行为。 | That is not a justifiable act of war |